I’m a small-town girl with Christian values and high morals. Ok, not a young girl, as a matter of fact, my children are all grown, and I no longer live in a small-town, but that’s where my story begins. I always considered myself a Christian mom while raising my sons with the values that were not only taught at home but in the church that we attended weekly as a family.
The church I’m referring to was back in my hometown, the same one I attended as a young person and learned the values I still have today. This church was where I taught Sunday School and all three of my boys were confirmed as Christians after attending 3 years of confirmation classes. While they were growing up and learning right from wrong, both at home and in school, this church assisted me in reinforcing those Christian values.
What are Christian values? Historically, the term Christian values refer to the teaching of Jesus and taught by Christians throughout religion history. A Christian, which I consider myself, is a person who believes in God and tries to follow the Christian teachings of Jesus. I say ‘tries’ because no one on this Earth is perfect; we all make mistakes and even fail at times.
Christian values to me are something we should all strive for in our everyday life. These include hope, righteousness, love, being kind to one another, having compassion and empathy for those in need, and putting God first. Evidence of someone having, or not having these values come from our deeds and actions. These deeds, actions, and treatment of others are not only in one’s personal life, but in our businesses and community involvement.