
Revision History for A139414

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Showing all changes.
a(x) = if one of {4x^2 - 146x + 1373, 4x^2 - 144x + 1459, 4x^2 - 142x + 1301, 4x^2 - 140x + 1877} is prime, then pick that prime in sequence.
(history; published version)
#7 by M. F. Hasler at Sun Jun 02 19:47:14 EDT 2013



#6 by M. F. Hasler at Sun Jun 02 19:46:28 EDT 2013

The initial terms are {1, 1373}, {2, 1319}, {3, 1033}, {4, 1493}, {5, 853}, {6, 839}, {7, 593}, {8, 1093}, {9, 461}, {10, 487}, . . . , {73, 11597}, {74, 12263}, {75, 12697}, {76, 13877}, {77, 13381}, {78, 14087}, {79, 14561}, {80, 15541}, {81, 15791}, {82, 16553}


Clearified Clarified the definition of the sequence and added a PARI program. _Harry J. Smith, _, with help from Maximilian _M. F. Hasler, _, Jan 31 2009




#5 by Russ Cox at Fri Mar 30 17:34:26 EDT 2012

_Roger L. Bagula (rlbagulatftn(AT)yahoo.com), _, Jun 09 2008

Fri Mar 30
OEIS Server: https://oeis.org/edit/global/158
#4 by Russ Cox at Fri Mar 30 17:24:41 EDT 2012

The polynomials are tested in a cycle beginning with t[1 + mod [x,4]], i.e. when x==0 mod 4, they are tested in order t1,t2,t3,t4; when x==1 mod 4, they are tested in the order t2,t3,t4,t1, etc. If none of the polynomials are prime, no value is given. [From _Harry J. Smith (hjsmithh(AT)sbcglobal.net), _, Jan 28 2009, Jan 31 2009]

Fri Mar 30
OEIS Server: https://oeis.org/edit/global/133
#3 by N. J. A. Sloane at Thu Nov 11 07:34:06 EST 2010

Harry J. Smith, <a href="/A139414/a139414.txt">Comments on this sequence</a>




#2 by N. J. A. Sloane at Fri Feb 27 03:00:00 EST 2009

a(Xx) = if one of {4x^2 - 146x + 1373, 4x^2 - 144x + 1459, 4x^2 - 142x + 1301, 4x^2 - 140x + 1877} is prime, then pick that prime in sequence.


What is more than one is prime? What if The polynomials are tested in a cycle beginning with t[1 + mod [x,4]], i.e. when x==0 mod 4, they are tested in order t1,t2,t3,t4; when x==1 mod 4, they are tested in the order t2,t3,t4,t1, etc. If none of the four is polynomials are prime? - njas, Jun 09 2008, no value is given. [From Harry J. Smith (hjsmithh(AT)sbcglobal.net), Jan 28 2009, Jan 31 2009]


Harry J. Smith, <a href="a139414.txt">Comments on this sequence</a>


The initial terms are: {1, 1373}, {2, 1319}, {3, 1033}, {4, 1493}, {5, 853}, {6, 839}, {7, 593}, {8, 1093}, {9, 461}, {10, 487}, . . . {73, 11597}, {74, 12263}, {75, 12697}, {76, 13877}, {77, 13381}, {78, 14087}, {79, 14561}, {80, 15541}, {81, 15791}, {82, 16553}

