Discover more of our presentations and articles over the past years.
*Please note that older presentations may contain outdated information.*
Presentations from SC24, November 24
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Slinky: The Missing Link Between Slurm and Kubernetes
Skyler Malinowski & Tim Wickberg, SchedMD
Presentations from Slurm User Group Meeting, September 2024
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ORNL Site Report & Feature Discussion
Matt Ezell and Paul Peltz, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
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Bringing in Robust, Memory-Driven Affinity to Slurm
Edgar A. León, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
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Step Management Enhancements
Felip Moll, Oriol Vilarrubí, and Brian Christiansen, SchedMD
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The Evolution of Slurm at CSCS: From Monolithic Service to Multi-tenant vService
Gennaro Oliva, CSCS
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Slinky – Slurm Operator
Skyler Malinowski, Alan Mutschelknaus, and Marlow Warnicke, SchedMD
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TrailblazingTurtle: A Comprehensive Web Portal for Maximizing HPC Resource Utilization
Simon Guilbault, Université Laval
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Field Notes 8: How to Make the Most of Slurm, and Avoid Common Issues
Alejandro Sánchez, SchedMD
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Enabling Event-Driven Workflows With AWS and the Slurm API
Cory Lueninghoener (Sandia National Laboratory), Lowell Wofford (AWS)
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Gaining More Control Over Node Scheduling with the Topology/Block Plugin
Vasileios Karakasis, Felix Abecassis, Craig Tierney, and Douglas Wightman, NVIDIA
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Improving Job Throughput in HPC with Adaptive Time Limit Management
Thomas Jakobsche, University of Basel
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Slinky – Slurm Bridge
Skyler Malinowski, Alan Mutschelknaus, and Marlow Warnicke, SchedMD
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Slurm Wiki and Tools – a Niflheim site report
Dr. Ole Helm Nielsen, Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
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Maximizing HPC Efficiency for Ansys Simulations: Addressing Critical IT Concerns with Slurm Resource Management and Scheduling
David Clifton and Morten Loderup, Ansys
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Magic Castle: Canadian HPC as a Service
Félix-Antoine Fortin, Digital Research Alliance of Canada
Presentations from SC23, November 23
Presentations from Slurm User Group Meeting, September 2023
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Keynote: Improving Quinoa Through the Development of Genetic and Genomic Resources
David Jarvis, Brigham Young University
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Never Use Slurm HA Again: Solve All Your Problems with Kubernetes
Chris Samuel and Doug Jacobsen, NERSC
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Build a Flexible and Powerful High Performance Computing Foundation with Google Cloud
Volker Eyrich (Google) and Joshua Fryer (Recursion)
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Field Notes 7 – How to Make the Most of Slurm and Avoid Common Issues
Jason Booth, SchedMD
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Accelerating Genomics Research Machine Learning with Slurm
Willy Markuske, San Diego Supercomputing Center (SDSC)
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Site Update: Georgia Institute of Technology
Marian Zvada and Aaron Jezghani, Georgia Tech
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Building Blocks in the Cloud: Scaling LEGO Engineering with AWS High-Performance Computing
Brian Skjerven and Matt Vaugh, AWS
Presentations from Dell HPC Community, September 2023
Presentations from Cray User Group, May 2023
Presentations from SC22, November 2022
Presentations from the HPC Containers Advisory Working Group, November 2022
Presentations from CNCF Research End User Group, October 2022
Presentations from Slurm User Group Meeting, September 2022
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Field Notes 6: From the Frontlines of Slurm Support w/video
Jason Booth, SchedMD
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Pathfinding Into the Clouds w/video
Ole Nielsen, Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
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LBNL Site Report w/video
Wei Feinstein, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
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Burst Buffer Lua Plugin for Lustre w/video
Kota Tsuyuzaki / Rikimaru Honjo / Yusuke Kaneko / Kohei Tahara, NTT Computer and Data Science Laboratory / NTT TechnoCross Corporation
Presentations from NHR Container Workshop, December 2021
Presentations from SC21, November 2021
Presentations from Slurm User Group Meeting, September 2021
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Field Notes 5: From the Frontlines of Slurm Support w/video
Jason Booth, SchedMD
Presentations from SC20, November 2020
Presentations from Slurm User Group Meeting, September 2020
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Field Notes 4: From the Frontlines of Slurm Support w/video
Jason Booth, SchedMD
Presentations from PEARC HPCSYSPROS Workshop, August 2020
Presentations from Slurm User Group Meeting, September 2019
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Technical: GPU Scheduling and the cons_tres plugin
Chad Vizino and Morris Jette, SchedMD
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Site Report: Enabling and Scaling Diverse Work Loads Efficiently with Slurm
Chansup Byun et al., MIT Lincoln Laboratory
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Tutorial: Slurm: Seamless Integration with Unprivileged Containers
Luke Yeager et al., NVIDIA
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Technical: VMs and Containers for a Slurm-Based Development Cluster
François Daikhaté, CEA
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Technical: Slurm Account Synchronization with UNIX Groups and Users
Ole Nielsen, Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
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Technical: A Fully Configurable HPC Web Portal for Managing Slurm Jobs
Patrice Calegari, Atos
Presentations from Slurm User Group Meeting, September 2018
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Technical: Workload Management Requirements for an Interactive Computing e-Infrastructure
Sadaf Alam (CSCS) and the ICEI team (BSC, CEA, CINECA, CSCS, Jülich)
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Technical: Slurm in a Container Only World – Are We Crazy?
