Start your free 14-day trial now and never miss another billable hour!

Try Freckle on us with our 14-day fully functional free trial.
Don't worry, there's no long-term contract and you can cancel or change your plan at any time.


1 user

Add'l users $14/month/user
  • Time tracking
  • Reporting
  • Invoicing
  • Email support
Start Free Trial

No credit card required


Starts with 5 users

Add'l users $10/month/user
  • Time tracking
  • Reporting
  • Invoicing
  • Entry approval
  • Email support
Start Free Trial

No credit card required


Starts with 25 users

Add'l users $8/month/user
  • Time tracking
  • Reporting
  • Invoicing
  • Entry approval & audit log
  • Priority support
Start Free Trial

No credit card required

Questions? Have lots of users? Need help importing data? Have more than 50 users and want to discuss custom pricing options? No problem! Get in touch with our Sales Team.

Join thousands of companies that track their time with Freckle since 2008!

All our plans include these features:

“Freckle just makes you want to keep track of your time.”
“Freckle is refreshingly light, agile, and easy to get into.”
“If you find you’re spending more time managing your business than actually getting work done, check out Freckle.”
“The most striking part of the app is the user interface. […] You can enter all of the data from the keyboard. And that saves time. Time that could be spent on other projects.”
“Freckle acknowledges that while time tracking is a necessary task, it isn’t our real work, but rather an interruption of it. The thought is that if it were easy and painless to use, we would be more diligent about our time entries.”
“After years of pain-in-the-ass losing-all-your-time hour registration systems we're loving it! Bloated systems that are slow and over-engineered led us to try Freckle. Since we started using Freckle, everybody is booking hours again! Ruben Bos, Mangrove
Freckler since May 2011
The Pulse is my favorite feature and what sold me on Freckle. With the Pulse, I can easily see and keep track of how many hours I've done and for which client. This makes it really easy for me to see what I need to do for the rest of the week, and also plan for the time I can use for other projects. I can quickly see that I have already put in a certain amount of hours for one client and not yet another, so I know to dedicate some time to the other client. The Pulse really helps me manage my time better and keep track of how I'm actually using my time. It even lets me see when I'm not using my time efficiently.” Lisette Rotman, Lisetteart
Freckler since January 2012