Friday 16 August
favicon ‘We should have better answers by now’: climate scientists baffled by unexpected pace of heating | Climate crisis (The Guardian 16/08)
In a remark­ably candid essay in the journal Nature this March, one of the world’s top cli­mate sci­en­tists posited the alarming pos­si­bility that global heating may be moving beyond the ability of experts to pre­dict what hap­pens next.
“The 2023 tem­per­a­ture anomaly has come out of the blue, revealing an unprece­dented knowl­edge gap per­haps for the first time since about 40 years ago, when satel­lite data began offering mod­ellers an unpar­al­leled, real-time view of Earth’s cli­mate system,” wrote Gavin Schmidt, a British sci­en­tist and the director of the Nasa Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York.
If this anomaly does not sta­bilise by August, he said, it could imply “that a warming planet is already fun­da­men­tally altering how the cli­mate system oper­ates, much sooner than sci­en­tists had antic­i­pated”.
Many in the science and envi­ron­ment com­mu­nity read these words with alarm. Was the leap in tem­per­a­tures over the past 13 months, which has exceeded the global heating fore­casts of experts, a sign of a sys­temic shift, or just a tem­po­rary anomaly? If the world was warming even faster than sci­en­tists thought it would, seem­ingly jumping years ahead of pre­dic­tions, would that mean even more cru­cial decades of action had been lost?
Source : The Guardian
Thème(s) : climate, no shit