Read and order Issue 27 issue here!
Message from Typehouse’s EIC, Val
Greetings new and old Typehouse friends.
As you may have noticed, Typehouse has gone radio silent for quite a while. Although there are a few factors, the biggest is that I (Val), have been dealing with some health issues for the last couple of years that became overwhelming, Typehouse has been a labor of love since 2013, which meant that while it takes a lot of time, it does not earn money, and when things became overwhelming for me, Typehouse slid to the side.
However, as things are starting to come back together, we are looking at getting Typehouse back on its feet at a slightly smaller scale. This means that for now we are suspending our print issues, because while we loved being able to hold the issues in our hands, they take a good deal of time and money. Instead we will be doing a few online issues a year, which will still allow us to treat each piece with the same amount of care, but maintain a steady workflow. Our guidelines are likewise being revised, and you can read more about that on the submissions page.
All other Typehouse emails and critiques are in the process of being responded to.
Typehouse has been incredibly important to me for over ten years, and as so many magazines are closing, I really do not want to let everything we have done fade away. While I do hope to branch out again with Typehouse, rebooting it at a manageable level will allow us to maintain it even when time and energy is limited.
Thank you for your support over the years, and we look forward to working with more of you, as well as returning friends.
Thank you,
Val Gryphin, EIC