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intermediate Python • basics of Jupyter Notebook, NumPy, and Matplotlib • basics of Braket SDK
skills learned
create a quantum circuit to communicate information between two parties using the Amazon Braket SDK • prepare two qubits and make them into a Bell pair • implement a messaging scheme with quantum gates • send messages using qubits
Faisal Nazir
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In this liveProject, you’ll implement superdense encoding and use the unique properties of qubits to build a communication system between two friends—Alice and Bob. You’ll prepare qubits into a Bell pair, and then utilize quantum gates to implement a messaging system. You’ll then prepare the quantum circuits that allow Bob to receive and read Alice’s messages.

This project is designed for learning purposes and is not a complete, production-ready application or solution.

project author

Faisal Nazir
Faisal Nazir is a machine learning specialist working in Amazon Web Services. He has worked on a vast range of technologies in his career including data, analytics, machine learning, event stream processing, security, and telecommunications. He has also been a management consultant in the field of telecommunications, media, and high technology. He holds a master’s in physics from Imperial College London where his final year thesis was on the consistent history interpretation of quantum mechanics. His current work is helping customers use AWS services to implement machine learning solutions at scale. He also has a passion to educate in the use of quantum computing.


To begin this liveProject, you will need to be familiar with the following:

  • Intermediate Python
  • Basics of Jupyter Notebook
  • Basics of Matplotlib
  • Basics of NumPy
  • Basics of Braket SDK


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