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hbase: All content tagged as hbase in NoSQL databases and polyglot persistence

NoSQL databases, Hadoop, Big Data: Pinned tabs Nov.7th

01: Damien Katz, creator of CouchDB, is starting to work on a new message queue project based on the work he has done on Couchbase Database Change Protocol and using Couchbase ForestDB as durable storage.

It’s an interesting time for message queues. Yesterday, a team from LinkedIn announced forming a start-up around Kafka.

After leaving Couchbase, Damien Katz has spent some time at Salesforce, but it looks like he’s more of a start-up person.

02: A reusable library for using Spark with HBase.

03: TIL: Joyent is using the Apache ZooKeeper-based Manatee for managing PostgreSQL replication and automatic failover. They also built a key-value service on top of PostgreSQL.

Original title and link: NoSQL databases, Hadoop, Big Data: Pinned tabs Nov.7th (NoSQL database©myNoSQL)