
Sep. 1st, 2011 03:45 pm
lightgetsin: The Tenth Doctor with his glasses on and the caption 'skience!" (tenth doctor skience)
[personal profile] lightgetsin
ETA3: Away for oral surgery. Blarg. Will attempt to catch up with everyone who wants to talk to me when recovered, so please hold.

ETA2: To any support people from the below companies who want to follow up with me -- thanks. Please just comment here and I'll get to you as soon as I can. It doesn't do any good to mention me on twitter and ask me to dm you -- twitter doesn't work that way when we don't follow each other (that one's for you, Google. *pats*). I may not be able to forward correspondence as a whole since most of these are tied to real name accounts and I really cannot cross identities. But I will copy-and-paste and summarize happily.

ETA: To everyone popping in from Twitter/reblogging/wherever -- thanks for stopping by! Please know that this journal is 95% private these days. The rest is fanfic and the very occasional public life event or accessibility rant. I am unlikely to be of long-term interest to anyone not into pornographic stories about fictional characters, just so's we're all clear on that up front. If you really want to watch me regularly foam at the mouth about social justice in general and disability in particular, try my book reviews, that's probably what you're after. Thanks!

I was recently treated to another round of “disabled people need to just ask for accommodations, then they’d be given them,” with the usual accompaniments of “you shouldn’t be so angry” and “you should be nicer."

So I figured, okay. I know this is bullshit from a lifetime of experience, but let’s gather some data.

What I did
I gave myself 7 days. Every time during that 7 days I ran into a particular kind of inaccessibility, I wrote to the owner/relevant authority and asked them to fix it. I aimed for short, factual, informative request letters.

(To an Italian restaurant)


I recently attempted to use your website to read your menu before coming in. I was disappointed to discover your menu is a .jpg image embedded in the website, making it inaccessible to blind and low vision users. Screenreaders cannot read the contents of images out loud. I found this very inconvenient, and wish you would take steps to make your website accessible to all your potential customers. The contents of the menu should be placed on the website as text with regular html markup. You can also post a pdf file of your menu, but pdf’s have their own accessibility pitfalls, and this is a much less preferred option.

For more information on website accessibility in general and this issue in particular, try

Thank you for your attention. I would be happy to answer any questions.

(My full name, complete with J.D. for that bit of lawyer pomposity).

The parameters
I had to limit it. I had to limit it a lot, if I wanted to keep doing things like eating, sleeping, and working.

So I only asked for accessibility fixes to websites and iPhone apps. And I further limited it by only asking for things that were broken. Not just irritating, figure-out-a-workaround inaccessible, but flat out I-cannot-use-this inaccessible.

Who I wrote to

  • Teefury – no alt tags or shirt descriptions means I can’t/won’t buy anything

  • Echofon (twitter app)

  • My train arrivals tracker app – it refreshes every 10 seconds, which trips Voiceover but good and puts my focus back at the top of the screen. Easy solution is to have an option to turn off auto-refresh

  • My broker – Bad Ajax can’t fill out forms ARRRRGH.

  • My dental insurance

  • My vet

  • Travelocity

  • The administrator of my employer’s intranet – ohgod, everything. But for these purposes, all links are graphical and none are tagged.

  • Goodreads – Argh can’t use magic ajaxy comment boxes argh, also the app in its entirety

  • The Fluevog site

  • An upscale Italian place within walking distance of home

  • Demeter Fragrance

  • Gmail – anything that isn’t in basic html mode doesn’t work

  • Facebook (okay, I cheated on that one, I wouldn’t ordinarily go to Facebook in a week, but I did just so I could write to them)


  • Google (for the search engine) – Google Instant crashes Jaws, and the current “solution” is to have a link to turn Instant off. Except it only works for a single pageview at a time, ARRRRGH).

  • Youtube – No access to player controls at all

  • Tumblr – we’ve talked about this


  • The website of the Governor of Nevada – Why! WHY would you post your official documents as jpg’s! No one cares that much about your pretty signature!


  • – can’t complete any purchases, “buy” button not labeled.

