Best Looking Bag Under Sunny Day
Handbag-perfect tote, that is not too big or too small.
More to mention, stands when it is placed.
We pursued for the best size which your everyday commodity
: make-up bag, mobile phone, lunch box, can fit in.
This tote bag fulfills your expectations in a sunny lunch time.
Size, Perfect For Notebook
Nowadays, with every words are digitalized on screen, writing on a piece of paper with a sharpened pen always provides us with fresh inspiration.
To create a unique idea, what you need is to grab your favorite magazines and coffee tumbler from this favorable middle tote bag.
For those of you who prefer laptop, don’t worry.
This bag properly functions as you need.
Big Tough Tote
One of the ways to be refreshed: go to gym.
However, heavy bag with training-wear, drinks, towel, shoes, bathing suit, etc besides your everyday commodity is not always refreshing.
So, we offer you this light and tough basic tote bag.
With this bag, you can put all your belongings together.
This tote will also help you when you are in need to go on a sudden short-trip.
Wrapping Case, Your Original Phone Case
Obviously iPhone is an aggregation of electronic components.
蝉 Semi considered to cover electronic devices over analogue case.
How to make difference from other digital devices users is often a controversial issue for connoisseurs.
As well as secular changing wallet and bag, we came up with an idea of i-phone sleeve that enhance your stylin’!
That is ‘wrapping case’.
As of word, this phone case wraps your iPhone with its special texture.
This sleeve uses pigskin beneath the case, so that it modulates its shapes, with its outer cover, tarpauline day by day.
Your iPhone sleeve becomes highly original, fitting comfortably in you hands.
No worries for screen cracking for it being protected with soft materials.
蝉 semi のiPhoneケースは、纏うケース。
Origami is a traditional japanese paper craft
that we, Japanese, are familiar with from childhood.
From young, we fold paper into various shapes. As you might already know, the most well known example of origami would be paper cranes.
This origami case was created by chance, while we were playing with this material folding iPhone.
We named this case after origami since our producing process resembled the motion of folding origami.
After trial and error, we then found out that, this 'supposed to be' iPhone case goes well with card case use.
This iPhone case is full of possibilities that even we might not have discovered them yet.
iPhone も使う人次第で楽しみ方は十色ですが、このiPhone caseも使う人次第でさらに新しい発見があるかもしれません。
iPad Combines Portability Of iPhone And Visuality Of iMac.
We 蝉 semi came up with this product that combines both tastes of iPhone case and bag.
Beside '蝉 semi' ness style,
As well as 蝉 semi original iPhone case, we selected pig skin as an inside fabric so that the case fits perfectly to the tablet.
Also we applied two snap buttons, so as to 蝉 semi shoulder bag, in order to enhance the strength and support.
Enjoy your iPad life with our 蝉 semi product.
蝉 semiらしいカタチの、ケースです。
だとすれば、蝉 semiが作るiPad caseも、iPhone caseと鞄の両方の良さを併せ持つ、蝉 semi らしいカタチを作るべきだと考えました。
デザインとしての蝉 semiらしさをもちろんのこと、
内側にピッグスキン(豚革)を張ることで端末の大きさにフィットする iPhone caseの良さを継承しつつ、Shoulder Bagと同様、スナップを2つにすることでサポート性も兼ね備えました。
あなたらしいカタチの、iPad caseを選んでください。
It's Multi-Variety Shoulder Bag
The fit feel is essential for any modern men who engage in any activity.
The amount of content depends on everyday.
One day, you have a laptop.
The other day, you might not have a laptop.
蝉 semi offers you to have a best comfortable fit, according to the amount of content you carry.
With our discussed consideration, we provide you with 3 levels of snap buttons at the back to adjust the length of flap to utilize your needs.
Also you can customize your original bag if you change the color of flap with your feeling of the day.
Our shoulder bag satisfies your all greedy needs.
Comfortable Clutch With Natural Hold
When holding a laptop, or Macbook itself, people tend to carry it using one hand on either side of their body.
On the other hand, people who carry it with its case on seems to have difficulty holding it since those cases are often over-sized, functioning only as a protector.
So here, we offer you a comfortable clutch style bag, which enable you to have a sufficient protective case with natural hold.
We got this innovative idea from students in Paris who carried textbooks and notebooks in their crutch bag walking balmily.
