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Open source: dangerous to computing education? (opensource.com)

Open source: dangerous to computing education? (opensource.com)

Posted Feb 18, 2010 23:17 UTC (Thu) by shmget (guest, #58347)
In reply to: Open source: dangerous to computing education? (opensource.com) by farnz
Parent article: Open source: dangerous to computing education? (opensource.com)

"projects should watch themselves for signs that they've stopped being meritocracies."

I do agree with that...

I just strongly disagree that the demographic breakdown of the contributor list is such a sign.
I also strongly disagree that the tone of a mailing list is any indication of the level of meritocracy achieved by a project.

Quite frankly, as far as I am concerned, the worse part about being called an idiot of mailing list is when I come to realize that I WAS indeed an idiot... otherwise, a Courteline quote comes to mine
"Passer pour un idiot aux yeux d'un imbecile est un delice de fin gourmet"

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