fleegleWe love our fleegle because she is so smart and she shares and her lace is very very pretty. She answers all our questions and solves our knitting problems with easily understood instructions and pictures and never laughs at us. Her solutions to knitting problems are so clever that I have the urge to fall to my knees and chant "I'm not worthy!"She is the keeper of epic knitting tales has friends other than mammals and shares even non knitting gems with us from her creative genius. I am constantly inspired by her. What more could you ask for?
missalicefaye Spectacular eye-candy! That's her blog and her knitting. This woman knits so well and so fast that I think she has a secret clone that knits while she is sleeping. Of course, knitting is not her only craft talent and I've been charmed by her original embroidery, her other lace work as well as quilting skills. Everything she does is beautiful, delicate and often winsome. All this and attending school. Heck, I'm in a coma by comparison.
Laritiza/Yorksett Arts & Crafts Not just a one trick pony, Laritza is a multi-crafter and I love to look at whatever she is working on at the time. I envy her weaving in particular but I would rather watch her do it than take up yet another additiction! She also does not give up. I mean even in the face of disaster she picks herself back up and goes at it again until she get's the result she wants and the results are always spectacular. When I dispaired over a project gone bad she helped me to find a way to turn it into something positive. She makes you want to keep on knitting :-)
Opal/The Akamai Knitter Yes folks. She really is that nice. Most of her beautiful knitting is for others, she is supportive of her knitting group and family and to all of us out here in the blog-o-sphere and she rescues animals and loves them. When I need a knitting fix, I know I can go to her blog and she has posts that will make me happy. Did I mention she is the most prolific sock knitter I've ever seen? I have total sock envy. She also knits many things that I love to look at but don't want to knit myself ! Best of both worlds :-)
Jason/Jason KnitsI love looking at Jasons' blog because he is always sharing not just his love and excitement of knitting but his love of life in general. He is truly a gentle-man. He takes wonderful photographs of places or events he's been to and you feel as if you are also there, enjoying everything. I've knit for such a long time I had forgotten what it's like to be exploring the craft for the first time. With Jason's blog, you get to feel the thrill and wonder all over again as he makes that first hat or sock or shawl. It's thrilling to see his progress and I find myself rooting for him all the time :-)
Criminy Jickets A prolific knitter with a great eye for color and patterns, he is another one of those people destined to knit socks I love to look at and will never knit myself. And he has such very nice taste in yarn. I swoon when looking at his lovely stash and enjoy his discriptions of how each yarn worked out for him. I also enjoy the fact that he often does gift-exchanges so that I can see what other knitters are finding out there. His list of finished projects is impressive!
Super knitting and makes her own lace patterns too? What's not to like? You have to admire a woman who is so dedicated to her craft. Her patterns are beautiful and her choice of yarns outstanding. I have quite a lot of stash envy where she is concerned and it's frightening how many patterns and books on lace we have in common. Her blog is always a pleasure to read and I love watching her knitting progress.
Knitsanity/Lace Maven Lace,Lace,Lace. You know I love it and she does too! Yet another talented designer of lace as well as one who teaches, she is always knitting something wonderful. I can always depend on seeing something inspired or beautiful or clever at her blog. Of course she does other crafts I admire as well including weaving and her recent forays into crochet.
The Panopticon Just plain funny. Franklin lets fly his humor and whimsey into his blog and give me a laugh every time.The man can really write and he knits lace too :-) I also envy the fact that he has a live-in source of wool (though I think Dolores might have something to say about that).
Yarn HarlotAnother blog I read because she's funny and she knits. She knows the good the bad and the downright ugly of knitting and puts it out there for everyone to enjoy.
Thank you all for many wonderful hours of enjoyment!