Welcome to the OSFlash Wiki, a resource site on open source Flash maintained by members of the OSFlash community.
This site is a Wiki. That means that once you register for an account, you can log in and update any page on the site yourself. Please edit a page only if you can improve it.
Please use the playground to test the wiki, learn wiki syntax and read through the style guide before contributing content.
2019-03-16 Getting Started with WordPress Tutorials: This video guide will show you how to build a blog that is self-hosted on the open source WordPress blogging platform.
August, 2016 Happy 20th Birthday, Flash!
2007-02-9 The documentation about the XML elements and attributes supported by XLEFF has been finally released. XLEFF is an open source XML Layout Engine that runs embedded on the client-side (inside the SWF).
2007-01-29 FLAXUS Toplap flash based beta version has been released. Flaxus is a software developed under the TOPLAP manifesto, to perform visual performances in real time.
2007-01-23 Universal Remoting initiative announced, aimed at coordinating efforts in the various Remoting projects. Top priority are a service browser that works across all Remoting implementations and documentation on Remoting and FDS.
2007-01-09 CASA Framework 1.0.0 has been released. CASA is an agile high-level framework for ActionScript 2.0. It is designed to ease the chore of common and complex tasks without getting in the way.
2006-12-21 FlashDevelop 2.0.2 Final version released. Now with the fastest Flex2 compiler integration after FB.
2006-12-08 FlashInterface 2.1 released FlashInterface - Solution for communicating between ActionScript Virtual Machines (AVM) within the Flash 8 and 9 players.
2006-12-04 vixy.net flv2mpeg4, FLV to AVI/MP4/MOV command line transcoder has been released under the LGPL!
2006-11-08 ZenDoc 1.5 Released. ZenDoc, the free, web-based documentation tool for ActionScript has a new release. This release (1.5) includes bug fixes and improved support for ActionScript 3.
2006-10-30 red5. The Red5 Team is proud to announce the first public preview of the upcoming release 0.6 of Red5.
2006-10-20 FlashDevelop 2.0.1 Final version released. Fixing the last few bugs...
2006-10-05 FlashDevelop 2.0 Final version released. FlashDevelop is the first alternative opensource IDE to feature AS3 & MXML completion, including Flex2 compiler integration.
2006-09-12, GUGGAFF a Free Open Source Patern Based Framework for rich interactive web sites released!
2006-08-24 Added a page for LiVES, a Free Open Source video editor which can encode clips as Flash and many other formats!
2006-08-15 FVNC, the VNC Client for Flash has been released under the GPL<!
2006-08-02 Sandy 1.1 version released. This new version brings some nice features, like VertexInterpolators allowing animated mesh.
2006-07-30 Natural Docs development releases now have support for ActionScript 3 and are compatible with JavaDoc documentation.
2006-07-05 Xical 2.0 is out and ready for download. Xical is an Open Source Rich Media Framework and Player. It is an ideal tool for industrial-strength online e-learning, presentations and simular use cases. It includes a language specification (a XML derivate) for describing serial multimedia presentations. Core component is the Xical Player - programmed in Flash7/AS2 - with its sophisticated caching mechanisims for optimzed bandwidth awareness and presentation of media rich content. Version 2.0 is a complete redo of Xical and includes a vastly improved interface, optimized caching and load scheduling and the separation of code from .fla files.
2006-07-05 JavaFlashBridge v.1.0 has been released. This projects aims at integrating Flash player within Java Panel component and creating communication link between those two environments using JavaScript.
2006-06-01 The Arp framework now supports Flex 2 and AS3.
OSFlash is a watering hole for open source Flash developers and users to meet, talk about and contribute to new and existing open source projects for the Flash Platform.
OSFlash supports the development community by providing open source projects with free source code hosting and project management tools as well as a web presence on the OSFlash wiki.
As such, we provide a service that is similar to other sites such as SourceForge but perhaps in a smaller, more intimate setting that is focused on open source projects for the Flash Platform.
(We heard some people think that OSFlash is a project to create an Open Source Flash IDE alternative. OSFlash is not an open-source development project but a collection of tools and resources for open source developers who love the Flash Platform and want to expand its horizons! :)
If you are interested in using or developing open source Flash tools, we invite you to join the OSFlash community. You can start by joining the OSFlash Mailing list, looking at the list of existing Open Source Flash Projects and learning Wiki syntax so you can contribute to this site. You can learn more about this Wiki and read its history on the OSFlash History page.
Open Source is good for the Flash Platform.
“Open Source” software is software that you’re free to use, modify, and redistribute. More specifically, see the definition of Open Source as championed by the Open Source Initiative.
The OSFlash community is comprised of members of the Flash Community who use and develop open source on the Flash Platform.
A vibrant, healthy and productive open source community is an essential barometer of the health and success of the Flash Platform. Healthy platforms require a full ecosystem of tools, both closed-source and open-source. Open Source tools and projects also bring new developers into the Flash Platform and lead to increase competition and choice for developers.
To ease the creation of open source tools, the community also documents features of the Flash Platform such as protocols and file formats. It is essential for the core protocols and file formats of the Flash Platform to be open if the platform is to see widespread adoption.
The OSFlash website, mailing lists and source control accounts are free tools and services provided for use by the Flash Community. They are designed in order to enable community members to easily share knowledge and collaborate on open source Flash projects.
Read the definition of Open Source from the Open Source Initiative (OSI).
OSFlash supports the Flash community by providing free hosting for open source Flash projects.
If you would like your project hosted on OSFlash, please add your project details to the New Project Hosting Request page.
OSFlash offers the following services:
See OSFlash-hosted projects for a list of projects hosted by OSFlash.
OSFlash maintains a comprehensive list of Open Source Flash Projects.
This list is constantly being updated. If you are aware of an open source Flash project that is not on the list, please feel free to add to it. Note: Free does not mean Open Source. Free/commercial tools that are closed-source may be listed if absolutely necessary on the Closed Source Flash Tools page (see guidelines on the page for this.)
If you want a certain open source Flash tool/feature/application and you don’t see it on the list, please make an entry on the OSFlash Wishlist. The wishlist helps developers understand the needs of the community and gives developers direction on what to develop.
There are no established efforts on this front yet.
There is an idea to start doing some osflash Debian Packaging. If you can help this effort or if you use Debian, please add your support to the page.
Get involved! Join the OSFlash Mailing list. Please also make sure to read through the OSFlash Mailing List Archives online to see if your questions have already been answered.
For other open source flash mailing lists please refer to the Mailing Lists page.
There is an IRC channel #osflash
What tools, features, libraries are you missing while using osflash? Make a note at the wishlist so interested developers can pick a project and try to implement what you need.