Saturday, October 29, 2016


When I started my blog back in 2009, never in my wildest dreams did I ever think it would evolve as it did.

I have made so many friends and acquaintances across continents, oceans, seas and many in my own backyard who I probably would have never otherwise met. You have  all touched me very deeply and have gotten me through some very dark and scary times during the years.  To each and every one of you, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

After much deliberation, I've come to the decision that it is now time to put my blog to rest.  I will not take it down so that you can still access my many "First Friday Freebies" and BOM's.  Continue to enjoy them.  

I've enjoyed writing every post and more importantly, have read each and every comment that hundreds of you have left throughout the years.  

So from all of us here at The Painted Quilt, Ollie, Frankie, Mr. Painted Quilt and myself, we bid you 'adieu' and as always,

Happy stitching!


sunny said...

Thank you Kaaren for all that you have given to the Quilting Community! Just last night, I put the finishing stitches in the Snowman quilt that I won on you blog in early 2014. It was a lot of fun to put together. Continued good wishes for wherever life takes you. Hugs....

Ariane said...

Thank you for all you've shared with us. I'm wishing you and your family all the best from now on! Hugs!!!

Loris said...

Kaaren, we will all miss you but certainly understand your decision. You have continued generously inspiring and sharing with blogging quilters despite some hefty challenges of health and moving house as well. We have learned and enjoyed so much from you! You were one of the first commenters welcoming me into blogland many years ago and for that, I have always been grateful. I will keep you in my prayers for your best health and enjoyment of your sweet family and interests. Thank you for all the inspiration! Quilty hugs and prayers from California :-)

Quilting Babcia said...

Best wishes to you and yours. I've enjoyed reading your blog though haven't always commented.

Donna~~ said...

I'll miss you. I've lived vicariously through you and your adventures, fantasizing about moving to Canada and having a lovely getaway, and seeing the landscape around you. I wish you the best with your new direction.

Monica said...

I am sorry to read this, but you always have to put your own well being first. Thanks so much for all the inspiration and motivation you've provided! You really have been so generous with us all. Take care!

Mary said...

So long, farewell hope you can rest. Praying for the peace you need. Thanks for all the quilty fun projects over the years.

Mama Bell said...

Your talents have enriched mine! And my home is more beautiful because you shared your creations with us. You will be blessed for your generosity! Thank you, you will be missed.

GrandMary said...

We will miss you and all of your talents that you have so generously shared through your blog. I wish for you much happiness and contentment- scattered with that occasional splash of joy- that always takes our breath away. Mary


Know that you will be missed--alot--
Thank you for all your posts and for all the patterns you created for us to enjoy--
may only good and wonderful things and people come your way-

Dianne Cook said...

To Kaaren

Thank you or all the wonderful years. You will be missed by all your blog followers.
We wish a happy future with no more pain.

gracie said...

You will be missed by all of us. Thank you for keeping the blog alive so we may enjoy re-reading and find those wonderful freebies. I will be thinking about you and the Mr as well as Frankie and Ollie.

Lori said...

Take care of yourself, Kaaren! Thanks for many fun blog posts!

Tina said...

I am so sorry to read this and you will be sorely missed! Thank you for sharing your talents with us and your beautiful pictures of your quilts and your lovely puppies. Giant Hugs to you and yours!!

Sandra Alamo Hernandez. said...

Muchos besos y abrazos.

GailM. said...

Thanks for all your blogger work. Take care.

Sophie said...

So sorry that you stop, another blog stopping, less and less blogs on line.
Sophie from

Janet O. said...

You have been a delight, and an inspiration. So happy to have been able to enjoy you and your blog for so many years.
You have been in my prayers with all of your health challenges. Do take care. We do what we have to do!

andsewon said...

Thanks so very much for sharing your wonderful creativity with so many over these years! You will be missed. Take care and Godspeed.

Kate said...

Kaaren, you're going to be missed. Take good care of yourself. Hugs,k

Clare said...

I am sad to see you move away from your blog but hope and pray you enjoy the next part of your life`s journey. I have so enjoyed your post on your blog. Happy Stitching

michele said...

Thank you for sharing over the years. I have followed your blog from very early on and enjoyed it greatly. I will miss your posts. Blessings to you and your family.

Kate/Massachusetts said...

I have followed your blog from the very first post! You've become one of my "imaginary friends"! vbg I will miss out blog visits very much. I wish you the very best! Will you occasionally visit on Facebook?

Unknown said...

I will miss your blog. Wish you all the best.

Jacqueline said...

Never say never....I hope you change your mind down the road as I will miss reading your posts. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.

