
regain Help

The regain help contains information about the installation, configuration and usage of regain.

Javadoc documentation

The documentation of the Java classes and the tag library. It's interesting for those who want to develop regain.

Download 'Javadoc documentation for regain 2.1.0 Stable'
[zip] 2.1.0 Stable/ �1 MB

You may also read the documentation online: Javadoc documentation for regain 2.1.0 Stable resp. Tag library documentation for regain 2.1.0 Stable.

Other documentation

User's manual for regain 1.1

Until the version 1.0 regain had a user's manual. Since now not everything has been moved from the old manual to the new regain help.

You can download the old manual here:

Download 'Help for Regain 1.1 (German)'
[pdf] Anwenderhandbuch �349 kB

Seminar thesis about Lucene

During my studies at the FH Karlsruhe I wrote a seminar thesis about lucene. The thesis mentions regain only marginally, but it shows internal details of Jakarta Lucene which is the base of regain.

The thesis is interesting for those who want to learn more about the background of a search engine.

Download 'Seminar thesis Lucene - Thesis (in German language)'
[pdf] Seminararbeit_Lucene_Ausarbeitung.pdf �361 kB

Download 'Seminar thesis Lucene - Lecture (in German language)'
[pdf] Seminararbeit_Lucene_Vortrag.pdf �924 kB