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Banks of Green Willow

by Debra Cowan

00:00 / 04:48


Child Ballad #24, also known as Bonnie Annie. a young woman robs her parents at her lover’s request, and sails away with him. During a storm at sea, the woman gives birth to a baby and the sailors blame her for their misfortune and throw her and her baby overboard. This commonly called a "Jonah Ballad"


It's of a sea captain, lived by the salt sea side O
And he has courted a fair maid till she's proved with child O

Crying, "Oh my love, what shall I do and what will become of me
For my father and mother they will both disown me"

"Go fetch some of your father's gold and some of your mother's money
And you can come a-sailing along with your Johnny"

So she's fetched some of her father's gold and some of her mother's money
And she has gone on board the sailing ship along with her Johnny

They had not been a sailing scarce six weeks nor so many
When she wanted women's help but could not get any

"Oh hold your tongue you foolish girl, oh hold your tongue me honey
For we cannot get women's help for love nor for money"

They hadn't been a sailing scarce six miles nor so many
When she was delivered of a beautiful baby

And when they had sailed, the days were so many
The sails were outspread, but miles they made not any

They cast the black bullets, as they lay adrift on the sea O
The black bullet fell to the maiden and her child O

"Sea captain, sea captain, here's fifty pounds for thee
If you will go and fetch me home along with my baby"

"O no," cries the sea captain, "O no that can never be
For it is better to loose two lives than to loose many"

And he's tied a kerchief round her head, and he's tied it soft and easy
And he has thrown her right overboard, along with her baby

"See how my love do swim, me boys, see how my love do quiver
She will never cease swimming till the banks of green willow"

"My love shall have a coffin of the gold of the finest yellow
And she shall be buried on the


released May 15, 2000
Debra Cowan (vocal)


all rights reserved



Debra Cowan Shrewsbury, Massachusetts

Singer Debra Cowan performs a cappella and with guitar, interpreting a wide range of folk songs. Debra has two acclaimed solo recordings to her credit, and her third, “Fond Desire Farewell” was produced by former Fairport Convention drummer Dave Mattacks. A former California resident, she now resides in Massachusetts and tours all over North America and the United Kingdom. ... more

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