Showing posts with label Camping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Camping. Show all posts

Monday, October 8, 2012

Edisto Getaway

Hello Everyone! I hope you all had a great weekend! This past weekend my husband and I got out of town in the camper for the hubs 54th birthday. We stuck close to home this trip since he had surgery 3 weeks ago and doesn't quiet have all his strength back. So we went to one of our favorite places, Edisto Beach.  We are truly blessed to live so close to not one but two of the most beautiful beaches on the East Coast.
 As much as I love the warm weather, I am definitely ready for it to cool down. It was almost 90 degrees on Friday and Saturday! Hardly Fall weather, but we were lucky it was such a nice weekend.
Saturday we took a 4 mile bike ride on a nature trail inside the state park. 
The photos aren't the best quality ,as I took them with the phone. My husband didn't want be to put the Nikon in the basket of my beach cruiser.....  jeez.. why not? :)

                                   The salt marsh in the early morning, we were riding over a little bridge.

                                         This is a large Oak Tree. The roots were salt water soaked and gives the                                                   appearance of driftwood.The detail in the wood was so pretty.
                                  The part of the trail we took was on an ancient shell mound, this mound of   
                                  Oyster shells  was  about 15 feet high.

                                                This is Store Creek along the nature trail path.

                              After a two hour ride and picture taking we went and grabbed some lunch.

              The other side of the Pavilion is a bar where this rather large crustacean was standing!


Then we hit the beach for a bit it was so pretty out. We couldn't get a spot on the beach side of the Campground this trip, we had to stay down the road at The Oaks . The campground was lovely, and so was the beach!

My husband loves to cook, and when we camp he does all the cooking.This is what I him  for his birthday. This my friends is the Camp Chef Explorer! It is a steel and cast iron two burner stove. I am so lucky to have a husband that cooks, and does it so well. This stove is great ! If you camp a lot it is super to have, and  there are several different models.

         The weekends seem to go so fast.. this was a lovely way to spend it. Have a great day!


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all had a joyous holiday season. I think 2011 just flew by! It is hard to believe it is 2012! I don't know, it seems  the older I  get the faster the years seem to pass..Does anyone else feel that way? I am so looking forward to a great 2012, with the birth of our grand daughter in March, and our other son getting married in April. I have also decided my resolution is NOT to have a resolution. I  have goals I want to achieve for the new year,I particularly want to concentrate heavily  on my Sea Chic Jewelry, and becoming more fit, among other things. I don't need to make a resolution to do these things. personally, I think New Year's resolutions are silly...  but that is just me.
 We rang in the new year  at the beach with our annual camping trip with friends. The temperatures were in the low 70's during the day  and in the 50's at night. Beautiful camping weather! I found some great driftwood, but his past year was not a great year for sea shells at our beach unfortunately. Here are a few photos my husband took during the weekend. I am already looking forward to our next trip very soon to Edisto where the shelling is great. Have a fabulous Wednesday!


Sunday, June 26, 2011

Glamour Camping

Camping. It is something I have done an awful lot of in my lifetime When we camped when I was a  child, we roughed it . We started camping on a beach that we got to by boat. It was an inexpensive mini vacation for us as a family on the weekends. Eventually, we spent a month in the summer camping the east coast from  CT to NH, VT and Maine then we headed to the Woods of Quebec Canada .Tents, sleeping bags, food and cooking utensils, that was it. It was a great experience a child, I   always  loved camping and still do. I am much older now, and roughing  it would be ok except I wake up with aches and pains in the morn,, and I like air conditioning and a bathroom. so we rough it in a 30 ft camper, that has all the comforts of home.

This is camping as I know it...

                                 Camping is a relatively inexpensive vacation .

We are able unplug ourselves from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and get back to what is really important.

Enjoying  one an other's company, being active in the outdoors and becoming one with nature.

 I love  laying outside looking at   at the size of the sky and all the twinkling stars..

State and federal parks across the United  States make it possible to enjoy what each of our beautiful  states have to offer.
 OR...... You can  go glamping..
An abbreviation of 'glamorous camping'; glamping involves all the luxuries of home. 'Glampers' stay in yurts, tipis or luxury caravans, instead of basic tents. This  is Camping  taken to the next level.. well, way beyond the next level, This approach  to  camping  originated in the 1990's. when wealthy travelers   came to Safari in Africa and stayed in upscale tents ,and glamping was born.This  caught on in Thailand, Europe then the United states..If you like sleeping under the stars, but roughing it isn't exactly for you, then give Glamping  a try.

For information on Glamping in the United States. click here. Would you like to Glamp or would you prefer basic camping?
