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Barry Pollard
  • March 2019
  • ISBN 9781617295164
  • 416 pages
  • printed in black & white
  • Available translations: Japanese, Korean, Russian, Simplified Chinese

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Look inside
HTTP/2 in Action is a complete guide to HTTP/2, one of the core protocols of the web. Because HTTP/2 has been designed to be easy to transition to, including keeping it backwards compatible, adoption is rapid and expected to increase over the next few years. Concentrating on practical matters, this interesting book presents key HTTP/2 concepts such as frames, streams, and multiplexing and explores how they affect the performance and behavior of your websites.

about the technology

HTTP—Hypertext Transfer Protocol—is the standard for exchanging messages between websites and browsers. And after 20 years, it's gotten a much-needed upgrade. With support for streams, server push, header compression, and prioritization, HTTP/2 delivers vast improvements in speed, security, and efficiency.

about the book

HTTP/2 in Action teaches you everything you need to know to use HTTP/2 effectively. You'll learn how to optimize web performance with new features like frames, multiplexing, and push. You'll also explore real-world examples on advanced topics like flow control and dependencies. With ready-to-implement tips and best practices, this practical guide is sure to get you—and your websites—up to speed!

what's inside

  • HTTP/2 for web developers
  • Upgrading and troubleshooting
  • Real-world examples and case studies
  • QUIC and HTTP/3

about the reader

Written for web developers and site administrators.

about the author

Barry Pollard is a professional developer with two decades of experience developing, supporting, and tuning software and infrastructure.

An excellent introduction to the new HTTP/2 standard, with insightful explanations and very good examples.

Alain Couniot, STIB-MIVB

The most significant change to this protocol in two decades, thoroughly described. Critical reading for web ops and web devs.

Ronald Cranston, Sky UK

A great resource for learning all the nuances of HTTP/2 and how it will affect development going forward.

Tom McKearney, Applied Information Sciences

The clearest explanation of HTTP/2 I have seen to date. Highly recommended.

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