Natural posture of holding is made possible, by attaching handle to case itself, and clutch also works as an accent of its design.
Please walk along with your MacBook with great facility.
ヒントを得たのは、こぞって書類やノートをクラッチバッグに入れて颯爽と街を歩いていた Paris の大学生たち。
Totable size, best fit to carry around with your daily items.
Your favorite hard covered book, iPad, single-lens reflex camera….
Whatever comes up to your mind, just put it in, and let’s take a walk!
小さなショルダーバッグならではのかわいいサイズ感を求めて、 寸法の微調整を繰り返しました。
We have been creating Tote bags…
We have been creating Shoulder bags…
Therefore we naturally came to this shape.
Carry the tote bag on our back.
The new shape will become the new option for you.
From march to may of 2011, Roppongi streets was decorated with flags made by designers around Japan. Roppongi Commerce Association organizes a series of events like the Designer’s Flag Competition that culminate in the Roppongi Art Night. Probably some of you can remember it. Before 2010, the flags were thrown away. Now Semi re-design it into Tote bags and sells it to the same designer that created the flag graphics. Please take a look in some of the coolest designs.
Flags are the after use of Tokyo Designers Week 2010(TDW2010). With TDW2010 commemorating 25th anniversary, the expected theme was ‘Environment’ x ‘Design’. Above all, ‘Nakadai Project’, which collaborated with Nakadai industrial vender, was the most appealing work following the theme‘Environment’ x ‘Design’ for it suggesting the prospect for the new possible design using industrial discharge. Flags are designed by, Guenael Nicholas, a designer who is famous for his versatile talent. He designs interior of UNIQLO, mobile phone, perfume bottle and so on. For this 25th anniversary, he created bright blue called ‘LOVE BLUE’, highlighting the space.
These materials are the Nakadai sunroof that are abandoned and became industrial discharge. Thousands of industrial wastes, from pen to iron and steel scrap, are carried to Nakadai, the vendor of industrial waste, in Gunma. Sunroof are gathered at the corner of waste-collection point where the sounds of pressing the iron and steel for recycling purpose are pervaded. 蝉 semi and Nakadai develop tough and light bag exclusively using high quality sunroof as a collaborate project.
This flag was used and displayed at Tokyo Designers Week 2011. This event accommodated record-high 91,239 people. “LOVE -ARIGATO-” was a seasonal theme for the year 2011, which many neo-challenges were seen. For example, not only design creative, but also workshop and musical event from which children to adults could enjoy were organized: Tohoku reconstruction project, “Tohoku to the future” and “Mori wa Umi no Koibito” by Louis Vuitton. Flag design is done by Germany neo-architecture, Florian Buschs. Theme of ‘LOVE’ is expressed in his color-use and in his simple font, strong will of reconstruction is suggested.
This flags were used at NIKE MIYAHSITA CUP that was presented by Nike in Miyashita Park in 2011 summer. This event was unprecedented event because all electric devices used at this event were developed by solar energy and human-powered electricity generator. This tournament gathered attention from audience not only domestic but also oversea' because Nike organized this tournament at night from creative approach even though sports at night opportunities were limited since there were electricity saving measurements in Japan. Also this product became the first case that Nike Japan permitted second use of their advertising.
This flag was used and displayed at art fair TOKYO FRONTLINE.Started in 2011, art fair TOKYO FRONTLINE’s mission is to promote young Japanese artists with future potential,to make art goods, to hold symposium, to give out awards, thus increasing the power of art of today’s generation and challenging the platform.The art fair takes place in 3331 Arts Chiyoda, one of new venues for Contemporary Art in Tokyo.
In 2012, this material was displayed in Tokyo Marathon Expo as an advertising for running wear from global sports brand. Material patron has unique polka dots and its wear has an innovative technology to offer ventilation and lightweight for runners.
Our philosophy is simple, yet strong willed.
Our mission is to keep products alive and to help products arise from distinction.
In a process of each member working in a vast designing business, we realized that increasing amount of goods and textiles are turning over and becoming leftover with new collections coming in and out.
Our approach is to extend the cycle of design to let the chain of struggle ends.
その葛藤を葛藤のままで終わらせないために、蝉 semi はデザインの寿命を長くしています。
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