T Holzer said...

Kaaren, I'm glad that we got to know each other during this past year or so and I pray for your continued healing and your next season of life. Take care.

Carin said...

I will miss seeing new blog posts, although I didn't leave a reply very often, I always read it through the email alerts. Maybe we see each other on facebook? Take care friend

Angie in SoCal said...

WE will miss you. Many blessings.

Nancy in IN said...

Bless to you and Mr. Prayers to continued success.

Nancy in IN said...

Bless to you and Mr. Prayers to continued success.

Northern Quilter said...

Thank you for bringing a bit of the Maritimes to this transplanted Canadian. I'll miss your posts about quilty things, your fur babies, and your photos of familiar places. Blessings to you.

Melinda Ruth said...

Though I rarely left a comment I have followed you with every post since 2012. I wish you, Mr. Painted Quilt, Ollie and Frankie all the best. I will miss your cheery writings and quilt tips and projects. Here's to your health and a fabulous life.

Vroomans' Quilts said...

Many blessing to you - thank you for all you have shared with us over the years.

Unknown said...

Very sad news... I have enjoyed your blog and wish you all the best.

marie said...

You will be missed by the quilting world. You share so much, many have learned from you. Even when you shared sad health news it was like visiting a friend. Peace be with you.

Sharon Brown said...

Even though I sensed this was coming I am still very saddened. I loved keeping up with your blog, and I learned a lot, but mostly I just enjoyed your projects and adventures. Thanks so much for sharing your huge talent and wonderful personality with us over these past years. I wish you health and happiness, Kaaren.

MaryB said...

You will be dearly missed. I have enjoyed reading your blog through the years and learned much. I will continue to look back often try new blocks and continue to learn more from you. God bless in your journey! You never know one day we may open this page or as an email follower be surprised with a pop up email of an update post. God bless Mary
[email protected]

Patti L. said...

I am truly so sorry to see you move on....I have followed you for many years from upstate N.Y. to our move in 2010 to Las Cruces, N.M. I have loved each and every project you created for all of us to enjoy. Your blog has been inspiring. I have also prayed for your health and comfort along the way. Wishing love, peace, joy and will surely be missed!!

Unknown said...

Karen, thank you for sharing your quilting life with us. I have learned so much from you, and have tried quilts that would have otherwise intimidated me. You will be missed. I wish you health and happiness, and no more pain.

Debbie said...


Lesley said...

Your wise words will be missed, for sure! You've had quite a ride and have inspired so many! All the best to you, Mr. Painted Quilt, and your little munchkins! Sending hugs...

Sherry said...

Thank you for all you've done for us. We will miss you much. Take care of yourself.
Wishing you health, happiness and joy!

lynneUSA said...

Totally understand your decision and wish you nothing but love and best wishes

cahirasnana said...

Karen, Thank you for all the inspiration you have provided. Wishing you all the very best as you travel the next stage of your life journey.

LynnJ in Wis said...

Thank you so very much, Kaaren, for sharing your time and talent. I've enjoyed your patterns and blog and all the pet reports and pictures. I wish you the very best, my thoughts are with you.

celkalee said...

You have been an inspiration and a gift to the blog world. I am so sorry that you have had to make this decision but I understand how much work a blog can be. Here's hoping you the very best and know that we are all out here wishing you love and peace.

Renuka DS said...

Sorry to see you say goodbye to your blog ,
I enjoyed reading your blog , hope you enjoy
your retired life, wish you good health

Joyce Carter said...

Kaaren, I have enjoyed your blog and will miss you very much. But I understand completely. I just want to thank you for sharing so much with us. It was appreciated more than you know. I wish you the very best in the future. I hope your health improves and you are blessed with much happiness. Take care of yourself.

Unknown said...

Kaaren, I have thoroughly enjoyed reading and following your blog. I was just thinking of you today and wondering if you would be posting soon. Even though you are wrapping up your blog, you will always remain active in our quilting thoughts and endeavors! I hope all of you have a restful fall and pleasant holiday season. I always enjoyed seeing Frankie and Ollie curled up by the woodstove keeping warm. Wishing you all the best.
With warm regards,
Carolie Ediger

WoolenSails said...

I have enjoyed seeing your posts, even though I haven't always posted to them, and only wish the best for you.


Verna G said...

Very sorry to see you go.I have enjoyed your blog so very much. My home is brightened by some of your designs. Hopefully you will enjoy renewed good health!

cleta said...

Karen,May God keep you and yours in his loving arms. Journey On. Thank you

Lori said...

