fredag 14. oktober 2016

Tags for Scrappiness

Hei igjen, 

Jeg fortsetter min uke som gjestedesigner hos Scrappiness.

Denne gangen har jeg til og med laget utfordringen!! Bli med da vel! Sjekk ut i bloggen til Scrappiness
Her er mine tags, herlige farger med akrylmaling og ulike stensiler

Back with some tags, made for Scrappiness as Guest Designer this week. 
Acrylic paint and stencils - so fun!

Her har jeg brukt litt forskjellig maling, blandt annet denne fantastisk herlige fargen fra Dylusions.

mandag 10. oktober 2016

Gjestedesigner hos Scrappiness

Hei hei :)

Denne uken er jeg gjestedesigner hos Scrappiness. Butikken med masse scrappegodis!
Tusen takk til Lone <3 br="">
Her er en dobbel art journal med en salig blanding av maling, stempler, stensiler etc.

Hi there :)
This week I am Guest Designer at the Norwegian shop Scrappiness. A shop with lots of scrapbooking goodies!
Thank you so much Lone <3 br="">
Here is a double spread art journal , using acrylic paint, stamps, stencils, magazine images etc. 3>


Her har jeg brukt sort + hvit gesso

gel medium

diverse stempler fra Prima og Finnabair

diverse stensiler fra ARt Anthology

Archival Ink stempelputer (sort watering can)

Kommer tilbake med mer senere i uken!


onsdag 21. september 2016

New art journal

Here is a double spread in my new large  journal. This time a collage/Mixed media page

onsdag 14. september 2016

New art journal

Last Saturday I found this amazing book at a lokal fleemarket. It's a book with lots of woman magazines from 1946.

This is a kind of book I have been looking for for ages, for my art journaling. 

First page finished yesterday

I gessoed the page first because of the thin pages. The lady on the page is from the original page and here I used clear gesso. 
Filled the page with some acrylic paint and Gelato. 
Also used some of my newest stamps from Everything Art. Love the color wheels!

Hope you liked my post. This post was made from my cellphone, so I'm not sure how the post look.
Totally forgot to edit my photos as well :)


mandag 1. august 2016

Redesigned bottle

Hi there, long time now.

I've been busy doing nothing, aka summer holiday.
Had some fabolous weeks off work, travelling both to Mallorca and here in Norway.

My latest project is a redesigned bottle from Ikea. (the content was some juice, but that's all gone)

First I covered the bottle with a coat of black Gesso.
Next I used Finnabair's awesome  Art Alchemy acrylic metallic paint.

After all was dry I used some molding paste and a stencil.

Next covered part of the bottle with old buttons, laces ,  findings, metal pieces , flowers  etc.

Covered the whole thing with black gesso  and so came the fun part, going wild with the metallic paint again.

Really loved the result! (my hubby wondered if I had been seeing Pirates of the Carribean again, because it looked like some of the old treasures in the films LOL)

Hope you liked my bottle and got some inspiration to do the same!

onsdag 13. juli 2016

Forget perfect embrace imperfection - art journal

Here is an art journal inspired by the class by Magda Polakow as a part of the year-going class at Everything Art.

Made by bits of scrapbook papers, acrylic paint, gelatos and of course, my childish drawings.

Wishing you all a lovely day!


tirsdag 28. juni 2016

Cherish the moments - DT 2Crafty Chipboard

Hi again,

Today I'm showing the last of my projects for 2Crafty Chipboard.
The photo this time is from our trip to London last year.
While walking around in the streets of London I noticed this beautiful "scene" so I had to take some photos. Loved the look of the old bicycle and the flowers, together with the brick wall.

And I tried to create the scene I saw with lots of chippies by 2Crafty Chipboard.

So with this post it's my farewell to the amazing 2Crafty Chipboard team and the gorgeous chippies.
I will for sure make more layouts with those chippies , but not as a design team member.

Wishing the new team all the best, you'll have a fabolous time!!

Until next time,
hugs from

mandag 27. juni 2016

Be yourself - DT 2Crafty Chipboard

Today is a special day for me, my last post for 2Crafty Chipboard.
It's been a fabulous year and I have loved every second of it!
Amazing chipboard and so easy to use! My favorites are the titles and the background panels.

Thank you Vanessa for having faith in me and your generosity.  Love you!

And thanks to my fellow team-members, it's been an awesome ride!
 Wish you all the best!

One of my farewell-layouts

Hugs and kisses