1. what is RPM PBone Search service designed?

You'll find the answer here.

2. Such service as exists so why does a second similar service operate ?

Here are the reasons :

- my RPMs database has more information
- You can narrow search results down to a few releases or to one Linux release
- my service is also a ftp search so You can download RPM from the nearest FTP server
- daily info about new RPM files.

3. I want to use polish language version. Why should I choose "polish version" every time ?

You must enable cookie storage into your web browser.

4. Why are there many new RPM files ? How can I focuse on what I really want ?

The list of new RPMs is so long because so many new RPM files appear daily. Sorry but due to high load I had to disable ability to narrow new RPMs list.

5. What exactly means dates near FTP server names in section PBone in numbers ?

"Update date" tells you when some new RPM file appeared on this FTP server. "Last connection" tells you when information about FTP server in database was refreshed.

6. What is the difference betwen the first and the second search type ?

The first search type is dedicated to find a RPM file which contains wanted file name. You should enter full filename e.g. when you are looking for type libhistory, or .

The second search type is dedicated to find a RPM file on various ftp servers. Then you can download it. Here you can use wildcard *. To limit the results of query you should e.g. when you are looking for rpm-4.0.2-i386.rpm you can type rpm* but better query is rpm*.i386.rpm or rpm*.sparc.rpm when you are looking for sparc RPM files.

7. When I use the first search type I see only i386 RPM files in the results. Why ?

RPM files for different architectures contain the same files so additional sparc or ppc RPM files will unnecessarily increase database size and cause longer response time. Despite that only i386 and noarch are indexed you can by links find RPM files for alternative platforms.

8. Could I put on my web page form directly pointing to search ?

Contact me to discuss the details.

9. Why doesn't "Check requires" work on rpm info page ?

For these reasons:

  • java isn't installed
  • java old version
  • missing write permission to /tmp directory
  • missing permission to rpm exec
  • missing permission to rpm database

  • ICM