Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
DITA-XLIFF-RT-4X2.0.2.zip 2015-11-19 2.8 MB
DITA-XLIFF-RT-4X2-readme_revised.txt 2015-02-28 7.4 kB
(previous)DITA-XLIFF-RT-4X2.0.1.zip 2014-04-27 4.0 MB
DITA-XLIFF-RT-Schnabel.wmv 2011-12-08 20.1 MB
Totals: 4 Items   26.9 MB 0
DITA-XLIFF Roundtrip for OT


This tool will transform an entire DITA project into a single XLIFF file, so you

can translate the XLIFF file, then transform the translated XLIFF back into

DITA. It is designed to work with the DITA Open Toolkit 1.8.

Two versions of each plugin are provided:

* The `v12` variants generate or convert from the XLIFF version 1.2 format  


* The `v2` plugins create and read XLIFF version 2.0  


In the instructions below, `-v*` is used to refer to either the v2 or v1.2

versions of each plugin, such as `plugins/xliff-v2` or `plugins/xliff-v1.2`.

Choose the appropriate plugin depending on the XLIFF version supported by your

localization service provider or translation toolchain.

Installing the Plugins


1.  Download the latest distribution package for the plugins from:  


2.  Unzip the package to the `plugins` directory of your DITA-OT installation.

3.  From the root directory of your DITA-OT installation, run the start command

    for your operating system (either `startcmd.bat` or `startcmd.sh`).

4.  In the `startcmd` environment, run the following command to integrate the

    new plug-ins into your toolkit installation:  

        ant -f integrator.xml

Cleaning the Output Folders


To ensure reliable results, you need to clear out the output directory each time

you run one of the conversions.

On Windows systems, you can do this with the `clean.bat` files that are included

in the plugin distribution. You will need to change the extension back to .bat

to make them work (the .txt extension was added to work around over-zealous

virus checkers).

Take the .txt extensions off the following files:  

* `ditafromxliff-v12/out/samples/ditafromxliff12/must-clean4each-round.bat.txt`

* `ditafromxliff-v2/out/samples/ditafromxliff/must-clean4each-round.bat.txt`  

* `xliff-v1.2/clean.bat.txt`  

* `xliff-v2/clean.bat.txt`  

Running the Conversions


These instructions will provide a starting point. You can use the samples and

just leave everything else as is. Or you can use your own DITA sample projects

and do more robust testing. To do that you will need to edit the integrator and

build files.

DITA to XLIFF sample


1.  Go to the `plugins/xliff-v*` directory of your DITA-OT installation,

    depending on the XLIFF version you want to generate.

2.  In the DITA-OT command window, execute: `ant -f integrator.xml`.  

    (You only need to do this once.) 

3.  Look at the `sample.ditamap` file in the `samples/guitars` folder.

    The sample build file points to this map in the `args.input` property. 

4.  In the `xliff-v*` directory, execute `ant -f build_dita2xliff.xml`. 

5.  Go to the `xliff-v*/out/samples/xliff` folder.

    Note the `d_x.xml` file. This is a valid XLIFF file that has all your maps,

    topics, and required structure to translate and reassemble your DITA

    project. Feel free to translate it with your favorite XLIFF editor.  

    Note: if your CAT tool uses custom extensions, you may need to include its

    XML Schema in the XLIFF to DITA step.  

6.  Change the name of the translated file to `d_x_translated.xml`, and place

    it in the `plugins/ditafromxliff-v*/in` directory.

XLIFF to DITA sample


1.  Go to the `plugins/ditafromxliff-v*/in` directory, depending on the XLIFF

    version you generated in the sample above. 

2.  In the DITA-OT command window, execute: `ant -f integrator.xml`.  

    (You only need to do this once.) 

3.  Take a look at the `d_x_translated.xml` file (the same file you translated).

    The build file is pointed at this XLIFF file. (Saxon 9 uses the schemas in

    this folder to validate the XLIFF file.) 

4.  In `plugins/ditafromxliff-v*`, execute `ant -f build_ditafromxliff.xml`.  

5.  Go to the `ditafromxliff-v*/out/samples/ditafromxliff` directory.  

    Look in the `translated` folder. You will find your translated DITA project.

6.  SMALL BUG: If you want to re-run this step, you must first remove the

    `deleteme.txt` file (or run the `must-clean4each-round.bat` script).

DITA to XLIFF (your files)


To run the conversions on your own projects, you must edit a few files.

1.  RECOMMENDED: Copy the source files for your project to a new subfolder in

    the `plugins/xliff-v*/samples` folder (i.e. `xliff-v*/samples/my-project`). 

2.  Edit the value of the `args.input` property on line 27 of the Ant build

    script (`xliff-v*/build_dita2xliff.xml`) to point to your map.

    Change the line that looks like this:

        <property name="args.input" value="samples/guitars/sample.ditamap"/>

    to something like this:

        <property name="args.input" value="samples/my-project/my-map.ditamap"/>

3.  Then follow the remaining steps as listed above for DITA to XLIFF sample.

XLIFF to DITA (your files)


1.  Translate the XLIFF file that was generated by the `xliff-v*` plugin. 

2.  RECOMMENDED: Change the name of the translated file to `d_x_translated.xml`,

    and place it in the `plugins/ditafromxliff-v*/in` directory. 

3.  Then follow the remaining steps as listed above for XLIFF to DITA sample.

Note: To ensure that Saxon 9 can validate the XLIFF file, make sure the schemas

are available in the `in` folder.

Note: If you want to change the file names or directory structure, you will need

to edit the `integrator.xml` file, and the `build_ditafromxliff.xml` file.

Known Limitations (I'm working on these)


1.  You must delete the output file from the `out` directory each time you want

    to run `ditafromxliff`. 

2.  If your main map links to maps or topics that are not in folders adjacent 

    to or below the main map, the results will work, but the nesting will be a 

    little weird. I am working on a scheme that counts the levels of 

    difference, and builds a deep hierarchy to accommodate.




The 1.8 plugin depends on:

    plugins/xliff-v2/integrator.xml plugins/xliff-v2/plugin.xml

    plugins/xliff-v2/build_dita2xliff.xml plugins/xliff-v2/xsl/d2x.xsl

    plugins/ditafromxliff-v2/integrator.xml plugins/ditafromxliff-v2/plugin.xml




The 1.8 plugin depends on:

    plugins/xliff-v1.2/integrator.xml plugins/xliff-v1.2/plugin.xml

    plugins/xliff-v1.2/build_dita2xliff.xml plugins/xliff-v1.2/xsl/d2x.xsl






Based on `DITA-XLIFF-RT-4X2-readme.txt`, last modified 2014-04-26 17:52

Source: DITA-XLIFF-RT-4X2-readme_revised.txt, updated 2015-02-28