{0, 1373}, {1, 1319}, {2, 1033}, {3, 1493}, {4, 853}, {5, 839}, {6, 593}, {7,

1093}, {8, 461}, {9, 487}, {10, 281}, {11, 821}, {12, 197}, {13, 263}, {14,

97}, {15, 677}, {16, 61}, {17, 167}, {18, 41}, {19, 661}, {20, 53}, {21,

199}, {22, 113}, {23, 773}, {24, 173}, {25, 359}, {26, 313}, {27, 1013}, {28,

421}, {29, 647}, {30, 641}, {31, 1381}, {32, 797}, {33, 1063}, {34, 1097},

{35, 1877}, {36, 1301}, {37, 1607}, {38, 2333}, {39, 1847}, {40, 1933}, {41,

2203}, {42, 2393}, {43, 3253}, {44, 2693}, {45, 3079}, {46, 3121}, {47,

4133}, {48, 3581}, {49, 4007}, {50, 4201}, {51, 4519}, {52, 4597}, {53,

5011}, {54, 5297}, {55, 6277}, {56, 5741}, {57, 6247}, {58, 6521}, {59,

7541}, {60, 7013}, {61, 7559}, {62, 7873}, {63, 8933}, {64, 8627}, {65,

8999}, {66, 10061}, {67, 10453}, {68, 9941}, {69, 10567}, {70, 11677}, {71,

12101}, {72, 11597}, {73, 12263}, {74, 12697}, {75, 13877}, {76, 13381}, {77,

14087}, {78, 14561},


a = {4x^2 - 146x + 1373, 4x^2 - 144x + 1459, 4x^2 - 142x + 1301, 4x^2 - 140x + 1877}; (* functional "if" ladder to switch polynomials*) g[x_] := If[PrimeQ[a[[1 + Mod[x, 4]]]], a[[1 + Mod[x, 4]]], If[PrimeQ[a[[1 + Mod[x + 1, 4]]]], a[[1 + Mod[x + 1, 4]]], If[PrimeQ[a[[1 + Mod[x + 2, 4]]]], a[[1 + Mod[x + 2, 4]]], If[PrimeQ[a[[1 + Mod[x + 3, 4]]]], a[[1 + Mod[x + 3, 4]]], a[[1 + Mod[x, 4]]]]]]]; Flatten[Table[If[PrimeQ[g[x]], g[x], {}], {x, 0, 500}]] Length[%] Sort[Table[If[PrimeQ[g[x]], {x, g[x]}, {}], {x, 0, 500 }]];


(PARI) {n=0; for( x=0, 12022, t=[4*x^2-146*x+1373, 4*x^2-144*x+1459, 4*x^2-142*x+1301, 4*x^2-140*x+1877]; for(i=0, 3, if( isprime( p=t[ (x+i)%4+1 ]), print(n++, " "p); write("b139414.txt", n, " "p); break)))}


Cf. A155814.




Edited by njas, Jun 09 2008Clearified the definition of the sequence and added a PARI program. Harry J. Smith, with help from Maximilian Hasler, Jan 31 2009

#1 by N. J. A. Sloane at Sun Jun 29 03:00:00 EDT 2008

a(X) = if one of {4x^2 - 146x + 1373, 4x^2 - 144x + 1459, 4x^2 - 142x + 1301, 4x^2 - 140x + 1877} is prime, then pick that prime in sequence.


1373, 1319, 1033, 1493, 853, 839, 593, 1093, 461, 487, 281, 821, 197, 263, 97, 677, 61, 167, 41, 661, 53, 199, 113, 773, 173, 359, 313, 1013, 421, 647, 641, 1381, 797, 1063, 1097, 1877, 1301, 1607, 2333, 1847, 1933, 2203, 2393, 3253, 2693, 3079, 3121, 4133




What is more than one is prime? What if none of the four is prime? - njas, Jun 09 2008

Based on correspondence with Aldrich Stevens.


The initial terms are:

{0, 1373}, {1, 1319}, {2, 1033}, {3, 1493}, {4, 853}, {5, 839}, {6, 593}, {7,

1093}, {8, 461}, {9, 487}, {10, 281}, {11, 821}, {12, 197}, {13, 263}, {14,

97}, {15, 677}, {16, 61}, {17, 167}, {18, 41}, {19, 661}, {20, 53}, {21,

199}, {22, 113}, {23, 773}, {24, 173}, {25, 359}, {26, 313}, {27, 1013}, {28,

421}, {29, 647}, {30, 641}, {31, 1381}, {32, 797}, {33, 1063}, {34, 1097},

{35, 1877}, {36, 1301}, {37, 1607}, {38, 2333}, {39, 1847}, {40, 1933}, {41,

2203}, {42, 2393}, {43, 3253}, {44, 2693}, {45, 3079}, {46, 3121}, {47,

4133}, {48, 3581}, {49, 4007}, {50, 4201}, {51, 4519}, {52, 4597}, {53,

5011}, {54, 5297}, {55, 6277}, {56, 5741}, {57, 6247}, {58, 6521}, {59,

7541}, {60, 7013}, {61, 7559}, {62, 7873}, {63, 8933}, {64, 8627}, {65,

8999}, {66, 10061}, {67, 10453}, {68, 9941}, {69, 10567}, {70, 11677}, {71,

12101}, {72, 11597}, {73, 12263}, {74, 12697}, {75, 13877}, {76, 13381}, {77,

14087}, {78, 14561},


a = {4x^2 - 146x + 1373, 4x^2 - 144x + 1459, 4x^2 - 142x + 1301, 4x^2 - 140x + 1877}; (* functional "if" ladder to switch polynomials*) g[x_] := If[PrimeQ[a[[1 + Mod[x, 4]]]], a[[1 + Mod[x, 4]]], If[PrimeQ[a[[1 + Mod[x + 1, 4]]]], a[[1 + Mod[x + 1, 4]]], If[PrimeQ[a[[1 + Mod[x + 2, 4]]]], a[[1 + Mod[x + 2, 4]]], If[PrimeQ[a[[1 + Mod[x + 3, 4]]]], a[[1 + Mod[x + 3, 4]]], a[[1 + Mod[x, 4]]]]]]]; Flatten[Table[If[PrimeQ[g[x]], g[x], {}], {x, 0, 500}]] Length[%] Sort[Table[If[PrimeQ[g[x]], {x, g[x]}, {}], {x, 0, 500}]];




Roger L. Bagula (rlbagulatftn(AT)yahoo.com), Jun 09 2008


Edited by njas, Jun 09 2008

