Real world[]
- 1972: Keith Ferguson, the voice actor who played Morgomir in The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II: The Rise of the Witch-king is born.
In Eä[]
TA 2941[]
- The Battle of the Five Armies
- Death of Thorin II
TA 3019[]
- The Breaking of the Fellowship
- Death of Boromir
- Merry and Pippin are taken as prisoners by the Uruk-hai and Orc band that killed Boromir.
- Frodo and Sam reach the eastern Emyn Muil on their own.
- Now calling themselves the Three Hunters, Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas sent out in pursuit of Uruk-hai and Orc band that had taken Merry and Pippin.