Lexicographically earliest sequence such that a(n) is coprime to the preceding 4 terms (or n-1 terms if n<5) and does not occur earlier.
1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 4, 9, 13, 17, 19, 8, 15, 23, 29, 31, 14, 25, 27, 37, 41, 16, 35, 33, 43, 47, 26, 49, 45, 53, 59, 22, 61, 21, 65, 67, 32, 71, 51, 55, 73, 28, 79, 39, 83, 85, 38, 77, 69, 89, 97, 10, 91, 57, 101, 103, 20, 107, 63, 109, 113, 34, 95, 81, 121, 127, 46, 119, 75, 131, 137, 44, 133, 87, 115, 139, 52, 149, 93, 125, 151, 56, 143, 111, 145, 157, 62, 161, 99, 163, 167, 40, 169, 123, 173, 179, 50, 181
One possible extension of A084937, A103683 to N=4. Here, a(4)=5 is chosen such that a(n) is coprime to a(k) for 0 < k < n <= 4. Another choice is a(k)=k (k<=4), which yieds the different sequence A180348.
It appears that:
- no multiples of 6 occur in this sequence, so it is not a permutation of the integers.
- a(n)=3 (mod 6) iff n=3, n=8, n=13 or n=14+5k, k>0.
- a(n)=0 (mod 2) iff n= 2+5k, k>=0.
- powers of 2 occur in natural order.
- powers of 3 occur in natural order.
- powers of any prime p occur in natural order.
- powers of any number occur in natural order.
(PARI) print1("1, 2, 3"); a=[1, 2, 3, L=5]; unused=[4]; v=vector(#a, i, 1); for(n=4, 99, print1(", "a[#a]); for(i=1, #unused, apply(x->gcd(x, unused[i]), a)==v | next; a=concat(vecextract(a, "^1"), unused[i]); unused=vecextract(unused, Str("^", i)); next(2)); L++; while(apply(x->gcd(x, L), a) !=v, unused=concat(unused, L++-1); ); a=concat(vecextract(a, "^1"), L))
Sequence in context: A097858 A084408 A257347 * A111679 A349872 A087174
M. F. Hasler, Jan 18 2011