Paul Peltz and Lowell Wofford (LANL)
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Technical: Kraken – A Stateful Approach to Cluster Management
Paul Peltz and Lowell Wofford (LANL)
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Technical: A Declarative Programming Style Job Submission Filter
Douglas Jacobsen, NERSC
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Technical: Generalized Hypercube (GHC) – A Topology Plugin
M. Clayer and A. Faure, Atos
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Technical: Keeping Accounts Consistent Across Clusters Using LDAP and YAML
Christian Clémonçon, Ewan Roche, Ricardo Silva (EPFL)
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Technical: Real-Time Job Monitoring Using an Extended slurmctld Generic Plugin – Introducing the Plugin Architecture SPACE
Mike Arnhold, Ulf Markwardt, and Danny Rotscher (Dresden)
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Technical: Scheduling by Trackable Resource (cons_tres)
Morris Jette and Dominik Bartkiewicz, SchedMD
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Technical: Layout for Checkpoint Restart on Specialized Blades
Bill Brophy, Martin Perry, Doug Parisek, and Steve Mehlberg (Atos)
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Site Report: Colliding High Energy Physics with HPC, Cloud, and Parallel Filesystems
Carolina Lindqvist, Pablo Llopis, and Nils Høimyr (CERN)
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Technical: Slurm Simulator Improvements and Evaluation
Marco D’Amico, Ana Jokanovic, Julita Corbalan (BSC)
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Technical: Workload Scheduling and Power Management
Morris Jette and Alejandro Sanchez, SchedMD
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Technical: Field Notes Mark 2: Random Musings From Under a New Hat
Tim Wickberg, SchedMD
Presentations from Slurm Booth and Birds of a Feather, SC17, November 2017
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Booth: From Moab to Slurm: 12 HPC Systems in 2 Months
Paul Peltz, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Presentations from Slurm User Group Meeting, September 2017
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Keynote: Supernova Cosmology & Supercomputing
Alex Kim, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
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Technical: SLURMFS – Resource Manager File System for Slurm
Steven Senator, Los Alamos National Laboratory
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Technical: Utilizing Slurm and Passive Nagios Plugins for Scalable KNL Compute Node Monitoring
Tony Quan and Basil Lalli, NERSC/LBNL
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Technical: cli_filter – command line filtration, manipulation, and introspection of job submissions
Douglas Jacobsen, NERSC
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Technical: Slurm – Some Slightly Unconventional Use Cases
Chris Hill (MIT), Rajul Kumar (Northeastern), Evan Weinberg and Naved Ansari (BU), Tim Donahue
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Technical: Managing Diversity in Complex Workloads in a Complex Environment
Nicholas Cardo, CSCS
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Technical: SELinux policy for Slurm
Gilles Wiber and Mathieu Blanc (CEA), M’hamed Bouaziz and Liana Bozga (Atos)
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Site Report: From Moab to Slurm: 12 HPC Systems in 2 Months
Peltz, Fullop, Jennings, Senator, Grunau (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
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Technical: Slurm Roadmap – 17.11, 18.08, and Beyond
Danny Auble, Morris Jette, Tim Wickberg (SchedMD)
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Technical: Enabling web-based interactive notebooks on geographically distributed HPC resources
Alexandre Beche, EPFL
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Technical: Slurm Singularity Spank Plugin
Martin Perry, Steve Mehlberg, Thomas Cadeau (Atos)
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Site Report: LLSC Adoption of Slurm for Managing Diverse Resources and Workloads
Chansup Byun et al. MIT Lincoln Laboratory
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Site Report: Cyfronet Site Report – Improving Slurm Usability and Monitoring
M Pawlik, J. Budzowski, L. Flis, P Lason, M. Magrys
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Technical: When You Have a Hammer, Everything Looks Like a Nail – Checkpoint / Restart in Slurm
Manuel Rodríguez-Pascual, J.A. Moríñigo, and Rafael Mayo-García, CIEMAT
Presentations from Slurm Booth and Birds of a Feather, SC16, November 2016
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Booth: Bull Slurm Related Developments, w/ Job Packs demo video
Yiannis Georgiou, Bull Atos
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Booth: Transition Hangout (a.k.a. how we converted to Slurm)
Ryan Cox (BYU), Bruce Pfaff (NASA)
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Booth: Expanding Serial Analysis with Slurm Arrays
Christopher Coffey, Northern Arizona University
Presentations from Slurm User Group Meeting, September 2016
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Keynote: Computer-aided drug design for novel anti-cancer agents
Dr. Zoe Cournia (Biomedical Research Foundation, Academy of Athens)