Karen, I have enjoyed following your blog. Take care, and when our hearts are telling us something, sometimes we need to listen. The different seasons of our lives make us richer by being obedient. Thank you for all you have shared. And bless you all on your next venture.

Kris said...

Kaaren - You will be missed here but we will see you on Facebook!!

Shirley--Knot-y Embroidery Lady said...

I will miss your generous spirit. Thank you for all of your sharing. My prayers and thoughts are for you and the Mr. to feel surrounded with love and peace as you head on down the road.

pascale said...

thank you for all you have given !

margaret said...

like everyone else I ahve so enjoyed your blog, enjoy your retirement from it and I wish you all the best

Maria said...

I have enjoyed following and reading your posts .. thank you for all the beautiful projects you've shared with us over the years.
All the best wishes for your loved ones , fur babies and yourself. Hugs 🤗 said...

Thank you, Kaaren, all the best and adieu!

Annelies said...

I will miss you and your wonderful blog, but hope to find you on Facebook !

Unknown said...

Thanks for all the inspiring blogs and patterns Kaaren, I wish you all the best!

Françoise69 said...

Merci beaucoup, Karen, pour tout ce que vous nous avez apporté. Prenez grand soin de vous.

Judy said...

You will be missed. You've created some beautiful quilts and memories. Thank you and God Bless.

Sandra Altava said...

ah! não! Que pena,o mundo dos blogs está mais pobre e sem graça sem vc. sinto que perdi uma amiga,cuide-se e se quiser voltar quando melhorar estaremos aqui.Forte abraço saudades.

Sandra Altava said...

ah! não! Que pena,o mundo dos blogs está mais pobre e sem graça sem vc. sinto que perdi uma amiga,cuide-se e se quiser voltar quando melhorar estaremos aqui.Forte abraço saudades.

conny's quilts en creaties said...

Dear Kaaren I will miss your blog. But thank you for sharing so much at it. I wish you all the best!
Kind regards, Conny

Mimi said...

You will definitely be missed.

Material Girl said...

You will be missed. I thank you for the lovely patterns and inspiration. Wishing you well.......

DebbieM said...

Thank you so much for your inspirations over the years. Your guidance, generosity, and grace in such tough times have given us all hope that no matter what life deals us, we can persevere. I wish you nothing but the best. Prayers for your health, and happiness for your family. Your friend in Pennsylvania,

Marlene said...

I miss you already. Wishing you all the best.

Carole said...

Thank you Kaaren for all you have given to quilters. Best wishes to you and your family. Sending a warm hug from Arizona. Prayers to you.

Kaylene said...

Dear Kaaren,
You will truly be missed in the blog & quilting world. The best to you & Mr. PQ in your next journey. Spending time together & enjoying every minute will be a wonderful bonus for you. Many prayers for your health to keep improving and wishing much happiness to both of you. Thanks for all you have shared with us.

SharonH said...

Thank you for letting us be part of your world. God Bless you and yours.

suesinger said...

We will miss you very much. Hope your health continues to improve and we will hear from you once in a while.
From Los Angeles

Susan M said...

Thank you so much for all the energy and inspiration you have put into your blog posts over the years. I have loved peeking into your home, studio, garden and surrounding countryside. You will be sorely missed.

Kathy MacKie said...

Adieu dearest Kaaren, know that you have touched the hearts of those who have got to know you through your blog, you will be missed but I wish you well on the next stage of this amazing journey we call Life!

Candace said...

I feel as though I am a kindred spirit, Kaaren. I too have been dealing with pinched nerves in my lumbar spine and so relate to the horrible nerve pain. I'll miss lurking around your blog, and photos of the furry boys, but completely understand. I wish you well and hope that relief is in sight. I've so enjoyed your posts over the years.
Take Care!

Chris@Cats On My Quilts said...

I have been a reader from the beginning but not much of a commenter but wanted to send you best wishes here. I used to blog too but in the midst of having a few surgeries and some health problems I stopped about 5 years ago. It was actually a relief. But I now am active on Instagram and love that. Much easier and quicker than blogging so if the spirit moves somewhere down the line, try that. I wish you good health and happy days.

Donna W said...

Kaaren - Sorry to hear you are giving up the blog. I enjoyed reading it and learned a lot from you. Best of luck in the future. You will be missed!

Michele T said...

I have thoroughly enjoyed your blog and posts, so this is sad and you will be missed, but I wish you all the best!!!

Susie H said...

Thank you, Kaaren, for all you've done to inspire us along the way. Best of health & happiness to you!

Anne said...

