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Clean Code
Peter Sommerhoff
  • Course duration: 9h 18m

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"This course is your practical hands-on introduction to the world of Kotlin. You start out learning about Kotlin itself, its principles and its benefits, then dive right into functional programming and object orientation in Kotlin. You’ll then dive into building an Android app purely in Kotlin, using powerful language features and best practices. At the end, you'll be able to use Kotlin confidently in future Android apps as well as other platforms."
--Instructor Peter Sommerhoff

See it. Do it. Learn it! Kotlin for Android & Java Developers: Clean Code on Android is your ticket to unlocking the power of Kotlin for mobile applications. Since Google announced support for developing Android apps in Kotlin, interest in the language has been booming. And mobile developers with Kotlin skills have an edge in the job market. It’s time to skill up and get ahead!

Distributed by Manning Publications

This course was created independently by big data expert Peter Sommerhoff and is distributed by Manning through our exclusive liveVideo platform.

about the subject

Kotlin is a modern programming language for the JVM developed by Jetbrains, the makers of the IntelliJ IDE. Kotlin allows you to write highly expressive, understandable, and safe code—and it’s 100% interoperable with Java. Kotlin and Java are the only officially supported languages for Android development.

about the video

In this engaging liveVideo course, Kotlin expert Peter Sommerhoff shows you how to take advantage of language features designed to help you write code that’s clean, concise, and easy to maintain. What’s more, Kotlin for Android & Java Developers will show you how to avoid the most common coding errors in your Android apps.

Your visual learning experience begins with the Kotlin language basics. Next up are functional and object-oriented programming in Kotlin. Then, you’re ready to build a simple Android app using the Android Studio IDE and Gradle, an open-source build automation system. You’ll create an Android app that helps users stick to habits, like eating healthy or exercising regularly.

Peter Sommerhoff’s passion for Kotlin shines through. Following his knowledgeable and friendly instruction, you’ll complete your first Android app in Kotlin, identify code that can be made cleaner, and discover the many benefits for coding Android in Kotlin!


This course is perfect for Android developers using Java. No experience with Kotlin is required.

about the instructor

Peter Sommerhoff is the founder of CodeAlong.tv and has taught more than 35,000 learners worldwide how to code by combining the basics of software development with plenty of hands-on practice. He has a master’s degree in computer science, and he’s the author of Kotlin for Android App Development.
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