Sitting here tonight, reading all of y'alls great New Year's Eve wishes and remembrances has been wonderful. It renews my faith in all of us that even with the past year full of trials, loss of jobs, triumphs, personal conflicts, joyous moments and sadness...not a one of you has lost hope. Twenty ten brings with it the promise of an exciting year full of new adventures and opportunities. I did a post last year detailing my own resolutions for 2009. Y'all have each extended a hand of friendship to me that I never dreamed of finding and proved time and time again what strong men and women you each are...unique in your gifts and your ability to give with nary a thought of personal gain. How lucky am I in having been included in your lives through 2009. As bad as it was for me, y'all were the silver lining in my cloud. I'm reprinting that post and what I felt last year...I still feel tonight. Y'all have proven that integrity, honesty and hard work are alive and well. Thank you my sweet friends! You know how I said in my previous post I wasn't going to make any New Year resolutions. Well, I changed my mind. In reading some of my friends New Year's posts and comments that have been left on mine during 2008, it got me to thinking. I only started blogging in August of this year, but it has opened a whole new world to me of women who are fantastic! In light of this, I've decided to form the Junking Woman Lovers Club. Now it's open to all who will join me in my resolutions for 2008. No haters, posers or fakers allowed. Sincerity will be the annual dues and are payable over the course of the year. These will be real easy resolutions to keep if you're feeling it. If you're not or if you really like tearing someone else down to make yourself look better or passing off someone's great ideas as your own or constantly patting yourself on the back or well, you get the idea. I suggest you now click off because frankly we don't need your participation or fake dues. But if you really like this idea, I'll list my resolutions and you can join by commenting. I'd also like to say some of y'all are already charter members. You have been so wonderful and giving, you've set the bar high. OK, ready then? Here goes:
- I resolve to always have my sisters-in-business back at all times. If she needs something and I have it to share, it's hers. This may be in setting up for a show, tearing down or just an itch on said back. If she needs an extra two hands, she's got them. This also means I will not use said back as a launching pad. You will never find my footprints on the back of your favorite tee. I'll gladly let you stand on my shoulders, but never try to climb up my back and I'll stay off yours.
- I resolve to never talk about someone behind their back. If I have a gripe or complaint, I'll take it to the source. I'll risk a b---h slap for honesty. I also resolve to try and avoid those who like to stir you-know-what!
- I resolve never to question someone else's taste. We're all different and that's what makes us each unique. If you love it, I love it for you, even if it is dog butt ugly to me. Always!
- I resolve never to borrow someone else's idea without permission and when I do I further resolve to give credit where credit is due. This is a big one but there is just way too much stealing (let's just call it what it is) out there and it has got to stop.
- I resolve to share ideas, tips, locales, recipes, love advice, sources and just about anything you can think of to help you stay in business. I do draw the line at Cat Daddy unless you really, really need him then we'll negotiate.
- I resolve to listen when you need someone to listen. I'll even let you whine and have a little pity party if necessary. Heck, I'll whine with you and I'll provide the cheese.
- I resolve to never repeat anything you tell me if you tell me not to. This one is very important. Everyone needs to let off steam now and then and one needs to know it's not going to come back and bite one on the butt.
As we roll into 2009, we don't know what lays ahead. It's important we protect the friendships we have made and protect each other. Feel free to add any resolutions I may not have thought of. So let's all tighten up those bra straps, slap on some lipstick and make money. If not money, new friends in 2009. Now what do you say, let's go put on a show in the barn!!!
I'd like to add that this is not limited just to women. There are some wonderful men out there who have rocked my world and in my mind that makes them honorary members for not being afraid to put themselves out there time and time again! Y'all know who you are!
Now, go have a wonderful New Year's Eve and I'll be talking to y'all next year!