Oh Kaaren I'm so sorry to hear this. I'm wishing you well and will think of you fondly and often!

Sandi said...

Sorry to hear that you will no longer be an active blogger. I hope that you will be able to continue in some lovely creative endeavours that you will be able to share with us. All the best in your journey ahead.

Needled Mom said...

Thank you for all of the fun sewing you have shared with us over the years, Kaaren. It has been a thrill.

Gayle said...

Best wishes for whatever comes next. Thanks for your generosity - it's been a pleasure knowing you!

Gale said...

Thanks for sharing your ideas and talent in quiltmaking. I will miss you. Best of luck in your future. Remember that you are wonderful.

textilefiend said...

You have been a wonderful inspiration to so many. I too will miss your blog. I am still working on your lighthouse quilt! I hope to finish it soon - I will send you a picture when it is finished.

Blessings for your future.

Janet in Sydney.

Kathleen said...

It has been wonderful knowing you and I wish you the best of luck in your future. Thank you for sharing and your generosity on this blog....your quilting is just lovely. I will miss your posts.

God Bless you....

Polly said...

Thank you so much, Kaaren, for your many years of blogging! We have all enjoyed being inspired by your creativity!! Yogi says goodbye to your own sweet Westie, too! Be well and happy!! God Bless! Polly

Karen said...

I will miss your blog posts. You are such an interesting person. Good luck!

Steven said...

Thank you for sharing the beautiful quilts and designs over the years. They have been truly inspirational. I bought one of your thread sets and can't wait to use it in one of my projects. I have the fabric and everything all bagged together and ready to go. Wishing you continued progress towards better health and all your transitions.

Kathryn said...

Thank you Kaaren for all that you've shared with us. I've loved your quilt and embroidery designs. I enjoyed seeing your homes and your studios, and little Ollie. Best wishes to you. I will miss you.
Take care, Kathie

Lindah said...

Kaaren, such a lovely blog you have written over the years. Thank you. You will be missed. My best to you and yours.

Merilyn said...

So sad to see that you are finishing up with your blog. I have always thoroughly enjoyed reading it over the years and been inspired by what has inspired you with your creations!! I've watched you move house a couple of times, enjoyed seeing your chickens and garden, and your wonderful furkids...I know your health has had it challenges in recent times, I wish you well Kaaren and hope that you continue to use your needle and thread to feed your creative soul.....take care dear lady, I wish you all the very best that life had to offer!.....

Rike Busch said...

What a pity! I loved to tead your blog. Thank you for the many freebies and lovely posts other the years and all the best for you!
greetings from Germany, Rike

Libby said...

I am so sad to see you go, you were one of my first inspirations when I became serious about sewing and quilting again. I am glad you are keeping it up, because I have been and will continue to go back and forth to it. I too wish you and your family well. I cherish all the stories of your animal family (as I too have an animal, or should I say, a "truly furry friend" Take care ! Hugs!

A Texas Fan !!

Maxine said...

Very sad news. Thank you for years of inspiration. And thank you for leaving the blog active. I am not finished with your lovely patterns. Do take care of yourself. I will miss you.

Wendy Caton Reed said...

I wish you peace and happiness in your life. And I hope you get lots of hand stitching time. You have touched the minds and hearts of thousands and I thank you for all your inspiration! Take care my friend!

LoriCR said...

Kaaren you have been an inspiration to all who read your blog. Thank you for always brightening my day. Your generosity of the free patterns, quilting advice and everything you wrote was delightful. Wishing you continued healing and happiness. Lori

Ruth K said...

I wish you well. you were one of the first blogs that I started reading, when you started your raggedy ann, although I liked I didn't know if I could follow trough, but I did and prevailed and it was one of mi very first quilts (full size) that I made, it has a few hiccups but it turned out beautiful, I gifted to my mother. But I was so glad and proud of myself thanks to you. I can't never thank you enough, all the work that you put on it to just give away unconditionally. Thank you again and God Bless you and Mr. P.

barcord said...

Oh Kaaren. You have brought so much enjoyment into my life through your quilt designs and sharing your news of life with Mr PQ and your lovely pets. I shall miss you so much. I sleep under Safe Harbor each night, so you are not far from my thoughts. May I wish you good health and the peace of God that passes all human understanding. Farewell. Enjoy your retirement from Blogland. Much love, xx

Carole Y. said...

Thank you Kaaren for your inspiration and all you have shared with us.

Best wishes to you and yours.


Anonymous said...

There is a first and last of everything. Thank you for so generously shared your life and your art.
Hugs from across the pond and the best for all of you.

Heartsdesire said...

