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Develop your cybersecurity skills and prepare for the CISSP exam

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In this course you will learn everything you need to know to take your cyber-security career to the next level. Whether you are already in cyber security and want to prepare for the CISSP exam, or you are working in technology and are curious about what cybersecurity is, this course is for you.

The course covers the range of topics that professionals in the field need to know about security and risk management in organizations, including best practices for security in architecture, networking, and physical locations. You’ll learn how organizations test and monitor for security, and how they use asset management to discover the data and systems that exist in their organization so they can protect them. And you'll see how security fits into the software development lifecycle

We will delve into the importance of security concepts such as confidentiality, integrity, and availability. How to use authentication and authorization to manage user and system access. How organizations prepare for disasters and ready themselves to resume operations. How to use risk management to define your company’s approach to security. Supply chain risks. Threat modeling. Security models. Cryptoanalysis. And so much more!

We cover a lot of topics here, and when you’ve finished the course you will have a thorough understanding of how security fits into an organization, and all the areas that need to be secured. Grab a comfy chair and get ready to learn.

Distributed by Manning Publications

This course was created independently by Derek Fisher and is distributed by Manning through our exclusive liveVideo platform.


  • Basic understanding of systems software
  • Fundamental understanding of cyber security and risk management

about the instructor

Derek Fisher has been working in application security for over a decade, and has seen numerous security successes and failures firsthand. He has several decades of experience designing systems in both hardware and software, and holds a graduate degree in cybersecurity from Boston University. He continues to work as a leader, university instructor, and conference speaker in the security space where he provides his insight to professionals in multiple fields and disciplines.

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