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Open source: dangerous to computing education? (opensource.com)

Open source: dangerous to computing education? (opensource.com)

Posted Feb 18, 2010 22:57 UTC (Thu) by Wol (subscriber, #4433)
In reply to: Open source: dangerous to computing education? (opensource.com) by farnz
Parent article: Open source: dangerous to computing education? (opensource.com)

Another name that would lead to confusion - even among English-speakers. Robin.

Most Brits would assume male, Americans would assume female, don't know about eg Aussies.

But the other thing is, simply the way you write. A linguistics expert, even without having a name to give him a clue, would be able to make a good guess as to sex and nationality simply from reading the post. In other words, we give away clues to our identity (and respond to clues in other peoples posts).

I'm sure many people here have a damn good clue as to my gender and nationality, and my nym doesn't give any clue as to that :-)


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