Paparazzi UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) is an open-source drone hardware and software project encompassing autopilot systems and ground station software for multicopters/multirotors, fixed-wing, helicopters and hybrid aircraft that was founded in 2003. Paparazzi UAV was designed with autonomous flight as the primary focus and manual flying as the secondary. From the beginning it was designed with portability in mind and the ability to control multiple aircraft within the same system. Paparazzi features a dynamic flight plan system that is defined by mission states and using way points as “variables”. This makes it easy to create very complex fully automated missions without the operators intervention. For more project information, see here.
The Paparazzi software source and hardware design is distributed without any guarantee. Before flying, please refer to your country's national aviation regulation for Unmanned Aerial Systems, or the one of the country you intend to overfly.
- System Overview
General overview of the Paparazzi system
- Getting Started
An overview of getting started with Paparazzi
Frequently Asked Questions
- Downloads
Software source code, hardware schematics, etc.
- User List and Gallery
List of users. Photos, Videos, etc.
- Media, Papers and Links
News stories, Scientific publications, Reports, User projects, etc.
- Contact Us
Gitter Chat, Mailinglist
- Autopilots
Paparazzi supported aircraft control hardware
- Sensors
GPS, IMU, Current, Airspeed, etc.
- Modems
Digital radios for aircraft telemetry and more
- Dedicated GSC Hardware
Hardware used for dedicated ground station computers
- Payloads
Payload Boards
- Other Hardware
Debug Probes / JTAG, USB-UART, Video systems, Antenna Tracker, Connectors and Wiring, ESC, etc.
- Get Hardware
How to get Paparazzi hardware
- ENAC Team wins at IMAV2022
The International Conference and Competition on MAV was organized by TUDelft mid-September 2022. The ENAC took part to the outdoor competition, a package delivery challenge, with several multi-rotors and a hybrid tail-sitter, all powered by Paparazzi. They won the competition with a quite large amount of points. Nevertheless, all teams performed well with some innovative … Continue reading ENAC Team wins at IMAV2022 →
- Gautier Hattenberger 2023-02-22 12:39:52
- Paparazzi v5.18 is out, v6.0 is starting
The latest Paparazzi stable release is out today with many changes and addition since 5.16 one year ago. One of the biggest changes is the complete rewrite of the build system for the aircraft code generation (good old Ocaml stuff), plus the addition of a proper dependency resolution for the modules. It has no big … Continue reading Paparazzi v5.18 is out, v6.0 is starting →
- Gautier Hattenberger 2021-04-13 11:47:01
- 3D Guiding for fixed-wing aircraft
Now, you can have your aircraft tracking a (smooth) 3D parametric trajectory. This is an extension of the existing GVF in Paparazzi, in fact, now we allow even 2D trajectories with self-intersections. It is based on our accepted article in IEEE Transactions on Robotics Singularity-free Guiding Vector Field for Robot Navigation All the instructions to … Continue reading 3D Guiding for fixed-wing aircraft →
- Hector Garcia de Marina 2020-12-08 20:32:10
- Paparazzi at the SPLASH2020-REBASE Conference
The Paparazzi UAV System as a research tool will be presented as an invited talk at the SPLASH2020-REBASE conference (Mon 16 Nov 2020 18:00, Paris time). See the program of the conference for details. The presentation will be available on live and free youtube. https://2020.splashcon.org/details/splash-2020-rebase/19/Paparazzi-an-open-source-UAV-for-research UPDATE: the video of the conference is online
- Gautier Hattenberger 2020-11-15 19:18:31
- Flight Campaign at Barbados Island
Enac UAV lab have participated to an atmospheric research flight campaign at the Barbados Island for three weeks from end of January 2020. This was part of a project called NEPHELAE in collaboration with the French National Meteorological Research Center from Météo-France and the robotics lab LAAS-CNRS. NEPHELAE is atmospheric science driven (with a focus … Continue reading Flight Campaign at Barbados Island →
- Gautier Hattenberger 2020-03-04 10:35:30
- Crazyflie v2.1 with Paparazzi onboard
The popular Open-Source platform Crazylie v2.1 from Bitcraze is now supported by Paparazzi. Only the main frame, with IMU, barometer as well as the NRF communication is working. A bridge between the Crazyradio and the Ivy bus allows the direct and easy connection of the Crazyflie to the ground station. More sensor decks will be … Continue reading Crazyflie v2.1 with Paparazzi onboard →
- Gautier Hattenberger 2020-02-03 20:44:58
- Running Paparazzi on Windows
Since there are many Windows users who like to try paparazzi on this popular OS and Microsoft introduced the possibility of running Ubuntu programs and tools on windows 10, now Paparazzi developer team is pleased to announce the initial release of the Windows10 support of Paparazzi. The installation process is not so much different from … Continue reading Running Paparazzi on Windows →
- Gautier Hattenberger 2019-04-10 18:56:31
- Paparazzi wins at IMAV2018
Enac UAV team and TUDelft MAVLAB team took part to the IMAV2018 conference and competition in Australia with great success! For the first time, the two academic lead developers of the Paparazzi UAV system join efforts to participate to the Outdoor competition and won this event far ahead. Several tasks have been completed, including a … Continue reading Paparazzi wins at IMAV2018 →
- Gautier Hattenberger 2018-11-28 16:24:44
- UAV Network Intrusion Detection with Wavelet-based Signature Analysis
This is a first step of a hybrid IDS method based on the analysis of spectral traffic and a robust controller / observer for the estimation of anomalies in UAV networks. This module is currently designed to observe the traffic between the drones and the Paparazzi GCS. It provides a statistic signature of the traffic … Continue reading UAV Network Intrusion Detection with Wavelet-based Signature Analysis →
- Gautier Hattenberger 2018-06-21 14:29:55
- Opening ENAC’s flying arena
Since the beginning of the year, ENAC (French Civil Aviation University) is equipped with a new facility dedicated to UAVs research and education. The building includes a flying arena with a size around 10x10x10 meters, several workshops for mechanics, electronic, composite, 3D printing and storage. It also includes a teaching room for automatic control and … Continue reading Opening ENAC’s flying arena →
- Gautier Hattenberger 2018-06-15 21:25:04
Video Collection