I filled the mermaid's shell with jewels found by her in shipwrecks on the ocean floor, rubies, diamonds, aquamarines and saphires as well as many gold and silver coins -
( micro beads and tiny sparklies )
The image is framed with a small piece of dyed scrim on one side and a tiny bit of silk sari ribbon on the other side -
There are more jewels lying on the ocean floor amongst the sea shells, just waiting to be picked up by the mermaids -
I finished the tag off with a bit of lace, which Kimberly had used to wrap her package of ATCs in ( mermaid swap, see this post ), and a little silver seahorse charm.
Toodlepip xxx
PS - I'll have a looooooooooong post on my Vintageland blog later on today to show you some more vide greniers finds. Darn, I am so behind with photos.