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Technical: Overview of Slurm Version 16.05
Danny Auble (SchedMD), Yiannis Georgiou (Bull)
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Technical: Slurm Configuration Impact on Benchmarking
José Moríñgo, Manuel Rodríguez-Pascual, and Rafael Mayo-García, CIEMAT
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Technical: Simunix, a large scale platform simulator
David Glesser and Adrien Faure, Bull Atos
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Technical: Checkpoint/restart in Slurm: current status and new developments
Manuel Rodríguez-Pascual, J.A. Moríñigo, and Rafael Mayo-García, CIEMAT
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Technical: Job Packs – A New Slurm Feature for Enhanced Support of Heterogeneous Resources
Andry Razafinjatovo, Martin Perry, and Yiannis Georgiou (Bull Atos), Matthieu Hautreux (CEA)
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Technical: Improving system utilization under strict power budget using the layouts
Dineshkumar Rajagopal, Yiannis Georgiou, and David Glesser, Bull Atos
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Technical: High definition power and energy monitoring support
Thomas Cadeau and Yiannis Georgiou, Bull Atos
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Technical: Federated Cluster Scheduling
Dominik Bartkiewicz and Brian Christiansen, SchedMD
Presentations from Slurm Booth and Birds of a Feather, SC15, November 2015
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Booth: Never Port Your Code Again – Docker Functionality with Shifter using Slurm
Shane Canon, NERSC
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BOF: Improving Backfilling by using Machine Learning to Predict Running Times in Slurm
David Glesser, Bull
Presentations from Slurm User Group Meeting, September 2015
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Keynote: 10-Years of Computing and Atmospheric Research at NASA: 1 day per day
Bill Putnam, NASA
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Technical: Overview of Slurm Version 15.08
Morris Jette and Danny Auble (SchedMD), Yiannis Georgiou (Bull)
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Technical: Message Aggregation
Danny Abule (SchedMD), Yiannis Georgiou and Martin Perry (Bull)
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Technical: Power Adaptive Scheduling
Yiannis Georgiou and David Glesser (Bull), Matthieu Hautreux (CEA), Denis Trystram (LIG)
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Technical: Never Port Your Code Again – Docker Functionality with Shifter Using Slurm
Douglas Jacobsen, James Botts, and Shane Canon, NERSC
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Technical: Increasing Cluster Thoughput with Slurm and rCUDA
Federico Silla, Technical University of Valencia Spain
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Technical: Running Virtual Machines in a Slurm Batch System
Ulf Markwardt, Technische Universität Dresden
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Technical: Supporting SR-IOV and IVSHMEM in MVAPICH2 on Slurm
Xiaoyi Lu, Jie Zhang, et al., The Ohio State University
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Technical: Heterogeneous Resources and MPMD (aka Job Pack)
Rod Schultz and Martin Perry (Atos), Matthieu Hautreaux (CEA), Yiannis Georgiou (Atos)
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Technical: Towards Multi-Objective Resource Selection
Dineshkumar Rajagopal, David Glesser, Yiannis Georgiou, Bull
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Technical: Enhancing Startup Performance of Parallel Applications with Slurm
Sourav Chakraborty, et al., OSU/LLNL
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Technical: Adaptable Profile-Driven TestBed (“Apt”)
Brian Haymore, The University of Utah
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Technical: Using and Modifying the BSC Slurm Workload Simulator
Stephen Trofinoff and Massimo Benini, CSCS
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Technical: Improving Job Scheduling by Using Machine Learning
David Glesser, Yiannis Georgiou (Bull) and Denis Trystram (LIG)
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Technical: Slurm Roadmap – Versions 16.05 and Beyond
Morris Jette and Danny Auble (SchedMD), Yiannis Georgiou (Bull)
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Technical: Exascale Process Management Interface
Ralph Castain (Intel), Joshua Ladd, Artem Polyakov (Mellanox), David Bigagli (SchedMD), Gary Brown (Adaptive Computing)
Presentations from Slurm Booth and Birds of a Feather, SC14, November 2014
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Fair Tree: Fairshare Algorithm for Slurm
Ryan Cox and Levi Morrison (Brigham Young University)
Presentations from Slurm User Group Meeting, September 2014
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Overview of Slurm Versions 14.03 and 14.11
Jacob Jenson (SchedMD) and Yiannis Georgiou (Bull)
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Warewulf Node Health Check
Jacqueline Scoggins and Michael Jennings (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab)
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Slurm Process Isolation
Bill Brophy, Martin Perry and Yiannis Georgiou (Bull), Morris JEtte (SchedMD), Matthieu Hautreux (CEA)
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Improving Message Forwarding Logic in Slurm
