岡田 敦 |
The Island of Lost World
In the summer of 2011, I visited Yururi Island off the Nemuro Peninsula for the first time. What I saw was a landscape deeply reminiscent of the vanishing nature of Nemuro, and traces of the history of the area, which flourished as a kelp fishing and horse-producing site. They were buried in the dense fog, forgotten, and illuminated me like a setting sun quietly sinking into the sea. Capturing those lingering lights in a photograph was the first dialogue with the “things disappearing.” The island’s horses will disappear…. And the island’s existence will be forgotten…. That summer, I was standing alone in the meadow in the afterglow of the sun setting down.The dialogue with the “things disappearing” has continued in silence. The seasons passed over the island quietly, and I spent some of that time with the horses. The wildflowers drop their leaves as the island’s sea fog fades into the grasslands. The horses begin to prepare for winter by putting on their winter coats. Soon, the island’s sky was covered with snow, the faded grass was painted white, and the stars began to illuminate the snowy fields. The horses cuddle together under the light, and sleep standing still, quietly, on the snow where they stopped for the last time of the day. And as the huge icicles covering the island’s cliffs gradually melt and the sea birds begin to sing there, another sea fog season comes to the island. The seasons pass over the island quietly. And the herds of horses emerging from the fog diminish in number as the years go by, and eventually, they are no longer “herds” at all.Without being asked to do so by anyone, I commuted to the island alone from my base in Tokyo, and more than ten years have passed since then. The time I spent facing the “things disappearing” was painful, but when I look back on what I have seen, it is fragile, delicate, and yet beautiful. It felt like a sanctuary accidentally born, left behind, and remaining in the sea in the far north. I will never forget the summer day when I wandered alone in the dense fog looking for the horses, or the winter day when I walked through the snowfield by moonlight and welcomed the dawn with the horses. Like an imaginary island drawn on a map, the island exists in memory. The horse lives on in the photograph. Everything becomes an illusion that cannot be traced. However, the island named “Yururi” in the remote sea still has a faint light in the dense fog.
Okada Atsushi |
JRA賞馬事文化賞受賞書籍『エピタフ 幻の島、ユルリの光跡』住人ゼロ、上陸禁止、馬だけが暮らす現代のロスト・ワールド。木村伊兵衛賞写真家による“ユルリ島をめぐる冒険”の記録2023年6月11日 発売著者:岡田 敦
JRA Equine Cultural Award Winning WorksThe Light Trail of YururiFirst Edition: June 11, 2023Author: Okada Atsushi
岡田 敦 | 写真家1979年、北海道生まれ、東京在住。2003年、大阪芸術大学芸術学部写真学科卒業。2008年、東京工芸大学大学院芸術学研究科博士後期課程にて博士号(芸術学)を取得。同年、“写真界の芥川賞”とも称される木村伊兵衛写真賞を受賞。その他、北海道文化奨励賞、東川賞特別作家賞、富士フォトサロン新人賞などを受賞。主な写真集に『I am』(赤々舎/2007年)、『ataraxia』(青幻舎/2010年)、『世界』(赤々舎/2012年)、『MOTHER』(柏艪舎/2014年)、『安田章大写真集 LIFE IS』(マガジンハウス/2020年)などがある。作品は北海道立近代美術館、川崎市市民ミュージアム、東川町文化ギャラリーなどにパブリックコレクションされている。http://okadaatsushi.com
ユルリ島は北海道の天然記念物に指定されているため島への無断上陸は禁止されています |
Okada Atsushi | PhotographerBorn 1979 in Hokkaido, Japan. Graduated from the Department of Photography, Faculty of Art, Osaka University of Arts in 2003, and received his doctorate (Art) from the Graduate School of Arts, Tokyo Polytechnic University in 2008.In the same year, he won the Kimura Ihei Award, also known as the “Akutagawa Prize of the photography world.” He has also won the Hokkaido Cultural Encouragement Award, the Higashikawa Awards Special Photographer Award, and the Fuji Photo Salon New Face Award.His published works include “I am” (AKAAKA Art Publishing, 2007), “ataraxia” (Seigensha Art Publishing, 2010), “THE WORLD” (AKAAKA Art Publishing, 2012), “MOTHER” (Hakurosha, 2014) and “Yasuda Shota Photo Collection: LIFE IS” (Magazine House, 2020). His works are in the public collections of the Hokkaido Museum of Modern Art, the Kawasaki City Museum and the Higashikawa Bunka Gallery. He has been photographing Yururi Island since 2011.http://okadaatsushi.com
Yururi Island is a natural monument designated by Hokkaido, so landing other than academic research is prohibited. |
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岡田敦写真事務所 岡田 敦 |