  • Google+ - Uh . . . everything

  • A definitely not upscale Italian delivery place – screwy menus so I can’t actually get to any section but the appetizers

  • Potbelleys – terrible pdf menus

  • My health insurance – not like I need to, uh, use that or anything

The results
I grouped responses into categories:

1. Competent and positive: Something like, “we didn’t know, we’ll get on that.” I intended to also include things like, “I’m not qualified to handle this, let me pass you up the chain,” where the intention clearly is to get the problem solved, not make me go away. I also intended to count responses along the lines of, “we have to talk to our tech people about this, but we want to fix it and here’s a rough idea of how long it might take.” This ended up not being necessary.

Number of responses in this category: 0

2. The runaround: People who don’t know what I’m talking about and don’t care enough to find out, so you end up in an endless loop getting passed up and down the chain of command until someone finally just stops answering, or, for the bigger corporations, you get one of those, “your ticket has been closed, we hope you are satisfied,” emails.

Number of responses: 6 (23%)

3. Hostility: Some version of “we know it’s inaccessible, but we are not fixing it,” or “we didn’t know, and we’re not fixing it.” I include in this category any version of, “it would be too hard,” (universally incorrect) “not enough people need that,” or “our customers haven’t asked for that” (what am I, exactly?) There are legit technical reasons why certain access issues would be very difficult to fix, but I happen to know a fair amount about this, and most of what I’m talking about here are discrete, one-fix issues.

Number of responses: 7 (27%)

4. Silence: Complete nonresponsiveness, other than a form “we’ve received your letter” email in some cases, and often with the "we respond to every request within x days" language. (The length of time between my note and this post ranges from 11 to 18 days. I’ll update if any more trickle in).

Number of responses: 13 (50%)

Positive responses
Nope, not a single one.

The runaround

  • My broker

  • Facebook

  • Peapod

  • Nike

  • My health insurance

  • Gmail

  • Google+

  • Google (search)

  • Tumblr

  • Youtube

  • Travelocity

  • Goodreads

  • Teefury

  • Demeter Fragrance

  • Echofon

  • Train app

  • Dental insurance

  • vet

  • My employer’s intranet

  • Fluevog

  • Upscale Italian place

  • Not upscale Italian place

  • Abovethelaw

  • Governor of Nevada

  • Potbellys

Some observations
Oh my God that took a lot of time. Seriously, hours and hours. I knew it would, but I was surprised by just how much. I thought I’d be able to get some sort of form letter going, but my comments were always so specific, it just didn’t work. (I also anticipate a pretty big time/emotion suck involved in dealing with whatever trolling/anonymous hating/general badness comes down on me for posting this complete with final paragraph. But hey, maybe it won’t come out that way. More surprising things have happened.)

It was also psychologically exhausting, but, well. We knew that. I went back and forth with some of these guys ten or twelve times, explaining and explaining the same thing over and over again. And there was something I didn’t know to keep track of until halfway through, and by then I couldn’t stomach going back through all the correspondence to count. It’s the “la la la!” response where the person clearly hasn’t understood a word I’ve said and just really really wants me to go away. E.g., where I wrote to say “I can’t buy a gift certificate, the ‘purchase’ button is not labeled, here’s how it should work.” And what I got back was, “we’re sorry you’re having trouble printing a gift certificate. Here’s how to hit the print button.” …Yeah.

I also intended to separately keep track of the nonaccessibility solutions offered. Things like, “okay, you can’t use our website, so just email me your order and I’ll process it for you.” This is not great, for obvious reasons (disabled people, they just need to use that other door, you know, the one in the back) but it would actually get shit done, and I am busy. This also ended up being unnecessary because not a single such offer was made. People went out of their way to not take my money.

Other suggested reading
[personal profile] celli on writing to the CTA. This will make you laugh. And then weep.

…Do I actually need to say anything here?