Rod Schultz, Martin Perry and Yiannis Georgiou (Bull), Matthieu Hautreux (CEA), Danny Auble and Morris Jette (SchedMD)
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Tuning Slurm Scheduling for Optimal Responsiveness and Utilization
Morris Jette (SchedMD)
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Improving HPC Applications Scheduling with Predictions Based on Automatically-Collected Historical Data
Carlos Fenoy García (Barcelona Supercomputing Centre)
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OStrich: Fair Scheduler for Burst Submissions of Parallel Job
Krzysztof Rzadca (University of Warsaw) and Filip Skalski (University of Warsaw / Google)
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Adaptive Resource and Job Management for Limited Power Consumption
Yiannis Georgiou and David Glesser (Bull), Matthieu Hautreux (CEA), Denis Trystram (University Grenoble-Alpes)
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Introducing Energy Based Fair-Share Scheduling
Yiannis Georgiou and David Glesser (Bull), Krzysztof Rzadca (University of Warsaw), Denis Trystram (University Grenoble-Alpes)
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High Performance Data Movement Between Lustre and Enterprise Storage Systems
Aamir Rashid (Terascala)
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Extending Slurm with Support for Remote GPU Virtualization
Sergio Iserte, Adrián Castelló, Rafael Mayo, Enrique S. Quintana-Ortlí, Federico Silla, Jose Duato (Universitat Jaume and Universitat Politècnica de València)
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Fair Tree: Fairshare Algorithm for Slurm
Ryan Cox and Levi Morrison (Brigham Young University)
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Integrating Layouts Framework in Slurm
Thomas Cadeau and Yiannis Georgiou (Bull), Matthieu Hautreux (CEA)
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Topology-Aware Resource Selection
Emmanuel Jeannot, Guillaume Mercier, and Adèle Villiermet (Inria)
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ICM Warsaw University Site Report
Dominik Bartkiewicz and Marcin Stolarek (ICM Warsaw University)
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Swiss National Supercomputing Centre Site Report
Massimo Benini (Swiss National Supercomputing Centre, CSCS)
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Aalto University Site Report
Janne Blomqvist, Ivan Degtyarenko and Mikko Hakala (Aalto University)
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The George Washington University Site Report
Tim Wickberg, George Washington University
Presentations from Slurm Birds of a Feather, SC13, November 2013
Presentations from Slurm User Group Meeting, September 2013
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Technical: Overview of Slurm version 2.6
Morris Jette and Danny Auble (SchedMD), Yiannis Georgiou (Bull)
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Tutorial: Energy Accounting and External Sensor Plugins
Yiannis Georgiou, Martin Perry, Thomas Cadeau (Bull), Danny Auble (SchedMD)
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Technical: Creating Easy to Use HPC Portals with NICE EnginFrame and Slurm
Alberto Falzone, Paolo Maggi (Nice Software)
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Tutorial: Usage of New Profiling Functionalities
Rod Schultz, Yiannis Georgiou (Bull), Danny Auble (SchedMD)
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Technical: Depth Oblivious Hierarchical Fairshare Priority Factor
Francois Daikhate, Matthieu Hautreux (CEA)
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Site Report: Technische Universitat Dresden
Dr. Ulf Markwardt (Technische Universität Dresden)
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Technical: Slurm Roadmap
Morris Jette, Dany Auble (SchedMD), Yiannis Georgiou (Bull)
Presentations from Slurm Birds of a Feather, SC12, November 2012
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MapReduce Support in Slurm: Releasing the Elephant
Ralph H. Castain, Wangda Tan, Jimmy Cao and Michael Lv, Greenplum/EMC
Presentations from Slurm User Group Meeting, October 2012
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Keynote: The OmSs Programming Model and Its Links to Resource Managers
Jesus Labarta, BSC
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Site Report: CETA/CIEMAT
Alfonso Pardo Diaz, CIEMAT
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Porting Slurm to Bluegene/Q
Don Lipari, LLNL
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Tutorial: Cgroup Support on Slurm
Martin Perry and Yiannis Georgiou (Bull), Matthieu Hautreux (CEA)
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Keynote: Challenges in Evaluating Parallel Job Schedulers
Dror Feitelson, Hebrew University
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Integration of Slurm with IBM’s Parallel Environment
Morris Jette and Danny Auble, SchedMD
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Enhancing Slurm with Energy Consumption Monitoring and Control Features
Yiannis Georgiou, Bull
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MapReduce Support in Slurm: Releasing the Elephant
Ralph H. Castain, et al., Greenplum/EMC
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Evaluating Scalability and Efficiency of the Resource and Job Management System on Large HPC Clusters
