A Common Lisp path handling library based on Python's os.path module
A Common Lisp path strings manipulation library.
This library is a path strings manipulation library inspired by Python's os.path. All functionality from os.path is supported on major operation systems (OSX, Linux, Windows).
The philosophy behind is to use simple strings and "dumb" string manipulation functions to handle paths and filenames. Where possible the corresponding OS system functions are called.
Supported [tested] compilers: LispWorks (6.1PE and 7.0), CCL, SBCL. Tested on the following platforms:
- Clozure CL Version 1.11-r16635 (WindowsX8664)
- LispWorks 6.1.1 Personal Edition 32bit
- LispWorks 7.0 Hobbyist Edition 32bit
- SBCL 1.3.15
Limitations: On Win32 assumed OS versions with Unicode support.
- SBCL 1.3.14
- CCL 1.11.5
- Lispworks 7.0 Hobbyist DV Edition 32bit
- Clozure CL Version 1.11
The library consist of 3 packages: ppath, ppath-nt and ppath-posix. The generic package ppath forwards calls to appropriate OS-dependent library. It exports only functions available for the current platform.
Semantical difference from Python's os.path module
- Where possible do not raise an error, but rather return
. samestat
function is not implemented (makes no sense since osicat's wrapper around stat()/fstat() calls is used)walk
is not implemented (there is already a couple of good implementations around)
API description
constant ppath:+separator+
The os path separation character (as a character).
If os is posix: #\/
If os is windows: #\\
Example: On Windows:
CL-USER > ppath:+separator+ => #\\
CL-USER > ppath:+separator+ => #\/
constant ppath:+sep-string+
Converts the value of ppath:+separator+
to a string.
If os is posix: "/"
If os is windows: "\\"
Example: On Windows:
CL-USER > ppath:+sep-string+ => "\\"
CL-USER > ppath:+sep-string+ => "/"
constant ppath:+posix-separator+
The explicit posix separation character: #\/
CL-USER > ppath:+posix-separator+ => #\/
constant ppath:+unc-prefix+
The explicit unc-prefix string: "//"
CL-USER > ppath:+unc-prefix+ => "//"
constant ppath:+path-separator+
The explicit $PATH separation character.
If os is posix: #\:
If os is windows: #\;
Example: On Windows:
CL-USER > ppath:+path-separator+ => #\;
CL-USER > ppath:+path-separator+ => #\:
constant ppath:+current-dir+
The relative current directory as a string: "."
CL-USER > ppath:+current-dir+ => "."
constant ppath:+up-dir+
The relative parent directory as a string: ".."
CL-USER > ppath:+up-dir+ => ".."
constant ppath:+secs-between-epochs+
A constant value: 11644473600
CL-USER > ppath:+secs-between-epochs+ => 11644473600
function ppath:abspath (path
Convert relative path
to absolute.
If path is absolute return it unchanged.
If path is empty return current directory.
On POSIX systems invariant:
(abspath path) == (normpath (join (getcwd) path))
function ppath:basename (path
Extract the base name (filename) of the path
Example: On Windows:
CL-USER > (basename "C:\\dir\\file.txt") => file.txt
CL-USER > (basename "/foo/bar") => bar
(basename path) == (cdr (split path))
function ppath:commonprefix (&rest paths
Get the common prefix substring of all strings in paths
. The separators are not translated, so paths interpreted just as normal strings.
components could also be lists of strings, like results of split
operation on paths. In this case the comparison happens elementwise.
CL-USER > (commonprefix '("/home/username/dir" "/home/user/test")) => /home/user
function ppath:dirname (path
Get the directory name of the path
CL-USER > (dirname "/foo/bar") => /foo
Example (Windows):
CL-USER > (dirname "C:\\dir\\file.txt") => C:\\dir
Invariant: (dirname path) == (car (split path))
function ppath:exists (path
Check if the path
is an existing path.
On POSIX returns nil
for broken symbolic links.
function ppath:expanduser (PATH
Expand ~ and ~user in the path
with the contents of user's home path.
- ~ - home directory
- ~user - user's home directory
Return path
unchanged if unable to expand.
On Windows the path is taken either from HOME or USERPROFILE, or constructed via HOMEPATH and HOMEDRIVE.
On error just return original path
On POSIX systems the ~ is replaced with contents of the HOME environment variable or taken from password database (/etc/passwd
or similar).
Examples (POSIX): (given the user "username" with home directory /Users/username)
CL-USER > (expanduser "~/dir") => /Users/username/dir CL-USER > (expanduser "~root/dir") => /root/dir
Windows: if HOMEPATH is "users\dir" and HOMEDRIVE is "C:\",
CL-USER > (expanduser "~test") => C:\users\test
function ppath:expandvars (path &optional (modify-in-quotes t)
Expand the path
replacing environment variables with their contents.
The variables like ${var}
and $var
(and additionally %var%
on Windows) are getting replaced by their values.
All unknown or malformed variables ignored and kept as it is.
The difference between Windows and POSIX systems is that on Windows variables inside single quotes are not expanded, i.e. "'$HOME'
" will remain "'$HOME'
", while on POSIX systems it will be expanded. The optional argument modify-in-quotes
allows to change this behavior.
This behavior kept for compatibility with Python's os.path.expandvars
CL-USER > (expandvars "$HOME/.bashrc") => /home/username/.bashrc CL-USER > (osicat-posix:setenv "foo" "abcd") => 0 CL-USER > (expandvars "'$foo'$bar" nil) => '$foo'$bar CL-USER > (expandvars "'$foo'$bar" t) => 'abcd'$bar
function ppath:getatime (path
Return the last access time for the path
Return value is seconds since Unix Epoch (1970-01-01T00:00:00Z).
