Let EKG-n denote the EKG sequence (
A064413) started with n rather than 2, and suppose EKG-n first merges with some other EKG-i (i >= 2) sequence after f(n) (=
A255583(n)) steps; then a(n) = smallest value of i such that EKG-i meets EKG-n after f(n) steps.
published version)
Sat Feb 28
N. J. A. Sloane: added missing cross-reference - all sequences mentioned in the entry should also be listed in the cross-references section
Let EKG-n denote the EKG sequence (A064413) started with n rather than 2, and suppose EKG-n first merges with some other EKG-i (i >= 2) sequence after f(n) (= A169857A255583(n)) steps; then a(n) = smallest value of i such that EKG-i meets EKG-n after f(n) steps.
Tue Feb 24
Gordon Hamilton: Merging needs to be precisely defined: Two sequences merge if they are identical from that point forward.
Let EKG-n denote the EKG sequence (A064413) started with n rather than 2, and suppose EKG-n first merges with some other EKG-i (i >= 32) sequence after f(n) (= A169857(n)) steps; then a(n) = smallest value of i such that EKG-i meets EKG-n after f(n) steps.
Tue Feb 24
Gordon Hamilton: This includes the original EKG-2 sequence. EKG-2 is closest to EKG-4 is what the first term describes.
Let EKG-n denote the EKG sequence (A064413) started with n instead of rather than 2, and suppose EKG-n first merges with some other EKG-i (i >= 3) sequence after f(n) (= A169857(n)) steps; then a(n) = smallest value of i such that EKG-i meets EKG-n after f(n) steps.