Nothing says Friday the 13th quite like a group of black cats. Pictured here are owners with their black cats, waiting in line for audition in movie “Tales of Terror” in 1961. (Ralph Crane—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images) #catsofinstagram #blackcats #Fridaythe13th
From the May 21, 1945 Fashion feature: “WHAT IS THE AMERICAN LOOK? The Girls of the U.S. have an air of their own.” According to LIFE, “The American Look is a mosaic of diverse features untied in coherent pattern.” This image was included under the heading SIMPLICITY. The original caption: “When she wears a hat she likes a simple felt or straw one which manages to look right no matter how she puts it on. it can be carried easily, either in the hand or in a suitcase.” (Nina Leen—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images) #fashionfriday#NinaLeen #VintageFashion
The Lascaux Cave paintings near the village of Montignac in southwestern France were discovered 79 years ago today on September 12, 1940. A detail from the cave paintings is pictured here from 1947 taken by the great LIFE photographer, Ralph Morse. (Ralph Morse—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images) #Lascaux #cavepaintings #TBT
56 years ago today - View of some of the leaders of March on Washington for Jobs & Freedom as they march with signs, Washington DC, August 28, 1963. Among those pictured are, front row from left, John Lewis, Matthew Ahman, Floyd B. McKissick, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, Reverend Eugene Carson Blake, Cleveland Robinson, and Rabbi Joachim Prinz (in sunglasses). The march provided the setting for Dr. King’s iconic ‘I Have a Dream’ speech. (Robert W. Kelley—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images) #LIFElegends #ihaveadream #marchonwashington #MLK
In New York? Don’t forget to check out our exhibition at the New York Historical Society, LIFE: Six Women Photographers, featuring the pioneering work of Margaret Bourke-White, Martha Holmes, Nina Leen, Lisa Larsen, Marie Hansen, and Hansel Mieth. The show highlights rare photographs from our archive—and the untold stories behind them. #nyhistory #womenshistory #LIFElegends (at New-York Historical Society)
From the September 3, 1945 SPEAKING OF PICTURES photo essay - “…These Record the Pleasures of a Boy and his Dog.” Pictured here are Larry Jim Holm and his dog Dunk heading home after a long summer day of fishing in Oskaloosa, Iowa.“ (Myron Davis—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images) #summertime #Iowa #TBT
LIFE legend, Finnish-American architect and designer Eero Saarinen was born 109 years ago today on August 20, 1910 in Kirkkonummi, Grand Duchy of Finland. Perhaps best known for the TWA terminal in NYC and the Gateway Arch in St. Louis, Missouri, he was also a great designer of furniture such as the tulip chair and womb chair (both pictured). He is pictured here in his study in 1958. (Frank Scherschel—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images) #LIFElegends #EeroSaarinen
50 years ago from the August 22, 1969 cover story - THAT YOUNG NEW YORK LOOK - one of the classic LIFE photo essays by the great Vernon Merritt III. This image ran in the essay which started with the following caption: “New York City is a costume party for the young this summer, a party that is taking place outdoors, on the streets and in the parks. Long hair, long legs. The party is not always elegant, but it is completely alive.” (Vernon Merritt III—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images) #thisweekinLIFE #NYC #1969
LIFE legend Lucille Ball was born 108 years ago today, August 6, 1911 in Jamestown, New York, She is pictured here impersonating Charlie Chaplin holding a bread stick like a cigar in Hollywood for her New Year’s TV show in 1962. According to LIFE, she was “an expert imitator of the great Charlie.” (Ralph Crane—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images) #LIFElegends #ILoveLucy #LucilleBall
Now available on newsstands everywhere from LIFE books: MANSON—HIS FAMILY, THEIR CRIMES, AND THE END OF THE 1960s. Swipe through to see a sneak peak of images by LIFE photographers and be sure to check out our IG story for more images and link to purchase on Amazon.
Cover (clockwise from top left) Michael Flippo/Alamy; Mondadori Portfolio/Getty; Archive Photos/Getty; Bettmann/Getty. Roman Polanski and Sharon Tate at a party in 1968 by Bill Ray/LIFE. Spahn Ranch by Ralph Crane/LIFE
Artist and LIFE legend Henry Moore was born 121 years ago on this day, July 30, 1898 in Castleford, Yorkshire, England. He is pictured here drawing with light in his studio in England, 1949 with one of his sculptures. (Gjon Mili—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images) #LIFElegends #HenryMoore
Now available: LIFE: WOODSTOCK at 50—Three Amazing Days of Peace and Music. Swipe through for a sneak peak of some of the great photos included. You can find this special edition on newsstands everywhere and Amazon - Photos: Woodstock Ventures LC; Barry Z. Levine/Getty Images; John Dominis/The LIFE Picture Collection; Bill Eppridge/The LIFE Picture Collection; Barry Z. Levine/Getty Images; John Dominis/The LIFE Picture Collection
70 years ago this week from the July 25, 1949 cover story PLASTIC BEACH BOAT. According to LIFE, “The girl being pitched out of the plastic boat on LIFE’s cover is 18-year-old Janet Sims, daughter of a merchant marine officer. A moment later Janet was upside down in the breakers with the boat on top of her. On other rides the waves bucked and spun the boat making her dizzy bu leaving her high and dry on the sand. Janet lives in The Bronx, New York and is proud of her ability to speak her parents’ native Esthonian.” This photo was shot in Daytona Beach, Florida. (George Silk—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images) #thisweekinLIFE #DaytonaBeach #VintageLIFE
An outtake from the May 5, 1958 fashion feature: “A CUBAN WAY WITH STYLES—Designers’ U.S. hits are set off by their native land, photographed by the great Gordon Parks.The essay focused on 3 Cuban-born designers: Adolfo, Luis Estevez and Miguel Ferreras. (Gordon Parks—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images) #fashionfriday #Vintagefashion #Cuba
LIFE legend Sophia Loren cutting roses in her garden at home in Rome for her husband Carlo Ponti in 1964. This image was part of a larger cover story about Sophia and her life at home. “CARLO AND SOPHIA—LIFE visits a dream house in Italy built with money and lots and lots of love.” (Alfred Eisenstaedt—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images) #LIFElegends #Italy #SophiaLoren