Combinatorial interpretations of Lagrange inversion (A134685) and the 2-Stirling numbers of the first kind (A049444 and A143491) provide a combinatorial construction for A074060 (see first Copeland link). For relations of A074060 to other arrays see second Copeland link page 19. - Tom Copeland, Sep 28 2008
These Poincare polynomials for the compactified moduli space of rational curves are presented on p. 5 of Lando and Zvonkin as well as those for the non-compactified Poincare polynomials of A049444 in factorial form. - Tom Copeland, Jun 13 2021
Tom Copeland, Combinatorics of OEIS-A074060, Posted Sept. 2008.
Tom Copeland, Mathemagical Forests v2, Posted June 2008.
S. Keel, Intersection theory of moduli space of stable n-pointed curves of genus zero, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 330 (1992), 545-574.
M. Kontsevich and Y. Manin, Quantum cohomology of a product, (with Appendix by R. Kaufmann), Inv. Math. 124, f. 1-3 (1996) 313-339.
M. Kontsevich and Y. Manin, Quantum cohomology of a product, arXiv:q-alg/9502009, 1995.
S. Lando and A. Zvonkin, Graphs on surfaces and their applications, Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences, 141, Springer, 2004.
Y. Manin, Generating functions in algebraic geometry and sums over trees, arXiv:alg-geom/9407005, 1994. - Tom Copeland, Dec 10 2011
M. A. Readdy, The pre-WDVV ring of physics and its topology, preprint, 2002.
Define offset to be 0 and P(n,t) = (-1)^n Sum_{j=0..n-2} a(n-2,j)*t^j with P(1,t) = -1 and P(0,t) = 1, then H(x,t) = -1 + exp(P(.,t)*x) is the compositional inverse in x about 0 of G(x,t) in A049444. H(x,0) = exp(-x) - 1, H(x,1) = -1 + exp( 2 + W( -exp(-2) * (2-x) ) ) and H(x,2) = 1 - (1+2*x)^(1/2), where W is a branch of the Lambert function such that W(-2*exp(-2)) = -2. - Tom Copeland, Feb 17 2008
Let offset=0 and g(x,t) = (1-t)/((1+x)^(t-1)-t), then the n-th row polynomial of the table is given by [(g(x,t)*D_x)^(n+1)]x with the derivative evaluated at x=0. - Tom Copeland, Jun 01 2008
With the notation in Copeland's comments, dH(x,t)/dx = -g(H(x,t),t). - Tom Copeland, Sep 01 2011
The term linear in x of [x*g(d/dx,t)]^n 1 gives the n-th row polynomial with offset 1. (See A134685.) - Tom Copeland, Oct 21 2011
Viewed as a triangular array, the values are
1, 1;
1, 5, 1;
1, 16, 16, 1;
1, 42, 127, 42, 1; ...
DA:=((1+t)*A(u, t)+u)/(1-t*A(u, t)): F:=0: for k from 1 to 10 do F:=map(simplify, int(series(subs(A(u, t)=F, DA), u, k), u)); od: # Eric Rains, Apr 02 2005
DA = ((1+t) A[u, t] + u)/(1 - t A[u, t]); F = 0;
Do[F = Integrate[Series[DA /. A[u, t] -> F, {u, 0, k}], u], {k, 1, 10}];
(cc = CoefficientList[#, t]; cc Denominator[cc[[1]]])& /@ Drop[ CoefficientList[F, u], 2] // Flatten (* Jean-François Alcover, Oct 15 2019, after Eric Rains *)
Margaret A. Readdy, Aug 16 2002
More terms from Eric Rains, Apr 02 2005