Pelle Wessman

Things about me and the world around us

My 2015 in Freelance

2016 is in full swing and it’s long overdue to take a look back at the past year and what happened then. This is part two of four in a series of posts about 2015.

The start

Bloglovin and IndieWeb aside, after the funemployment of the summer the projects started to arrive in the autumn and now I’ve got plenty to do with lots of freelancing projects of a very varying nature and am gaining new experiences by the day and evaluating, planning and thinking about the upcoming year and what shape and in what direction I will take my freelancing then.

My latest project, which is still an ongoing one with many additions and tweaks to come, is the site for this year’s The Conference which was created with Node.js, Heroku, Stripe, Sass, Browserify, some vanilla JS etc. and which sold a fourth of all of the tickets in just three days without a hiccup and before any speakers had been announced. More tweaks will come and speakers and programs will be added.

As for this year it will start out by rejoining some former colleagues on an interesting Malmö based project until February and after that perhaps a new office at Malmö Coworking. The plans are still not set for the rest of the spring and summer so there’s still a possibility to hire me for whatever crazy project or sweet creation one would want my help or input on. We can always grab a coffee and discuss the possibilities, so send me an email at [email protected] if you think you have an interesting opportunity – tiny or large.

That’s 2015. Quite a lot happened there. And this is 2016. And even more will happen here. But to end things – here’s a full list of the open source projects of mine that I’ve created or updated during the year:

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