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Posts about NoSQL databases and Polyglot persistence from Thursday, 9 February 2012

MapReduce Patterns, Algorithms, and Use Cases

Ilya Katsov’s post enumerates an extensive set of patterns and algorithms each accompanied by use cases and pseudocode:

  • counting and summing (log analysis, data querying)
  • collating (inverted indexes, ETL)
  • filtering, parsing, validation (log analysis, data querying, ETL, data validation)
  • distributed task execution (physical and engineering simulations, numerical analysis, performance testing)
  • sorting (ETL, data analysis)
  • iterative message passing/graph processing (graph analysis, web indexing)
  • distinct values (log analysis, uniqueness)
  • cross-correlation (text analysis, market analysis)
  • relational patterns: selection, projection, union, intersection, difference, aggregation, joining

As you can see there’s a wide range of problems that can be addressed using MapReduce algorithms. The complexity of applying MapReduce techniques comes from identifying the phases that lead to both effective and efficient analysis.

Original title and link: MapReduce Patterns, Algorithms, and Use Cases (NoSQL database©myNoSQL)


Tropo and CouchDB: SMS Voting App in 10 Minutes

Mark Headd:

By pairing Tropo with CouchDB and a CouchApp running in IrisiCouch, you can have an SMS and phone voting app running entirely in the cloud in about 10 minutes. It should actually take you longer to write up the categories for your voting app than it should to deploy this solution.

Code available on GitHub.

Original title and link: Tropo and CouchDB: SMS Voting App in 10 Minutes (NoSQL database©myNoSQL)


MongoDB in Review

A high level review of MongoDB by Andrew Glover with a bullet point pros and cons

MongoDB Pros and Cons

and a MongoDB scorecard:

MongoDB Scorecard

I’ve spent some time trying to figure out what’s behind these scores, but I’ve had to give up.

Original title and link: MongoDB in Review (NoSQL database©myNoSQL)


The Future is Polyglot Persistence

Marting Fowler and Pramod Sadalage in an infographic promoting their upcoming book (PDF):

Polyglot persistence will occur over the enterprise as different applications use different data storage technologies. It will also occur within a single application as different parts of an application’s data store have different access characteristics.

There are over 2 years since I’ve begun evangelizing polyglot persistence. By now, most thought leaders agree it is the future. Next on my agenda is having the top relational vendors sign off too. Actually, I’m almost there: Oracle is promoting an Oracle NoSQL Database and Microsoft is offering both relational and non-relational solutions with Azure. They just need to say it.

Original title and link: The Future is Polyglot Persistence (NoSQL database©myNoSQL)