Viewing the task list

February 26, 2025

ID 190998

You can view the list of tasks that are created in Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console.

To view the list of tasks,

In the main menu, go to Assets (Devices) → Tasks.

The list of tasks is displayed. The tasks are grouped by the names of applications to which they are related. For example, the Uninstall application remotely task is related to the Administration Server, and the Find vulnerabilities and required updates task refers to the Network Agent.

To view properties of a task,

Click the name of the task.

The task properties window is displayed with several named tabs. For example, the Task type is displayed on the General tab, and the task schedule—on the Schedule tab.

See also:


Scenario: Configuring network protection

Scenario: Finding and fixing software vulnerabilities

Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business Advanced: Adaptive security of your company
Web and device controls. Data encryption. Centralized and convenient management from a single console.
Kaspersky Premium Support (MSA): High‑priority incident processing
Telephone and web ticket support. Fast response, monitoring and health check. Submit a request and activate the contract (MSA).