Transforming Communities through Trauma Healing
Restoring wellbeing through the power of God and the care of others helps people thrive even while they live in difficult circumstances.
Traumatic experiences cause spiritual and emotional wounds whether from war, violence, natural disasters, disease, abuse, addictions, extreme poverty or displacement. When people find healing for their heart wounds, their lives are transformed. They are better able to engage with God and other people, and take a more active role in their communities.
At the heart of our method is a book called Healing the Wounds of Trauma: How the Church Can Help, which contains a set of practical lessons that lead people on a journey of healing. At the heart of the book is the Bible, which tells us about the love of God. Along with the wisdom of the Bible, the book includes proven mental health practices. Healing the Wounds of Trauma or portions of the materials are available in over 175 languages, and new translations are being added all the time. Besides the classic program for adults, versions of the program are available for children, teens, refugees, military, those in correctional facilities and those suffering from generational trauma, as well as for people from another major world religion.
Story-based Trauma Healing adapts this proven approach in an oral program for people with high rates of trauma but low literacy—including those who speak minority languages with no written form. It also appeals to those who are literate but simply prefer oral communication. It is designed for high flexibility and rapid deployment by church leaders and laypeople. Story-based materials are available or in progress in more than 80 languages.
SIL equips people and organizations to experience Healing the Wounds of Trauma and put this method into practice themselves, in their own ministries. It is designed for anyone to use, with simple language and clear ideas that are easy to understand. It is most effective in small groups, led by trained and certified facilitators who don’t need to be professional counselors.
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