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Eclipse Day
The Eclipse Foundation believes that facilitating networking and face-to-face interactions is important to growing the Eclipse community. One way the Foundation supports these interactions is by encouraging Foundation Member companies to help organize community events. One style of event is something we call an Eclipse Day - a day long event that has a published agenda focused on Eclipse technology. Another style of event are the more informal and shorter Eclipse DemoCamps.
Eclipse Events Interactive Map
The Eclipse Foundation has put together the following program to support and encourage the creation of Eclipse Days by our member companies. If you are interested in organizing an Eclipse Day, please contact [email protected].
Eclipse Days 2018
Eclipse Day India, Date: Saturday, 22 September 2018 @ Bangalore, India
Eclipse Days 2017
Eclipse Day Lyon, Date: November 28 2017
Eclipse Day Grenoble, Date: March 9 - 10 2017
Eclipse Day Milano, Date: September 22 2017
Eclipse Day Criteria
The criteria for an Eclipse Day are:
- At least one Eclipse member company or the Eclipse Foundation is involved in the organization of the event.
- The Eclipse Day must be a community event open to the public, with presenters and sponsors from multiple organizations.
- The event must be at least 1 full day.
- The event program must demonstrate significant content related to Eclipse Foundation projects or technologies.
- There is a public web site that lists the program and registration information.
- Expected attendance for the event must be 50 people or more.
- The event is focused on a certain geography, industry, or technology.
Eclipse Foundation Assistance
The Eclipse Foundation will offer this help to approved events:
- Please email [email protected] to discuss your event and how we can help.
- Sponsorship funds matching those of the other participating sponsors, to a maximum of $1,500 USD. In return for the sponsorship, the Eclipse Foundation requests the access to the attendee list and e-mail addresses, plus sponsor acknowledgement during the event. (Note: we have a limited budget, so it will depend on the number of events organized).
- We will publish a community bulletin on the homepage to drive awareness of the event.
- A listing in the monthly Eclipse Member Newsletter email.
- A listing on the website Events page.
- Wiki space, if needed, for the event's homepage.
Promotional Opportunities Checklist
- Submit a press release or news announcement on your Eclipse Day to [email protected] for the homepage and RSS feeds
- Email details of your event to [email protected] to be posted on the Community Events calendar at and the monthly Eclipse Member Newsletter
- Post details of your event to the Eclipse forums at - is probably best
- Post details of your event to Eclipsepedia at
- Blog about your event - it's especially helpful if the writer's blog is aggregated on
- Record a podcast or video interview on your event and submit it to
- Post details of your event to the Eclipse social networking sites, including Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter (tag #eclipse) and Xing
Text Samples
- Sample text for Call for Talks
- Sample text for Call for Posters
Past Eclipse Days
- Eclipse IoT Day Dresden, March 18, Dresden, Germany
- Eclipse IoT Day Grenoble, March 30-31 2015, Grenoble, France
- Eclipse Day India, 29 August 2015, Bangalore, India Eclipse Day India 2015 Website
- Eclipse CDT Day Ottawa, 14 September 2015, Ottawa, Canada
- Eclipse Day Italy, October 14 2015, Rome, Italy - 10TH Anniversary - Eclipse-IT 2015 Website
- Eclipse Day Rhone-Alpes (Grenoble, France), October 16 2015, Grenoble, France
- Eclipse Day China, 23 October 2015, Beijing & ShenZhen, China
- Eclipse IoT Day Grenoble, 19 February 2014, Grenoble, France
- Eclipse Day Sydney, 2 April 2014, Sydney, Australia
- Eclipse Day Vorarlberg, 29 April 2014, Dornbirn, Austria
- Eclipse Day Florence (special guest IoT, M2M & Embedded), 23 May 2014, Florence, Italy
- Eclipse IDD 2014, 03 June 2014, Berlin, Germany
- Eclipse Day Montreal, 10 June 2014, Montreal, Canada
- Eclipse Day Poland, 11 June 2014, Krakow, Poland
- Eclipse Day India, 20 September 2014, Bangalore, India
- Eclipse Day Italy, 09 October 2014, Genova, Italy
- Eclipse Finance Day, 31 October 2014, Zurich, Switzerland
- Eclipse Day China, 7 November 2014, Beijing & ShenZhen, China
- Eclipse Day Rhone-Alpes 2014, 18 December 2014, Lyon, France
- Eclipse Day Florence, 10 May 2013, Florence, Italy
- Eclipse Day as part of Open Forum's "Software Kompetenz für die Zukunft",16 and 17 May, Esslingen/Stuttgart, Germany
- Eclipse Integrated Development Day, 27 May 2013, Berlin, Germany
- Eclipse Day China, 29 June 2013, Beijing, China
- Eclipse IT 2013, 19 - 20 September 2013, Crema, Italy (near Milan)
- Eclipse Testing Day, 25 September 2013, Darmstadt, Germany
- Eclipse Day India, 27 September 2013, Bangalore, India
- Eclipse Finance Day Zurich, November 2013, Zurich, Switzerland
- Jubula Training Day, 3 May 2012 - in conjunction with Eclipse Day Florence
- Eclipse Day Florence, 4 May 2012
- Eclipse Day Toulouse, 24 May 2012
- Eclipse Integrated Development Day, 30 May 2012, Berlin, Germany
- Eclipse Testing Day, 5 September 2012, Darmstadt, Germany
- Eclipse Day Krakow, 13 September 2012, Krakow, Poland
- Eclipse IT 2012, 20-21 September 2012 at the Air Force Academy in Pozzuoli (Napoli) - ITALY
- Eclipse Day Delft, The Netherlands, 27 September 2012
- Eclipse Finance Day, 16. October 2012, Zurich
- Eclipse Day India, May 6, 2011
- Eclipse Integrated Development Day Berlin 2011, May 9th, 2011
- Eclipse Day Jakarta Indonesia 2011, May 30th, 2011
- Eclipse Embedded Day, Stuttgart , 12-13 July, 2011
- Eclipse Testing Day 2011, September 7th, 2011
- Eclipse Day Italy 2011 22-23 September, 2011
- Eclipse Embedded Day Spain 2011 17 October, 2011
- Eclipse Day Paris, November 8, 2011
- EclipseDay in Valencia, November 30-December 1, 2010
- Eclipse Embedded Day Spain, November 9, 2010
- Eclipse Day Paris, November 5, 2010
- Eclipse Integrated Developement Day Berlin, October 12, 2010
- Eclipse Day in Rome, October 5, 2010
- Eclipse-IT, September 30-October 1, 2010
- Eclipse Testing Day in Darmstadt, September 8, 2010
- Eclipse Day at the Googleplex, August 26, 2010
- Eclipse Embedded Day Stuttgart, June 24, 2010
- Eclipse Banking Day in Copenhagen, June 1, 2010
- Eclipse Day India, April 23, 2010
For a complete list, please refer to Past Events