As I approached Seattle on I-5 North, there was a huge rainbow arching over the city. No joke. I took it as a sign that it was going to be a good day.
Out of the thirteen pages of notes I took on Devin's presentation, here are a few gems I want to share:
- Creatives are intuitive strategists.
- Branding is the intersection of creativity and business solutions.
- Your brand should be distillable to a single word. If it can't be, it's probably just not good enough.
- We are bombarded with 30,000 marketing messages per day (New York Times). You have to set yourself apart. Therefore, branding should be about Radical Differentiation. Narrowly positioning yourself is emotionally counterintuitive. It does not feel good. But you have to do it.
- Brand Identity = What a company thinks of itself. Brand Image = What others think of a company. The closer together these two things are, the better. (Think Apple vs. Microsoft)
- Brand image is not about marketing. It's about behavior.
- The more comfortable a brand is with their identity, the more they will concede control to consumers to shape their's not about sending messages into the world, it's about having a conversation.
- Most logos are blue; blue inspires a lot of indifference.
- The truth about who you are is not the same as the truth about how you're different.
- Strategy provides structure for creative.