Yiannis Georgiou (Bull) and Matthieu Hautreux (CEA)
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Integer Programming Based Herogeneous CPU-GPU Clusters
Seren Soner, Bogazici University
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Job Resource Utilization as a Metric for Clusters Comparison and Optimization
Joseph Emeras, INRIA/LIG
Presentations from the Sixth Linux Collaboration Summit, April 2012
Presentations from Slurm Birds of a Feather, SC11, November 2011
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Cloud Bursting with Slurm and Bright Cluster Manager
Martijn de Vries, Bright Computing
Presentations from Slurm User Group Meeting, September 2011
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Slurm Resources Isolation Through cgroups
Yiannis Georgiou (Groupe Bull), Matthieu Hautreux (CEA)
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Challenges and Opportunities for Exascale Resource Management and How Today’s Petascale Systems are Guiding the Way
William Kramer, NCSA
Presentations from Slurm Birds of a Feather, SC10, November 2010
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Slurm Version 2.2: Features and Release Plans
Morris Jette, Danny Auble, and Donald Lipari, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Presentations from Slurm User Group Meeting, October 2010
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Slurm: Resource Management from the Simple to the Sophisticated
Morris Jette and Danny Auble, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
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Porting Slurm to the Cray XT and XE
Neil Stringfellow and Gerrit Renker, Swiss National Supercomputer Centre
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Real Scale Experimentations of Slurm Resource and Job Management System
Yiannis Georgiou, Bull Information Systems
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Slurm Version 2.2: Features and Release Plans
Morris Jette and Danny Auble, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Presentations from Slurm Birds of a Feather, SC09, November 2009
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Slurm Community Meeting
Morris Jette, Danny Auble, and Donald Lipari, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Presentations from Slurm Birds of a Feather, SC08, November 2008
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High Scalability Resource Management with Slurm
Morris Jette, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
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Slurm Status Report
Morris Jette and Danny Auble, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Other Presentations
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Slurm Version 1.3
Morris Jette and Danny Auble, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (May 2008)
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Managing Clusters with Moab and Slurm
Morris Jette and Donald Lipari, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (May 2008)
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Resource Management at LLNL, Slurm Version 1.2
Morris Jette, Danny Auble and Chris Morrone, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (April 2007)
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Resource Management Using Slurm
Morris Jette, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (Tutorial, The 7th International Conference on Linux Clusters, May 2006)
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Energy Accounting and Control with Slurm Resource and Job Management System
Yiannis Georgiou, et. al. (ICDCN 2014, January 2014)
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Evaluating scalability and efficiency of the Resource and Job Management System on large HPC Clusters
Yiannis Georgiou (BULL S.A.S, France); Matthieu Hautreux (CEA-DAM, France) (16th Workshop on Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing, May 2012)
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GreenSlot: Scheduling Energy Consumption in Green Datacenters
Inigo Goiri, et. al. (SuperComputing 2011, November 2011)
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Contributions for Resource and Job Management in High Performance Computing
Yiannis Georgiou, Universite Joseph Fourier (Thesis, December 2010)
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Caos NSA and Perceus: All-in-one Cluster Software Stack
Jeffrey B. Layton, Linux Magazine, 5 February 2009
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Enhancing an Open Source Resource Manager with Multi-Core/Multi-threaded Support
S. M. Balle and D. Palermo, Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing, 2007
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Slurm: Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management
M. Jette and M. Grondona, Proceedings of ClusterWorld Conference and Expo, San Jose, California, June 2003
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Slurm: Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management
A. Yoo, M. Jette, and M. Grondona, Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing, volume 2862 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 44-60, Springer-Verlag, 2003
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RCE 10: Slurm (podcast)
Brock Palen and Jeff Squyres speak with Morris Jette and Danny Auble of LLNL about Slurm