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by 22tape

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Werd 04:00
Bless You 04:26


It's so clear: seconds after awaking from the most absurdly random dream, pulling together details from what seems like the most obscure of thought patterns into one coherent message of mental infidelity.

You haven't been conscious long enough to convince yourself that the mind vacation you just went on was something of fantasy, and so you lay there in bed wondering what it all means.

The flashes of imagery and sounds seemingly pulled from god-knows-where and reconstructed to form a glitch-ridden beat interwoven with strings, horns, and ethereal chops like you've never heard before. But it gets distant... if only you could remember what it all sounded like...

It all begins to fizzle and break apart as you realize it was all a dream and you're left with nothing more than the realization that you just experienced something truly dope.

This is like that.


released December 12, 2012

Produced by 22Tape


all rights reserved



Neferiu Records

Neferiu (neh-FAIR-ee-oo) Records holds dear a philosophy of integrity. We have been releasing music to the world since early 2000, and in that time we are honored to have helped expose over 50 amazing works of audio artwork to the world.

Our roots lie firmly within electronic & hip hop music with a tendency towards experimental-ism and the individual musician’s (as opposed to popular) influence.
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