Research on Effective Designs and Evaluation for Speech Interface Systems

This post is excerpt from the draft version of the abstract of doctoral dissertation. My public hearing for the dissertation will be held this month at Waseda University. Although the thesis itself is written in Japanese, I am willing to write the related topics here in English. This paper describes a systematic way of enabling […]

ICCHP 2010 talk

My talk on audio CAPTCHA at ICCHP finished yesterday in Vienna. I enjoyed using Twitter during the conference. Thank you. Dear new friends, Usually I tweet in Japanese with @nishimotz account. I prefer using facebook for English conversation. So, please feel free to unfollow me. Both facebook and @nishimotz account on Twitter can be used […]

DMCPP: development of another dialog manager

An experimental dialog manager of Galatea for Linux, using lib-julius and OpenCV, written in C++, is under development. The project is focusing on the low-level multimodal event handling, while Galatea Dialog Studio is focusing on higher-level dialog management using VoiceXML. Although current version is just the skeleton of applications, I would like to ask for […]


To test the MSAA-related features of Microsoft Japanese Input Method Editor MS-IME 2002 for Japanese version of Windows, I am working with pyAA. This is a preliminary work for localization of NVDA for Japanese users. I tried to adopt original pyAA to Python 2.6.x. At first I obtained the source code (of simpler branch) from […]

Voice interface and effectiveness

One of my colleague made a presentation at Human-Agent-Interaction symposium in Tokyo yesterday. The assumption is that the human-like spoken dialogs are highly effective. Our proposal is to use the reinforcement-learning for acquiring the strategy how to respond quickly to overlapped utterances, interruptions, or gestures during spoken dialogs between human and machine. Although the research […]


I am developing a service called orpheus_tw. Japanese songs composed by the automatic composition system “Orpheus” (a research project at the University of Tokyo) can be shared with the followers of a Twitter account @orpheus_tw. This service was built with Ruby and Rails, and hosted by Heroku. Additional “delayed job” option is also used.

Research on Spoken Dialogue Agent

The upcoming publications at Human Agent Interaction Symposium (HAI2009) are as follows: Masayuki Nakazawa, Takuya Nishimoto, Shigeki Sagayama: Title: Behavior Generation for Spoken Dialogue Agent by Dynamical Model Abstract: For the spoken dialog systems with the anthropomorphic agents, it is important to give the natural impressions and the real presence to human. For this purpose, […]

A research on speech CAPTCHA systems

I am working on my presentation at WIT/SP meeting as follows. Title: The comparison between the deletion-based methods and the mixing-based methods for safe speech CAPTCHA systems Authors: Takuya NISHIMOTO, Hitomi MATSUMURA and Takayuki WATANABE Abstract: Speech-based CAPTCHA systems, which distinguish between software agents and human beings, are especially important for persons with visual disability.  […]

Japanese TTS for NVDA

Objectives Many of tools for the visually impaired to use a PC and the Web are commercial software at present. The following problems occur due to this. The financial problem. It is difficult to follow flexibly and rapidly for a change of needs and the OS environment of the user. The needs cannot be shared […]