hbase: All content tagged as hbase in NoSQL databases and polyglot persistence
Friday, 7 November 2014
NoSQL databases, Hadoop, Big Data: Pinned tabs Nov.7th
01: Damien Katz, creator of CouchDB, is starting to work on a new message queue project based on the work he has done on Couchbase Database Change Protocol and using Couchbase ForestDB as durable storage. ★
It’s an interesting time for message queues. Yesterday, a team from LinkedIn announced forming a start-up around Kafka.
After leaving Couchbase, Damien Katz has spent some time at Salesforce, but it looks like he’s more of a start-up person.
02: A reusable library for using Spark with HBase. ★
03: TIL: Joyent is using the Apache ZooKeeper-based Manatee for managing PostgreSQL replication and automatic failover. They also built a key-value service on top of PostgreSQL. ★
Original title and link: NoSQL databases, Hadoop, Big Data: Pinned tabs Nov.7th ( ©myNoSQL)