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This article is about the region in the Kingdom of Doriath. For the forest in Rhûn, see Neldoreth.

The Forest of Neldoreth, otherwise known as the Neldoreth, was a forest in the Kingdom of Doriath.

It was located between the rivers Esgalduin and Mindeb in the northern part of the kingdom.


The Forest of Neldoreth was one of the many areas of Doriath enclosed within the Girdle of Melian after the First Battle of Beleriand. Lúthien was born here to Thingol and Melian during the Years of the Trees and the Long Night in Middle-earth. It was also the place in which Beren first saw Lúthien and fell in love with her as she danced in the moonlight.

After Beren was captured by Sauron, Thingol, knowing that Lúthien would try to rescue her lover, had her imprisoned in a house built in the tallest Beech-tree (called by the Sindar of Doriath Hírilorn).[1]

Treebeard, being old enough to remember the First Age, recalled that he had enjoyed visiting Taur-na-neldor (another name for the Forest of Neldoreth) in the autumn months.[2]


Neldoreth is a Sindarin word with obscured meaning. The first element of the word Neldoreth came from the word neldor, meaning 'Beech-tree', though the origin of the second element eth appears to be unclear. It may have originated from the Sindarin words eryn, meaning 'forest', ethuil, meaning 'spring', or eth, which is an ending referring to a person or an animal. From these words, the word Neldoreth could mean "forest of Beech-trees", "spring of Beech-trees" (or perhaps "the growing of the Beech-trees"), or "Beech-trees of animals" (or it may have been a reference to the Elves of Doriath, in which case it could have the intended meaning of "Beech-trees of the Elves", or perhaps it was a reference to both Elves and animals).[3]

In other versions[]

In one version of the "Lay of Lúthien" it's said that Beren kissed Lúthien "in the woven woods of Nemorie", "in the tangled trees of Tramorie".[4] According the context of this poem, this places could be located in the Forest of Neldoreth. The meaning of Nemorie and Tramorie in early Ñoldorin Quenya is unknown.


Foreign Language Translated name
Arabic نيلدوريته
Armenian Նելդորետ
Belarusian Cyrillic Нелдорет
Bengali নালডোরেথ
Bulgarian Cyrillic Нелдорет
Chinese 奈爾多雷斯
Danish Neldoreth Skov
Georgian ნელდორეთ
Greek Νελδορεθ
Gujarati ણેલ્દોરેથ
Hebrew נלדורת
Hindi न्ऐल्दोर्ऐथ
Kannada ನೆಲ್ಡೋರೆತ್
Kazakh Нелдорет (Cyrillic) Neldoret (Latin)
Korean 넬도 레스
Kyrgyz Cyrillic Нэлдорэт
Macedonian Cyrillic Нелдорет
Marathi नेल्डोरथ
Mongolian Cyrillic Нэлдорэт
Nepalese नेल्दोरेथ
Persian نلدورت
Punjabi ਨੇਲਡੋਰਥ
Russian Нельдорет
Serbian Нелдорет (Cyrillic) Neldoret (Latin)
Sinhalese නිල්ඩෝඩත්
Tajik Cyrillic Нелдорет
Tamil ணெல்தொரெத்
Telugu నిలదొరేత్
Ukrainian Cyrillic Нелдорет
Yiddish נעלדאָרעטה