No, wait, there is something I want to say. Doing this – interacting with a bunch of organizations from the tiny to the giant in attempts to get something inaccessible fixed – was outwardly not much like the community-wide spasm fandom had last year over accessibility. Totally different ways of processing a problem. But it felt exactly the same to me. Like I am a second-class citizen, like I am imposing by existing and by being a user, like I should please please please go away. And I think the results here demonstrate the exact same thing that fandom did last year.
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Date: 2011-09-01 05:09 pm (UTC)
thingswithwings: these books won't read themselves! probably. (gen - these books won't read themselves!)
From: [personal profile] thingswithwings
This is such a great post - the experiment you did demonstrates SO PERFECTLY why the "just ask for accommodation" model is such an horrifying and unrealistic "solution." Between the sheer amount of work it takes for someone to ask for accommodation everywhere, and the obvious results that asking doesn't really seem to work, sort of ever . . . yeah. Pretty stark demonstration.

Okay if I link to this?

(no subject)

From: [personal profile] thingswithwings - Date: 2011-09-01 05:29 pm (UTC) - Expand

Date: 2011-09-01 05:13 pm (UTC)
celli: a dandelion being blown into the air, captioned "blow me" (blow me)
From: [personal profile] celli
Wow, that 0 up there...I thought one was the loneliest number!


(no subject)

From: [personal profile] celli - Date: 2011-09-01 05:29 pm (UTC) - Expand

Date: 2011-09-01 05:17 pm (UTC)
tricksterquinn: Moira MacTaggert in trenchcoat & umbrella gazing seriously out of frame. It's muted & pensive & lovely. (Default)
From: [personal profile] tricksterquinn
That was exhausting to merely read, exhausting and horrifying and incredibly disheartening. I honestly can't even begin to fathom what you go through on a daily basis. I am so sorry people are such asshats, and I want to smack every one of them. And figure out how to help make the world less crap in this particular way.

So thank you for making and continuing to make this kind of ridiculous bullshit visible to me, because this is a place I have privilege which is too easy to not even notice, and that's just unacceptable.

Date: 2011-09-01 06:15 pm (UTC)
From: [identity profile]
Everything in this comment, pretty much.

That sounds completely exhausting, and the fact that they COULD make the fixes pretty easily if they wanted to just adds a whole level of diabolical.

I also want to link to this, but if I do it via Feministe you will get between 3,000 and 10,000 new readers. Do you want 10,000 readers? Let me know.

(no subject)

From: [personal profile] cahn - Date: 2011-09-02 04:10 am (UTC) - Expand

Date: 2011-09-01 05:35 pm (UTC)
eruthros: Mai from Avatar: TLA mid-fight, with sunlight glinting off her shuriken (Avatar - mai kicks ass)
From: [personal profile] eruthros
That is ... really telling, both in the number of places you had to contact and in the responses you got. And sounds just exhausting and awful.

A thing that always gets to me is that even in places that have the option, it doesn't always "stick" - I turn off google instant because it gives me headaches, but I have to do it over and over and over again, the option keeps coming back. Or I can go use some other search engine. Because even the fix doesn't work!

(no subject)

From: [personal profile] jadelennox - Date: 2011-09-01 06:03 pm (UTC) - Expand

(no subject)

From: [personal profile] kate_nepveu - Date: 2011-09-01 07:24 pm (UTC) - Expand

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From: [personal profile] kate_nepveu - Date: 2011-09-01 07:47 pm (UTC) - Expand

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From: [personal profile] kate_nepveu - Date: 2011-09-01 08:12 pm (UTC) - Expand

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From: [personal profile] eruthros - Date: 2011-09-01 08:15 pm (UTC) - Expand

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From: [personal profile] niqaeli - Date: 2011-09-01 07:37 pm (UTC) - Expand

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From: [personal profile] amberfox - Date: 2011-09-02 02:09 pm (UTC) - Expand

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From: [personal profile] reddragdiva - Date: 2011-09-03 12:03 pm (UTC) - Expand

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From: [personal profile] cesy - Date: 2011-09-03 06:24 pm (UTC) - Expand


From: (Anonymous) - Date: 2011-09-04 08:47 pm (UTC) - Expand

(no subject)

From: [personal profile] genarti - Date: 2011-09-13 04:31 pm (UTC) - Expand

If you don't like google instant, try Yahoo instead

From: (Anonymous) - Date: 2011-09-03 07:21 pm (UTC) - Expand

Date: 2011-09-01 05:36 pm (UTC)
niqaeli: cat with arizona flag in the background (Default)
From: [personal profile] niqaeli
I wish I were surprised. I really, profoundly wish I were surprised. I'm not. I run into accessibility issues online all the time and with sufficient corrective lenses, I'm not low-vision, just migraine-prone.

