

A common lisp sound server and sound processing library.

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Yukari Hafner <[email protected]>


Yukari Hafner <[email protected]>


## About Harmony Harmony is a library that provides you with audio processing tools as well as an audio server to play back music, sfx, and so forth. It is most suited for use in a game engine, but may feasibly also used for more advanced things such as a DAW. ## Quick Start To get running with a usable setup in no time flat, simply load harmony, an appropriate drain extension from cl-mixed, and some extension to play a file: :: common lisp (ql:quickload '(harmony cl-mixed-mpg123 #+android cl-mixed-aaudio #+linux cl-mixed-pulse #+darwin cl-mixed-coreaudio #+windows cl-mixed-wasapi #+bsd cl-mixed-oss)) :: Then start a server: :: common lisp (org.shirakumo.fraf.harmony:maybe-start-simple-server) :: And we can play some stuff back: :: common lisp (org.shirakumo.fraf.harmony:play #p"~/my-music.mp3" :mixer :music) :: The returned ``voice`` instance can be controlled with functions like ``stop`` and ``mixed:volume``. Please see the documentation of the ``voice`` class for more hints on possible interactions. For one more quick illustration of Harmony's capabilities, let's restart the playback, but now with a lowpass filter applied: :: common lisp (org.shirakumo.fraf.harmony:stop *) (org.shirakumo.fraf.harmony:play #p"~/my-music.mp3" :mixer :music :effects '((mixed:biquad-filter :filter :lowpass :frequency 400))) :: There's a lot more that can be done, such as chaining multiple filters, controlling the amount of mixers, applying effects to entire mixers, looping playback, horizontal mixing, and more. The default ``play`` method as shown above will always allocate the necessary objects once called, and free them once playback is finished. This can involve disk access and other slow operations. If you need your playback to occur with as little delay as possible, you should instead first use ``create`` to allocate your voice with the appropriate settings, and then ``play`` once desired. When initialised, via ``create``, the same voice can also be re-played multiple times, but must be manually ``free``d once no longer needed. ## Environments Environments are a way to handle music environments and horizontal mixing. To define a horizontal mixing environment, simply create an ``environment`` instance, passing the desired environment sets as ``:sets``: :: common lisp (make-instance 'org.shirakumo.fraf.harmony:environment :sets '((:normal #p"normal-track.mp3" #p"normal-track-calm") (:intense #p"intense-track.mp3"))) :: This defines an environment with two sets, ``:normal`` and ``:intense``. When the normal set is playing, it will loop through ``normal-track`` and ``normal-track-calm``. When the intense set is playing, it will loop through ``intense-track``. You can activate a set by using ``transition``: :: common lisp (org.shirakumo.fraf.harmony:transition * :normal) (org.shirakumo.fraf.harmony:transition ** :intense :in 10.0) :: If you'd like more fine-grained control over the segments that are being played back, you can also manually construct ``music-segment`` instances and use the ``transition`` function to fade between ``music-segment``s or change their volumes. ## Also See - "cl-mixed"(https://shirakumo.github.io/cl-mixed) For the mixing and sound processing library.

Dependencies (5)

  • atomics
  • bordeaux-threads
  • cl-mixed
  • stealth-mixin
  • trivial-features

Dependents (1)

  • GitHub
  • Quicklisp