
How do I unsubscribe from a list?

The easiest way is to unsubscribe is to send email to:

listname[email protected]

Where listname is the name of the list you want off.

If this doesn’t work, then almost certainly the problem is that you sent the ‘unsubscribe’ email from an different address then the address which is subscribed to the list.

This can happen if you have multiple email addresses (or aliases) for a single mail box. If possible, make sure the from address on your unsubscribe email matches the address you are subscribed with. If this is not possible, follow these steps:

  1. login at using the address which is subscribed to the list. If you don’t have a password, follow the links on that page to have one mailed to you.
  2. once you are logged in, click “Your subscriptions” near the top of the page.
  3. click the name of the list you want off.
  4. click Unsubscribe

How do I subscribe to a list?

The easiest way is to subscribe is to send email to:

listname[email protected]

Where listname is the name of the list you want to subscribe to.

Make sure the account you send the mail from is the one you want subscribed to the list.

If you are unable to send the confirmation email from the same address as you are subscribing with, you must use a different method. Follow these steps instead:

  1. create a list account
  2. login
  3. search for the list and open the list’s home page.
  4. click Subscribe

How do I receive a digest?

In ‘digest’ mode, you receive multiple posts to the list in one email instead of separate emails. The list admin determines if you are able to subscribe in digest mode and over what period the digest covers.

To switch to digest mode:

  • Login using your list account. If you don’t have one, fill out the password reminder form.
  • Click Your Subscriptions at the top.
  • Click on the name of the list you want in digest mode.
  • Click on My Options on the left.
  • Select digest from the reception mode dropdown menu.
  • Click update.

If you do not actually receive digests, it may be that the list administrator still needs to set the digest settings for the list. Have them make sure that the hour option is greater than 1 and no more than 22 (10pm). This option determines when the digest is sent. If it is too close to midnight, the digests won’t work (a bug in the mailing list software). You can contact the list admin by sending mail to listname[email protected].

How do I switch to no-mail mode?

Sometimes, you may want to be a member of a list, but not receive postings from the list. This could happen if you have multiple email addresses or perhaps you read the emails on the online archive. You can change your subscription status to “no-mail” by doing the following:

  • Login using your list account. If you don’t have one, fill out the password reminder form.
  • Click Your Subscriptions at the top.
  • Click on the name of the list you want in digest mode.
  • Click on My Options on the left.
  • Select no mail from the reception mode pull down menu.
  • Click update.