Build Full-Stack Web Applications using C# and Blazor you own this product

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Taurius Litvinavicius
  • Course duration: 3h 2m

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Developers comfortable with both client-side and server-side development often find themselves with more career opportunities than colleagues who only specialize in front-ends or back-ends. Thanks to the new and open source Blazor framework for browser-based development using C#, it’s never been easier to develop full stack web applications on the .NET platform. In Build Full-Stack Web Applications using C# and Blazor you’ll master creating both front ends and back ends, as well as integrating the two together in a fun Classroom Quiz example app.

Distributed by Manning Publications

This course was created independently by Taurius Litvinavicius and is distributed by Manning through our exclusive liveVideo platform.

about the subject

C# is a powerful tool for anyone interested in creating high-performance and Enterprise-grade web applications. Thanks to the free and open-source Blazor web framework, you can now create fast and performant full stack web applications with nothing but C# code.

about the video

Build Full-Stack Web Applications using C# and Blazor is a practical guide to modern full stack web development. You’ll learn to build both the front end and back end of web applications using only C# and the Blazor framework. You’ll start with the basics of Blazor and API development with .NET Core, before quickly moving on to advanced topics such as dependency injection and security. You’ll then put your new skills into action by building a Classroom Quiz program, including using an API and client-side Blazor integration.


For C# developers.

about the instructor

Taurius Litvinavicius is a businessman, author, and tech expert.
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