A web forms handling library
CL-FORMS is a web forms handling library for Common Lisp.
Although it is potentially framework agnostic, it runs on top of Hunchentoot at the moment.
It features:
- Several form field types: String, boolean, integer, email, password fields. And more.
- Custom fields. CL-FORMS is extensible and it is possible to define new field types.
- Server and client side validation
- Rendering backends. Forms can be rendered via CL-WHO, or Djula, or something else; the backend is pluggable. The default renderer is CL-WHO.
- Themes (like Bootstrap)
- Control on rendering and layout.
- Handling of form errors.
- CSRF protection
Use defform
to define a form. Example:
(defform fields-form (:action "/fields-post") ((name :string :value "") (ready :boolean :value t) (sex :choice :choices (list "Male" "Female") :value "Male") (submit :submit :label "Create")))
On your web handler, grab the form via find-form
, select a renderer with with-form-renderer
and then render the form with render-form
(let ((form (forms::find-form 'fields-form))) (forms:with-form-renderer :who (forms:render-form form))
To handle the form, grab it via find-form
and then call handle-request
(you should probably also call validate-form
Then bind form fields via either with-form-field-values
, that binds the form field values; or with-form-fields
that binds the form fields.
(let ((form (forms:find-form 'fields-form))) (forms::handle-request form) (forms::with-form-field-values (name ready sex) form (who:with-html-output (forms.who::*html*) (:ul (:li (who:fmt "Name: ~A" name)) (:li (who:fmt "Ready: ~A" ready)) (:li (who:fmt "Sex: ~A" sex))))))
Plase have a look at the demo sources for more examples of how to use the library
There's a demo included. To run:
(require :cl-forms.demo) (forms.test:run-demo)