Return nil
if unable to access file or get its attributes.
function ppath:getctime (path
Return the last status change time for the path
Return value is seconds since Unix Epoch (1970-01-01T00:00:00Z).
Return nil
if unable to access file or get its attributes.
function ppath:getmtime (path
Return the last modification time for the path
Return value is seconds since Unix Epoch (1970-01-01T00:00:00Z).
Return nil
if unable to access file or get its attributes.
function ppath:getsize (path
Get the file size in bytes of the path
Return nil
if unable to access file or get its attributes.
function ppath:isabs (path
Determine if the path
is an absolute pathname.
This function never checks for file existance nor address
file system but rather performs string manipulations to
determine if the path
is an absolute filename.
Examples (POSIX):
CL-USER > (isabs "/Sources/lisp") => t CL-USER > (isabs "my/dir") => nil
Examples (Windows):
CL-USER > (isabs "\\\\host-name\\share-name\\") => t
function ppath:isdir (path
Determine if path
is an existing directory. If the path
is symlink then the invariant
(and (islink path) (isdir path)) == t
function ppath:isfile (path
Determine if the path
exists and a file. Returns also t
for symbolic links.
function ppath:islink (path
Determine if the path
is symbolic link.
On Windows always return nil
function ppath:ismount (path
Test if the path
is a mount point.
On POSIX it is a directory where another filesystem is mounted.
On Windows for local paths it should be an absolute path, for UNC it should be mount point of the host
CL-USER > (ismount "/mnt") => nil CL-USER > (ismount "/mnt/cdrom") => t
function ppath:join (path &rest paths
Join paths provided, merging (if absolute) and inserting missing separators.
CL-USER > (join "a/b" "x/y") => a/b\\x/y CL-USER > (join "c:\\hello" "world/test.txt") => c:\\hello\\world/test.txt CL-USER > (join "/foo" "bar" "baz") => /foo/bar/baz CL-USER > (join "/foo/" "bar/" "baz/") => /foo/bar/baz/
function ppath:lexists (path
Check if the path
is an existing path.
Checks for existance regardless if path
is a link(even broken) or a file/directory.
On Windows exists
= lexists
function ppath:normcase (path
Normalize the path
On Windows, replace slash with backslahes and lowers the case of the path
On POSIX do nothing and just return path
function ppath:normpath (path
Normalize path, removing unnecessary/redundant parts, like dots, double slashes, etc. Expanding ..
as well.
CL-USER > (normpath "///..//./foo/.//bar") => /foo/bar
function ppath:realpath (path
Return real path
of the file, following symlinks if necessary. On Windows just return (abspath path). The path
shall be already expanded properly.
Return nil
if path
does not exist or not accessible
function ppath:relpath (path &optional (start ".")
Return the relative version of the path
If startdir
provided, use this as a current directory to resolve against.
function ppath:samefile (path1 path2
Determine if path1
and path2
are the paths to the same file.
If one of the paths is symlink to another they considered the same.
Not available on Windows.
function ppath:sameopenfile (stream1 stream2
Determine if the open file streams stream1
and stream2
are of the same file.
Not available on Windows.
function ppath:split (path
Split the path into the pair (directory . filename)
If the path ends with "/", the file component is empty.
On Windows, if the head is a drive name, the slashes are not stripped from it.
Examples: (On Windows)
CL-USER > (split "c:\\Sources\\lisp") => ("c:\\Sources" . "lisp") CL-USER > (split "\\\\host-name\\share-name\\dir1\\dir2") => ("\\\\host-name\\share-name\\dir1" . "dir2")
(on POSIX)
CL-USER > (split "/foo/bar") => ("/foo" . "bar") CL-USER > (split "/foo/bar/") => ("/foo/bar/" . "")
function ppath:splitdrive (path
Split a path
to the drive (with letter) and path after the drive.
This function also parses the UNC paths, providing \hostname\mountpoint as a drive part.
On POSIX drive is an empty string.
Invariant: (concatenate 'string (car (splitdrive path)) (cdr (splitdrive path))) == path
CL-USER > (splitdrive "C:\Sources\lisp") => ("C:" "\Sources\lisp")
function ppath:splitext (path
Split path
to root and extension. Return a pair (root . ext)
If the filename component of the path
starts with dot, like .cshrc
, considering no extension.
Invariant: (concatenate 'string root ext) == path
CL-USER > (splitext "~/test.cshrc") => ("~/test" . ".cshrc") CL-USER > (splitext "~/notes.txt") => ("~/notes" . ".txt")
function ppath:splitparts (path
Split the path
to the list of elements using. Separators are not omitted.
CL-USER > (ppath:splitparts "/abc/def/gh//12") => ("/" "abc" "/" "def" "/" "gh" "//" "12")
function ppath:splitunc (path
Split a pathname with UNC path. UNC syntax: \\host-name\share-name\file_path
Return a cons pair ("\\host-name\share-name" . "\file_path")
Not available on POSIX.
- Alexey Veretennikov ([email protected])
- Python and Python documentation Copyright (c) 1990-2018, Python Software Foundation.
- Parts of Python documentation on https://docs.python.org/2.7/library/os.path.html were used and adapted when necessary to the current implementation.
Licensed under the BSD License.