C++ for Beginners: Mastering C++ programming essentials you own this product

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Embark on a transformative odyssey through the intricacies of C++ programming with our meticulously crafted course. Tailored to both novice enthusiasts and seasoned developers alike, this comprehensive learning experience ventures deep into the nuances that differentiate C from C++, providing a solid foundation for learners. Immerse yourself in the intricate anatomy of the C++ language, and learn the concepts of data manipulation through variables and arrays.

Delve into the multifaceted landscape of C++ operators, flow control mechanisms, and selection statements, and become adept at handling iteration and jump statements with finesse. Navigate the expansive realm of functions, pointers, and multidimensional arrays, unraveling the complexities inherent in dynamic memory allocation and file handling. Uncover the sophisticated world of user-defined data types, explore the elegance of structures, and dive headfirst into the bedrock of object-oriented programming principles, featuring classes, inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, and abstraction.

Traverse the fundamentals of data structures, gaining proficiency in essential operations, linked lists, and the intricacies of stacks and queues. By the culmination of this enriching course, not only will you possess a profound understanding of C++, but you'll also wield the expertise necessary to tackle real-world programming challenges with confidence.

Distributed by Manning Publications

This course was created independently by Meta Brains and is distributed by Manning through our exclusive liveVideo platform.


Basic understanding of programming concepts

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Meta Brains is a professional training brand developed by a team of software developers and finance professionals who have a passion for coding, finance, and Excel. They bring together professional and educational experiences to create world-class training programs accessible to everyone. Currently, they're focused on the next great revolution in computing: The Metaverse. Their ultimate objective is to train the next generation of talent so we can code and build the metaverse together.

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