And also, I remember requesting one of my former workplaces for the perfectly reasonable accommodations of giving me the damn access necessary to not making me walk on uneven, outdoor cobblestone that was dangerous as hell when wet. (They refused. I'm pretty sure illegally, but I was not up to the legal fight.)

So while I admit I was kind of hoping you'd have one positive response out of all those, I wasn't really expecting it. *sigh*

It's okay to link? Because this is a pretty damn good demonstration of why asking for accommodation is not a viable solution to the infrastructural problems in our society.
Edited Date: 2011-09-01 05:41 pm (UTC)

(no subject)

From: [personal profile] niqaeli - Date: 2011-09-01 07:44 pm (UTC) - Expand

(no subject)

From: [personal profile] traykor - Date: 2011-09-01 08:44 pm (UTC) - Expand

(no subject)

From: [personal profile] traykor - Date: 2011-09-01 09:10 pm (UTC) - Expand

(no subject)

From: [personal profile] vkbar - Date: 2011-09-02 10:04 am (UTC) - Expand

(no subject)

From: [personal profile] traykor - Date: 2011-09-02 03:18 pm (UTC) - Expand

(no subject)

From: [personal profile] vkbar - Date: 2011-09-02 06:08 pm (UTC) - Expand

(no subject)

From: [personal profile] traykor - Date: 2011-09-03 02:01 am (UTC) - Expand

(no subject)

From: [personal profile] badgerbag - Date: 2011-09-03 03:53 pm (UTC) - Expand

Date: 2011-09-01 05:39 pm (UTC)
jadelennox: out of spoons (gimp: no spoons)
From: [personal profile] jadelennox
I admit, your message prompted me to go looking, and I found that thread on goodread and... wow. My adrenaline levels are spiking right now, from rage about which I can do nothing at all.

Also, I'm surprised you didn't get any of the category of responses that I tend to get when I write with a version of that complaint:

"Well, I asked my disabled friend / checked it against the validator / verified with the web designer and it's totally accessible, SO THERE. You are a lying liar."

Seriously, I have gotten a version of that response to about 50% of the accessibility complaints I send out, and they range from politely bewildered to pretty much exactly that rude. And yes, my initial queries are always very polite.

Date: 2011-09-01 05:52 pm (UTC)
cyprinella: broken neon sign that reads "lies & fish" (Default)
From: [personal profile] cyprinella
JFC, that's depressing.

Date: 2011-09-01 06:14 pm (UTC)
reginagiraffe: Stick figure of me with long wavy hair and giraffe on shirt. (Default)
From: [personal profile] reginagiraffe
The Google+ one is almost the worst because this is a BRAND NEW THING. They can make it however they want! It's still in beta, even!

I'm definitely bookmarking this for use whenever I see that argument. I'm sorry the results were were so crappy.

Date: 2011-09-03 06:33 pm (UTC)
cesy: "Cesy" - An old-fashioned quill and ink (Default)
From: [personal profile] cesy
I've been following the Google accessibility mailing list for a while. Apparently since they started marketing Google Apps to universities they've been trying to claim at industry conferences that all their products are accessible. The actual screenreader users point out that this is not true. Some junior representative apologises, and says they'll fix that one minor bug and it won't happen again. Next week, someone points out the rest of the bugs, and we go through the whole cycle again. Meanwhile, they also try to insist that everyone should use either ChromeVox or the latest version of Jaws, apparently not realising that not everyone is made of money. It's depressing.

(no subject)

From: (Anonymous) - Date: 2011-09-03 09:19 pm (UTC) - Expand

(no subject)

From: [personal profile] jadelennox - Date: 2011-09-13 05:41 pm (UTC) - Expand

(no subject)

From: [personal profile] yaspis - Date: 2011-10-02 08:35 am (UTC) - Expand

Date: 2011-09-01 06:45 pm (UTC)
ellen_fremedon: overlapping pages from Beowulf manuscript, one with a large rubric, on a maroon ground (Default)
From: [personal profile] ellen_fremedon
The thing that gets me is that you went into this experiment with such depressingly low expectations in the first place-- and yet, not one place managed to live up to them. The bar, it is set so low! And yet!