I will miss your wonderful photos of Ollie and Frankie, and all your beautiful quilts. Especially the ones made with my favourite Civil War fabrics. Thank you for sharing so much of what you do. Writing a blog can sometimes become very stressful. I hope you find harmony and happiness and something else that you love to do. Hugs from the south end of Vancouver Island. Judith

Linda said...

Kaaren sending a big thank you for all that you have shared in your life and with your art. It has been a pleasure to 'know' you through your blog. Thank you for years of inspiration. Adding another thank you for leaving the blog active. Take care and enjoy everyday with Mr Painted Quilt, Ollie & Frankie.

Thank you again with Hugs to All!


karmyl said...

Thank you very much for your generous contributions to the blogging world. I wish you the very best in where ever life may lead.

Silvia LGD (Little Green Doll) said...

Thank you for all these years blogging. We will miss you! Good luck! Hugs from Barcelona (Spain)!!

Elyte said...

Best wishes to you Kaaren, it was lovely meeting you. Many thanks for sharing.

Elzaan said...

Live long and prosper!
Thanks for your contributions and sharing so much of yourself.
You will be missed, in a good way.
Best wishes to you and Mr. PQ.
May you always be happy and your needs satisfied.

Alcea Rosea 31 said...

Thank you for your lovely blog. It has been a joy to read.

Pam in IL said...

Thanks for all that you've shared with us. Wishing you much happiness and keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

Francis Gortmaker said...

Best wishes and thanks for all!

Sheila said...

Thanks for everything you have so generously given to us all over the years, I have enjoyed stitching many of your designs . I hope your health improves so you can once again enjoy some machine time but so happy you can still have done stitch . Take care and all the best .

Ronda said...

Kaaren I will miss you out in cyberspace. I have truly enjoyed your blog! I have learned so much from you and your love of quilting cooking and caring! I wont say good bye just hope to see ya later!

Puri said...

Adiós, ha sido un placer leerte he aprendido mucho de ti, no solo patchwork, también tu fuerza y manera de afrontar los contratiempos de la vida.

Seguiré visitando tu blog siempre que lo necesite, y por supuesto pensaré en tí.
Un abrazo y gracias por tu generosidad.

Gail said...

Hi Karen,

I've been away from the blog community myself for a year an a half now for family reasons. Finding your farewell post saddened me greatly, but I do understand and wish you many hours of happy stitching and designing, wherever that takes you. Your input in the blog community will be missed.

I thank you, personally, for the inspiration and creativity you and your designs have always sparked in me. I have gotten so much from reading your posts and enjoyed the little snippets of your life that you shared with all of us. Good luck and God Bless you.

Gail in NH

Jenny of Elefantz said...

Bless you lovely Kaaren. xxx

Julie said...

Hello Kaaren, I have been a follower but have only popped in to comment on the very odd occasion. I shall miss you greatly as your blog was always one of my very favourite places to visit. I love your designs & all that you create & just wanted to say a huge THANK YOU for all that you have shared with us over the years. Wishing you much health & happiness all the way across the oceans & the miles x x x

Quiltgal said...

Best Wishes

Annelein said...

Thanx for all the lovely FFF, thanx all the blogs you posted... thanx for....Y*O*U

xxx Willeke

Sandra Henderson said...

Yours is One of my favorite blogs! I've followed for a long time-
I suppose when you began, or shortly thereafter. I had some major life changes in my life and drifted away from catching up with you frequently-
But always popped in and caught up. Oh how I will miss visiting ...
I know this is all so difficult comprehend and manage.
I'm so sad that you have to deal with this crap! Ugg! So frustrating!!!!!!! Your grace shines through. What a lady.
Could you email me your address?
[email protected]

Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. I don't so Facebook. God bless you and your husband. I think merry maids is a great idea! I smiled when I saw those happy ladies. Keep on going one day at a time and doing what the hell you want to do!!!!! Go get em Kaaren! Cheering for you ...

The Quilted Finish said...

I have enjoyed your generous creative spirit for all the years you have blogged and even before that when you had decorative painting projects in magazines. The blogging community will really miss you. Enjoy the extra time doing what you do so well , creating beautiful things! Best wishes to you and Happy Holidays. Rowena xo

Maura@Lilac Lane Cottage said...

Hello Kaaren, you may not remember me but I used to have a blog about our little Lilac Lane Cottage in the country in Kansas a few years back. I understand how you feel, it was a difficult decision for me to leave my blog as well, but I must say that for me it was the right choice. I have made good use of the time that I spent working on my blog and I know you will too. Enjoy your life! Take care. Maura