Showing posts with label roses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label roses. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Tutorial: Clay Rose with Color Gradient

Hi, Sorry I haven't been posting every day like I used to.  I got involved in some local projects around town which have been taking a lot of my time.  More than I know how that goes!   Because I missed featuring a tutorial on Tuesday... let's have one today!

In this video, the well-known South American clay artist Jorge Rubicce shows us his methods for creating realistic roses using cold porcelain. If you don't understand the language, just mute the video and follow along visually as he demonstrates each step for building the flowers and creating his gradient color effect.  Any of the soft air-dry clays would work as well for this project.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Tutorial Tuesday

That's me being surprised at
how long it's been since last post!!

Well, it seems I've taken a 6 month vacation from posting here at New Clay News! I didn't realize that it's been so apologies, I've really been busy. Been involved in writing a book about the history of our town and spent some time in the hospital, among other things. 

The book draft is now at the publisher and my health is doing OK, so maybe I can get back into playing with clay and into the old routine of posting often. Let's start with catching up on some of the newest tutorials posted over at my Air Dry Clay Tutorial Directory.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

How to Create Craft Porcelain Clay Roses

Clay Roses by Linda Peterson
As featured on Livin' the Creative Life, Linda Peterson shares how to create delicate roses from the air-dry clay called "Craft Porcelain"  (from Amaco).    This product is said to be similar to the homemade cold porcelain paste we've often mentioned .... but I'm told by those who've used both products that the


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