Date: 2011-09-01 09:30 pm (UTC)
kore: (Default)
From: [personal profile] kore
THIS, yes.

(no subject)

From: [personal profile] toft - Date: 2011-09-02 05:19 pm (UTC) - Expand

Date: 2011-09-01 06:52 pm (UTC)
kass: Angry Willow is Angry (Willow)
From: [personal profile] kass
There's a certain temptation to curse a lot, reading this, but instead I'll just say: I am sorry that things suck this much.

Date: 2011-09-01 06:57 pm (UTC)
neery: Image of Saturn and a sun, words "Touching the stars" (Touching the stars)
From: [personal profile] neery
What the fuck, not one helpful reply? Not even one? WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE?

Date: 2011-09-02 05:36 am (UTC)
From: (Anonymous)
It's not quite as bad as it sounds. All the people who would have been helpful didn't need to be, because their sites were already accessible.

The lesson is more that if the site is not already accessible, it's not because they forgot, and claims that people should ask for help are misinformed.

(no subject)

From: [identity profile] - Date: 2011-09-02 11:17 pm (UTC) - Expand

Date: 2011-09-01 07:04 pm (UTC)
jackandahat: A brown otter, no text. (Default)
From: [personal profile] jackandahat
Thank you for posting this - it is a perfect illustration of the argument.

(Followed s e smith's link from Twitter.)

Date: 2011-09-01 07:26 pm (UTC)
kate_nepveu: sleeping cat carved in brown wood (Default)
From: [personal profile] kate_nepveu
1. Competent and positive: . . . This ended up not being necessary.


I mean, thank you for collecting data and sharing it, but GAAH.

Date: 2011-09-01 07:34 pm (UTC)
lileyo: A Red-headed Woodpecker, perched on a wooden stump and cocking its head. (Default)
From: [personal profile] lileyo
Jeez, the amount of work you put into this. This post is spectacular. Thank you so much for it. I was linked here from Twitter, so it's getting around fast. Here's hoping any flames are minor and that some real good will come of your efforts.

Date: 2011-09-01 07:58 pm (UTC)
laurashapiro: a woman sits at a kitchen table reading a book, cup of tea in hand. Table has a sliced apple and teapot. A cat looks on. (Default)
From: [personal profile] laurashapiro
Thank you for doing this work. I'm sure the costs have been high, but this is really valuable (and highly shareable) information for those of us who don't live with this every day. I was already convinced of the need for institutional accessibility, but this is a very convincing argument for those who aren't.

I saw you okay'ed t'wings linking this, so I hope it's all right that I G+'d and Tweeted it. If not, let me know and I'll delete.

(no subject)

From: [personal profile] laurashapiro - Date: 2011-09-01 09:30 pm (UTC) - Expand

Date: 2011-09-01 08:03 pm (UTC)
forestgreen: charchoil picture: Iason embracing Riki possessively and Riki reluctantly surrendering. Charecters from Ai No Kusabi (Default)
From: [personal profile] forestgreen
That sucks. *hugs*

Date: 2011-09-01 08:32 pm (UTC)
susanreads: my avatar, a white woman with brown hair and glasses (Default)
From: [personal profile] susanreads
Here via [personal profile] stoneself

Aaargh, entitled privileged so-and-sos. I bet the people who prompted you to do this will completely ignore the results too!

Date: 2011-09-01 08:50 pm (UTC)
traykor: picture of Barbara Gordon aka Oracle (Default)
From: [personal profile] traykor
And people wonder why we just stop asking for things. It really does suck when you do and more often than not people respond in terrible ways.

Date: 2011-09-01 09:28 pm (UTC)
ratcreature: Like a spork between the eyes. (spork)
From: [personal profile] ratcreature
That is really depressing. I'm actually surprised that it was quite this bad with not a single positive or even individually helpful response.

