December Adventure 2023

My goal this year is to spend some time writing uxntal to become more comfortable with the language and Varvara devices.


Wrote a simple clock in Uxntal heavily based on catclock and inspired by the Tokyo Flash Eclipse Neo watch.


Tinkered with line/cicle drawing but didn't get very far. Getting a little more comfortable with the language though.


After worrying too much about optimized line drawing yesterday I returned to tilemaps, which I'm far more comfortable with. I got some basic metatiles working using tiles from Kenney. I also started learning the colemak_dh keymapping a few days ago, which has been quite humbling.


Poked around with porporo, learning about how the wallpaper, menu, and tgachr work.


Went back to the basics with some fixed-width text rendering.


Explored directory reading with the file device.


Added file names and placeholder icons to a grid launcher prototype.


Created a patch to add expanded ROM launching to the stock uxn launcher.


I ceased working on personal computing tasks of any kind after Dec 14th. While the concept of December Adventure is a neat one, I don't think it's compatible with my current place in life, and the impact it was having was more stressful than pleasant.

I may return to personal computing at a later date if I can find a way to blend it better with the rest of my life.