The text as JPEG thing is so horrible. The first time I encountered that lunacy was actually in fandom, way back in the 90s with The Sentinel fic, and not a short story that was mixed with graphics or anything either, but something quite long and just text. I was on dialup and it was horrible for that already, and then I could not make out the text, because it was so tiny and fuzzy. I wrote the author, completely bewildered over why the text was not really text (I was still rather new to the internet) and asked whether I could get the actual text, but it wasn't some horrible mistake as I had assumed, but the author did not want anyone to easily be able to repost or copy their fic. I can't believe anyone does this on professional sites.

(no subject)

From: [personal profile] ratcreature - Date: 2011-09-01 09:45 pm (UTC) - Expand

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From: [personal profile] torachan - Date: 2011-09-02 06:38 am (UTC) - Expand

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From: [personal profile] laurajv - Date: 2011-09-01 10:50 pm (UTC) - Expand

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From: [personal profile] lilacsigil - Date: 2011-09-02 12:41 am (UTC) - Expand

(no subject)

From: [personal profile] pne - Date: 2011-09-02 11:04 am (UTC) - Expand

Date: 2011-09-01 09:34 pm (UTC)
chagrined: Marvel comics: zombie!Spider-Man, holding playing cards, saying "Brains?" (brains?)
From: [personal profile] chagrined
Thank you for this post. My response is basically the same as traykor's above me. Based on enough past experiences of trying to ask for accommodations and being refused with varying degrees of "oh gosh how can we make this person be quiet and go away" to "how dare you ask for such a thing," yeah. And yet every time this discussion happens I get the same response, and it's like, look, it's exhausting enough having tried for that in the past, and I really do not need to go through the exhaustion of trying to explain it to you only to have you deny my experience anyway (or of course to blame me for "doing it wrong").

This post makes me think, wow, maybe I can actually link some of those people to this and they'll finally get it.

...yeahhhhhh, who am I kidding? T__T

Date: 2011-09-01 09:35 pm (UTC)
melodiousb: (Default)
From: [personal profile] melodiousb
Depressing, but incredibly informative.

Feministe reader

Date: 2011-09-01 09:42 pm (UTC)
From: (Anonymous)
Came to this via feministe. Really great article, thanks.

I am sorry...

Date: 2011-09-01 09:42 pm (UTC)
From: (Anonymous)
... that you had to go through this.

I do UX/UI development at a BigCorporation (tm) and one of my focuses is on universal accessibility... color blineness issues, screen readers, alt tags, the works. The specifications that I write out for accessibility (use these alt tags, that hierarchy of headers, skip links, etc) don't always get developed for reasons unknown, which always makes me pull my hair in frustration. This is so easy people! It doesn't take a lot of time! And it is important! Argh.

Anyway I just wanted to let you know that there are people out there who are fighting on your behalf and trying to make things better...

Re: I am sorry...

From: (Anonymous) - Date: 2011-09-02 09:50 am (UTC) - Expand

Re: I am sorry...

From: [identity profile] - Date: 2011-09-03 10:08 pm (UTC) - Expand

Date: 2011-09-01 09:43 pm (UTC)
tea: Barbara Gordon/Oracle, pushing her hair back. (Default)
From: [personal profile] tea
I did a double take when I got to that 0. And reread it a couple times to make sure I'd got it right - awful, but an amazingly powerful illustration of your point. Thank-you for putting in the exhausting-sounding work, I will remember it!

Date: 2011-09-01 09:48 pm (UTC)
arallara: Chris Kirkpatrick does the "Uncle Sam" point with text banners above and below reading "You Control the Narrative." (Default)
From: [personal profile] arallara
Wow, thank you so much for not only taking the time (and using the energy!) to go through this "experiment" but to write up and post your results. An incredibly helpful perspective. It confirms what I have imagined, to the best of my empathetic ability, when I have thought about accessibility issues, only much, much more so. To have it laid out like that is powerful and instructive.
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lightgetsin: The Doodledog with frisbee dangling from her mouth, looking mischievious, saying innocence personified. (Default)
The light's how they find you

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